This endless world

Chapter 330 Fantasy materialized

Zheng Zha's cool behavior did not last long. When Luo Li woke up, she immediately threw herself into Zheng Zha's arms with tears in her eyes, while still saying worried words. This made Zheng Zha's original idea of ​​testing how powerful he was now come to naught.

In desperation, Zheng Zha could only make an appointment with Zhan Lan and Yang Yun. After gathering together to return to the Harry Potter world the next day, he returned to his room with Loli in his arms.

After watching Zheng Zha close the door to his room, Zhan Lan rubbed his forehead and said to Yang Yun beside him: "So this is the so-called 'dialogue'... Yang Yun, we have to maintain this state and hide it. How long have you been following Zheng Zha? Although I know deep down in my heart that this is for Zheng Zha's good, but when he really knows, he will definitely be angry."

"I can't hide it for much longer... In this team battle of Biochemistry 2, I will tell Zheng Zha part of the truth to a limited extent."

Yang Yun rubbed his forehead, exhaled a breath, looked at the moment beside him who was still checking the information in his hand and said: "How is it, have you thought about what you want to exchange for?"

"Utopia materialized."

Setsuna finally put away the information in his hand, looked into Yang Yun's eyes, and responded without emotion: "This exchange is both bloodline and skill. The explanation from the main god is that it interferes with the probability of many phenomena happening. ', forcing something that would have been impossible to happen."

"Because this is the result of interference with the probability of occurrence, it is said to be the realization of fantasy. In fact, the things that can be realized are not limited to objects...Essentially, this can be regarded as a kind of exchange at the level of the law of cause and effect."

"I don't quite understand..."

During the time when she returned to the Grudge, Zhan Lan actually had little contact with Setsuna, the Lord of the Holy Spear. Most of the time, she spent most of the time alone in the simulated universe contemplating the stars, with the light brain always by her side. Xiaoyun can meet all her needs... and the Change of Stars chart does not belong to the category of orthodox cultivation, so Zhan Lan didn't understand almost a word of what Setsuna just said.

"After strengthening this exchange, you can imagine some kind of inanimate object in your mind, then use powerful computing power to copy it into reality, and use it perfectly." Yang Yun gave Zhan Lan a brief explanation: " To put it simply, it is turning fiction into reality.”

"It sounds very powerful." Zhan Lan smiled and said: "Since it is such a powerful exchange, the price must be very expensive."

"Fortunately, after playing through the Grudge, I finally have some small treasury. Coupled with the two B-level side plots of Qi Tengyi and Zhao Yingkong, it should be enough."

Although he said this, when Yang Yun inquired about the specific price of the materialization of his fantasy from the Lord God, he couldn't help but show a heartbroken expression.

Completely different from the Reality Embodiment Fantasy Technique that Lin Juntian strengthened in the original world line, which only has A-level and double-A levels. Fantasy Embodiment is actually a three-level exchange, divided into A-level, double-A level and S-level... that is It is said that this bloodline involving the law of cause and effect has been strengthened to the highest level, and it actually costs two S-level side plots. It is one of the most expensive exchanges Yang Yun has ever seen.

"The lowest first-level bloodline alone requires up to an A-level branch plot and 12,000 reward points. Although I know that the exchange for starting at A-level is definitely much stronger than starting at B-level, I still want to's so dark, Lord God."

Yang Yun muttered, but he didn't object. For redemptions of the same level, the higher the reward points required, the stronger the redemption would be. Compared with the Reality Embodiment Illusion Technique, which only requires 8,000 reward points, the Fantasy Embodiment Technique, which requires 1.5 times the reward points, is obviously more powerful.

Comforting himself that his money was not in vain, Yang Yun took out a communicator and sent messages to Qi Tengyi and Zhao Yingkong respectively... Although it was already late at night, Yang Yun wanted to know that these two people One person must be burning the midnight oil to read, while the other person is working hard to complete the corresponding tasks in the upcoming team battle.

"In fact, according to the data, this skill is not only as simple as the law of cause and effect, but also involves the mystery of void creation, which is a field that far exceeds the limits of our known technology."

While Yang Yun was waiting for the two of them to arrive, Setsuna pushed up his glasses again, and gave a rare defense to the Lord God: "On the contrary, I feel that the price is too low, and I am completely sorry for its value..."

"Say less, all you are spending is my money."

Yang Yun complained feebly, and within a few words, Zhao Yingkong and Qi Tengyi had already walked out of their respective rooms. Before they could get closer, Qi Tengyi couldn't wait to say: "I really didn't expect that, Yang Yun, you actually pulled Teacher Setsuna into the main god space."

"Yes, it took me a lot of effort, as well as a B-level side plot and 8,000 reward points." Yang Yun shrugged helplessly: "And it also requires me to spend another A-level side plot. The dream of exchange has materialized... A big gold swallower."

"Do I need to pay for it?"

Qi Teng looked at his reward points and side plot: "I also have a B-level side plot. If Yang Yun, you don't have enough money, then..."

Yang Yun shook his head and said: "It's not necessary. I said before that I have other plans for the side plot of you and Zhao Yingkong, and when we face the Devils next, you and Zhan Lan will be the important fulcrum of our team... In my battle plan, the two of you, as well as the things that will be exchanged later, will be an important part of the Central Continent team's victory."

Hearing this, Qi Teng was silent for a moment, and he couldn't help but become curious in his heart. After Yang Yun exchanged for the materialization of his fantasy, what else would he exchange for... On the other side, Zhao Yingkong left. When she reached Yang Yun's side, the assassin girl was no longer as cold as before. She smiled and said, "How about it? I was pretty good at playing myself before, right?"

"Well, if you really want me to comment, the Zhao Yingkong we are familiar with doesn't seem to be very good at telling jokes." Yang Yun thought for a while and said: "Or that story is not a joke. He really used a heavy-armored sword. An assassin who kills everyone?"

"...You are such a piece of wood."

Zhao Yingkong's smile suddenly faded. She silently rolled her eyes at Yang Yun and made the same evaluation as Momenta.

But Yang Yun didn't pay attention and directly called the Lord God: "Lord God, apply to be designated as a member of the reincarnation team for the Zhongzhou Team... The exchange dream is realized!"

The main god's beam of light suddenly fell down, shrouding the moment in it, and as the moment gradually floated into the air, Yang Yun sighed: "Speaking of it, this seems to be the first A-level exchange for our Zhongzhou team. , I don’t know what the effect will be after strengthening... Forget it, we’ll talk about it later.”

With that said, Yang Yun turned to Zhan Lan and Qi Teng, and said solemnly: "Next, I will provide the reward points. You need to take out the remaining two B-level side plots and exchange them for one worth of Double B-level items, the Principle of the Stars..."

"And this is also related to our layout in the next game."

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