This endless world

Chapter 329 Dragon Blood Mixture

"Dragon blood mixture comes from a future science fiction worldview. The earth in this world was infected by a mysterious virus, and the entire world began to evolve. It was later called the 'Great Nirvana Period'... This potion evolved from the mutation of the 'Dragon' The essence and blood extracted from the monster's corpse, after research, are combined with various rare materials to form a genetic medicine, which can improve the corresponding physical quality after use."

"But if the cell vitality, muscle tissue strength and immunity strength are insufficient, the user may be reversely eroded by the dragon blood ingredients, leading to a chain collapse of the body..."

"The method of use is to apply it somewhere on the body, and the dragon's blood mixture will naturally penetrate and spread throughout the body; if it is drunk or injected, the effect will be more intense and accompanied by severe pain... Please use it with caution."

"A B-level branch plot is required, and the reward points are 8,000 points."

After Zheng Zha read the entire description of the dragon blood mixture from the Lord God, he looked at the crowd and said, "This is what I am going to exchange for. With my current physical fitness, ordinary medicines are not good for my current body." The effect is too small, and those with stronger effects are too expensive, so I think this dragon blood mixture is the most suitable for me."

As a member of the Zhongzhou team, my affection and admiration for creatures like dragons are basically engraved in my bones, so when Zheng Zha proposed the idea of ​​exchanging this bottle of potion, no one had any objections... Only Yang Yun thought of it. Something else.

——I remember that in the original world line, Zheng Zha fused the flesh and blood genes and cells of the dragon he killed, thus nearly doubling his physical fitness. Although the current Zhongzhou team has not experienced the horror movie Jurassic Park, Zheng Zha still chose a similar exchange...

Is this the inevitability of historical development? Or is it the end of the timeline? Or is it the influence of positive people... Zheng Zha's spiritual light is inseparable from Qianlong's transformation after all?

Dragon clan, genetic potion, hidden dragon transformation, even if everything seems to be a coincidence, it is logical for Zheng Zha to redeem the dragon blood potion out of his own preference, but Yang Yun still can't help but think more about it. It's just that he didn't ask directly after all, but glanced at Setsuna beside him.

"In order to verify the effect of this potion, I hope to get your blood."

Just when Zheng Zha thought that everyone had no objections, the person who least expected him spoke up. He adjusted his plain glasses and said, "This is to compare your status data before and after the injection. This will help with related research in the future... If possible, I hope to apply for part of the reward points to exchange for experimental equipment, and try to analyze the ingredients of the medicine to see if I can replicate similar genetic medicine."

"This is no problem..."

Zheng Zha glanced at Mo Mo in surprise, and at the same time quietly added the second half of the sentence in the spiritual link: "But I didn't expect that Yang Yun, your creation of humans actually has scientific research attributes... I remember the knowledge and knowledge of creating humans. Is there a positive correlation between the creator and the creator? If the creator does not have the corresponding knowledge, then the human being should not have this talent."

"How do you practice cultivation?"

What Zheng Zha didn't expect was that Yang Yun replied with a surprised tone: "Cultivation is the so-called cultivation of truth, which means studying relevant knowledge. Every cultivator can be equivalent to a scientist who explores the truth of the universe, such as Qi Teng Yi can speak eloquently right now... You won't just practice the death kung fu without trying to master this knowledge, right?"

Zheng Zha immediately blushed when he was told: "Who said that? I am also trying to master the relevant knowledge... Forget it, let's not talk about this."

No one could understand the bitterness of a scumbag. Zheng Zha, who felt as if he had been ridiculed, forcibly ended the relevant topic. The man first exchanged a few syringes, pricked his arm boldly, drew out a few large tubes of blood and handed them directly to Setsuna, and then officially exchanged the dragon blood mixture from the Lord God.

A B-level side plot and 8,000 reward points were exchanged for a small test tube. There was some kind of pure golden blood in the test tube, and it had a different meaning under the light of the Lord God's light ball. .

"These are all the side plots and reward points that I worked so hard to earn, in exchange for this little thing..."

Zheng Zha muttered a complaint, but when he got the test tube, he found that the density and quality of the liquid contained in it were frighteningly high. The pure golden blood contained a powerful and violent energy, as if something's will still remained in it.

"No wonder it is applied on the surface of the skin. If you really drink this thing, it will be almost the same as drinking liquid explosives directly, right?" Zheng Zha shook the test tube and watched the blood as thick as mercury swaying gently, and couldn't help but sigh. road.

"What, are you scared?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm afraid. Just do it."

Zheng Zha sneered at Yang Yun's teasing. He directly pulled out the stopper of the test tube and drank the liquid in it as if he were drinking beer. The hot dragon's blood flowed down the esophagus and merged into the limbs and bones at an extremely fast speed. As the effect of the medicine evaporated, Zheng Zha felt hot, numb and painful all over his body, and the pain was getting worse. middle……

"It is indeed a B-level dragon blood mixture, it is very powerful."

But who is Zheng Zha? Injuries are a common occurrence for him, and pain and itching are a piece of cake. Zheng Zha even acted like an appraiser. After commenting on the Dragon Blood Mixture with great interest, he sat down cross-legged and started working on his "Secret Tao of the Cursed Blood Dragon Binding".

The Cursed Blood Dragon Binding Secret Path is a technique that obtains strength by refining one's own blood, and it also has the effect of refining the body. Since even one's own blood can be refined, blood taken in from the outside world is no problem. Under the operation of the technique, this golden blood was quickly involved in the circulation route of Zheng Zha's body and became the nutrition of this body...

When Zheng Zha opened his eyes again, no one knew how much time had passed, and most members of the Zhongzhou team had already returned to their rooms. In the main square that became empty again, only Yang Yun, Setsuna and Zhan Lan, as well as Loli, who was sleeping soundly on a bed that had been redeemed at an unknown time, were still with Zheng Zha who had just woken up. .

"Are you awake?" Through Zheng Zha's mental power fluctuations, Zhan Lan immediately noticed Zheng Zha's awakening. She smiled and said: "You have been practicing for a full eighteen hours. During this time, Luo Li came to see you. Several times, because her physical strength could not compare with us reincarnations, I let her sleep first."

"That's it, thank you then..."

Zheng Zha looked at Zhan Lan, who was smiling, and then at Loli on the bed. He always felt that something happened between the two of them without him knowing. But before he could think about it, Yang Yun also came over and said, "How do you feel? Do you need me to treat you?"

"I don't need treatment, because now I..."

Zheng Zha clenched his fists, feeling the abundant strength in his body, the strength that could turn iron into clay and beat others into two little cakes with one punch, and stood up with a smile.

"It feels better than ever."

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