This endless world

Chapter 334 Small-minded

Yang Yun was actually very unconvinced when she lost to Zheng Zha in the last horror film.

Even if Yang Yun is ready for Zheng Zha to become the captain of the Zhongzhou team, even if he knows that there are positive people, it is basically impossible for him to become the captain of the Zhongzhou team, but it does not prevent him from planning to have a head-to-head contest with Zheng Zha. . This is not only to test whether one's current strength is stronger or weaker than Zheng Zha's, but also to verify one's growth since entering the Lord God Space... To prove whether one is truly alive now!

For a qualified warrior, fighting is not only the process of victory, but also the meaning of their life. A hearty battle will allow them to find themselves and understand the road ahead... But Yang Yun The battle with Zheng Zha in Death Comes ended in a very unreasonable ending.

Zheng Zha won, but he didn't win.

Yang Yun lost, but he did not lose.

Under the interference of the positive ones and perhaps the negative ones, this battle finally came to a neither-win-win-win ending. Although Yang Yun had to put this matter on hold because of the upcoming Demon Team, the unwilling fire in his heart never went out... Even after experiencing a battle with the protagonist Zhao Yingkong, Yang Yun still couldn't let go of what happened before.

Now, when everything has been basically arranged, Yang Yun can release himself to his heart's content, put aside those troublesome things, and have a good time with Zheng Zha!


In the "super-sensory" state, Yang Yun could clearly see the deformation of the muscles on Zheng Zha's face when his fist hit him, as well as the three teeth that flew out of his mouth after the blow. ...With one blow, Zheng Zha was directly blasted tens of meters away by the punch, like an explosion of dynamite. While smashing stone slabs within hundreds of square meters, it also splashed smoke and dust all over the sky!

But Yang Yun understood that long before the attack came, Zheng Zha, who was in a violent state, instinctively used the "winding armor" and was prepared to be beaten. This punch seemed powerful, but in fact it did not penetrate Zheng Zha's body at all, causing further damage.

Moreover, the effect of force is reciprocal. Yang Yun's arm was also greatly damaged by this punch. The moment before he was beaten out, Zheng Zha never let go of his fingers that were tightly embedded in Yang Yun's muscles. After this punch, several muscles fell from Yang Yun's arms to the ground like peeling bananas, and even exposed The dense bones...

"It's so miserable."

Zhao Yingkong's voice came from nowhere. This assassin girl was just right for the chaotic battlefield. Even Yang Yun couldn't find her specific location. There was a hint of schadenfreude in her tone: "You can't do it right now?"

"You seem to be looking down on me a little too much."

True energy, one of the top healing energies, can achieve the effect of medicine regenerating bones by relying on this energy alone. Especially now that Yang Yun still has an incomplete version of the etheric immortal body!

——Zheng Zha, who is in the fourth-level gene lock state, may only need a short moment to recover from the attack of Yang Yun's punch.

——But before that, Yang Yun's injuries were healed first.

The disintegrated flesh and blood grew back from the white jade-like skeleton, splicing tendons, connecting blood vessels, and forming muscles and skin. It was as if time had gone back and healed as before, with no trace of any injury visible.

Injuries to the flesh are nothing more than ringworm and scabies. As long as there is no invasion of alien energy or micro-level attacks that shatter the entire body, then pure physical destruction is no longer an obstacle to Yang Yun, even if half of his upper body was almost lost like last time. With enough true energy, the injury can be fully healed in just a few more breaths.

"Hmph, I think so. The best thing about you is that you are like an invincible little strongman."

"I just thought you were complimenting me... It's time to end."

In terms of body regeneration ability, Yang Yun is almost comparable to the Namekians in Dragon Ball.

After building the foundation, Yang Yun was already ahead of Zheng Zha, who had been building the foundation for a hundred days, in terms of the energy flow rate and return speed within the body! No matter how powerful the fourth-level gene lock is, it will take time to optimize the corresponding genes... Yang Yun himself is naturally aware of the power of the punch just now.

At this moment, it is time to pursue victory!

Taking a step forward, Yang Yun clenched his right fist again, and the muscles all over his body bulged like thunderous explosions, and they were like a piece of steel that had been tempered over time. His entire body made an extremely large rotation from bottom to top, pouring all the power inside his body, including the true energy, into his fist!


Zheng Zha keenly felt the danger. He tried to organize his own counterattack, trying to get into position to resist Yang Yun's blow... But before he could react, a dagger appeared in his hand. The spine area just interrupted the "destruction" state he was about to start.

It's Zhao Yingkong.

Assassination of the fourth level is dangerous and fatal. Her dagger would always appear where it should appear... and Yang Yun obviously would not miss this opportunity. His fist had already struck in front of Zheng Zha.

There seemed to be the sound of wind and thunder, and there seemed to be flames igniting. It was the speed of the fist that exceeded the limit and ignited the air... The right fist from bottom to top exploded for the second time on Zheng Zha's chin, which had not yet recovered. !

With a cracking sound, Zheng Zha's head deflected ninety degrees the moment it came into contact with Yang Yun's fist, and his cervical vertebrae were undoubtedly broken into dozens of pieces... After Yang Yun's punch Down, he, who weighed nearly 100 kilograms, was beaten more than 50 meters into the air!

Then, the dust fell feebly.

——Even if I don't use Avalon, you are not worth fearing now.

——Because you who only have violence and murderous intent are destined to be unable to defeat you who have faith and goals. Naturally, you cannot defeat me.

Looking at Zheng who was lying on the ground with blood dripping on his face, the bones of his entire jaw were shattered, and even the balance of his body was completely destroyed by the dagger inserted into his spine, but his murderous intent remained unabated, and he even wanted to get up and continue fighting. Zha, Yang Yun clenched his fist and pointed in Zheng Zha's direction.

Even though all the flesh and blood on the fist, not to mention the nails, had been peeled off, and even the five fingers were twisted in different directions... the fist was still clenched.

——I'm sorry, Zheng Zha, I didn't mean to beat you like this. But even I can be a bit petty...

——After all, the last time we fought, you also borrowed external power. So this time I can also borrow Zhao Yingkong’s power. Shouldn’t it be a problem?

——If you don’t speak, I will take it as your acquiescence.

Yang Yun, who let out a breath of bad breath, showed a satisfied smile and looked up at the Lord God.

"Lord God, repair Zheng Zha's whole body..."

"The bonus points are deducted from himself!"

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