This endless world

Chapter 327 Demonic night cassock? I bother!

Yang Yun's exchange was so earth-shattering that all members of the Zhongzhou team were so shocked that they couldn't say a word for a long time. When he saw that Yang Yun was still a little unfinished, Zheng Zha was afraid that he would propose some weird exchange again, so he quickly said: "Okay, okay, you should think carefully about what you want to exchange for now. Stop's my turn next."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Zha didn't wait for Yang Yun to answer. He took out the purple thunder knife from the Najie and stuck it on the ground. He cleared his throat and said, "I now have the last gift Zhang Jie left me. According to the results of my inquiry with the Lord God, this sword should be a weapon called the 'Purple Thunder Sword', which is divided into three levels of exchange: B level, A level and double A level... Although I also I don’t know which level the one I have corresponds to, but it won’t be lower than level B, and it’s enough for me to use for a long time.”

"So you already have a weapon of your own." Yang Yun said quietly from the side: "But the question is, can you use a knife?"

"I can learn. No matter what, using a knife is better than using bare hands."

Zheng Zha said angrily, while secretly remembering Yang Yun's words in his heart, he decided to turn around and go to "Basic Martial Arts" to find out if there was any sword technique that suited him. Anyway, now that I have the twelve movements of the Yi Jin Jing, any martial arts can turn decay into magic. Even the worst five tiger door-breaking knife, with the addition of this weapon, its power cannot be underestimated. ...Besides, no matter what, using a knife is much more handsome than using fists to fight Arhat.

——I just don’t know if there is a sword technique suitable for me... Unfortunately, I checked it with the Lord God. The simple Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder requires an A-level branch plot to redeem it. Otherwise, I will directly redeem this perfect sword. It is adapted to the exclusive sword technique of the Purple Thunder Sword.

Sighing secretly in his heart, Zheng Zha concluded: "So to sum up, I am going to exchange it for a defensive item."

"Finally remembered your promise in the Grudge?"

However, before Zheng Zha could continue, Yang Yun's words drifted over again: "A B-level branch plot can be split into three C-level branch plots. You can exchange for three exoskeleton armors, one for daytime wear. One for night wear and one for Lolita..."

Zheng Zha roared angrily: "That's enough! It's obviously you who slandered me!"

Yang Yun replied: "The problem is that you yourself said the same thing after the team battle with the Indian team ended, when you checked the reward points and side plots obtained."

Zheng Zha's arrogance suddenly suffocated. Although he didn't really want to recall his dark history, his brain after unlocking the third-level gene lock reminded him that such a thing did exist... The atmosphere in Zheng Zha's heart immediately turned to embarrassment after being exposed, but when someone pinched his pigtails, he had no choice but to say: "That's enough for you. Everyone knows that I was just a quick talk after being happy."

Yang Yun shrugged and said to Zhan Lan beside him: "He is anxious. He is probably too angry and is playing against O Nin."

Seeing the half-smiling look on Zhan Lan's face after listening to Yang Yun's provocation, Zheng Zha quickly gave up the idea of ​​quarreling with Yang Yun and pretended not to hear: "In short, compared with jade pendants or cultivation-type protection, For the magic weapon, I prefer to exchange it for a piece of clothing. First, we can increase the coverage area as much as possible, secondly, we should consider the compatibility with me, and finally, we should consider the appearance..."

"There are so many demands, why don't you sew one yourself..."

Ignoring Yang Yun's weirdness, after Zheng Zha finished speaking, he immediately immersed his mind in the vast sea of ​​exchanges without any hesitation. After finally strengthening both bloodlines to B level, he now has two B level side plots and one C level side plot, so he has to choose carefully...

Zheng Zha looked at Lin Langgang's armor exchange, thought about his current painting style, and entered some keywords that he thought were very suitable for his current situation: clothes, oriental, cultivation, internal power, vampire energy, Buddhist martial arts, cursed blood , Hong Yan...

After entering, click Query.

Then, Zheng Zha saw a blood-red dress in the first choice recommended to him by the Lord God. It was like a burning blood-colored fire cloud. It looked really powerful. But when Zheng Zha clicked on the detailed introduction of this dress, his face immediately darkened——

"The Devil's Night Kasaya comes from the world of cultivation. It is invulnerable to water, fire, and weapons. It was created by the Demon Lord, the number one master of the Demon Way, who killed the Young Master of the Righteous Way, the Miao Monk. Subvert the right path.”

"The Demon Lord was born with a good body, and he was extremely talented in practicing the "Blood Sea Red Flame Kung Fu". He also went to the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion to practice the "Yin and Yang Joyful Zen of the Union of Heaven and Earth". He has been wearing this cassock for many years, and secretly goes to various places at night. From now on, the righteous path of the sect will be in darkness..."

"However, as time went by, the Demon Lord managed his time carelessly. Once exposed, he was killed by ninety-nine righteous fairies who had deceived their feelings. The Demon Lord died in a miserable state. It is said that the body was divided into ninety-nine pieces. All that was left was a cassock stained red with blood..."

"This cassock combines the essence of both demons and Buddhas in one furnace. It has a special protective effect on all energy... It requires a B-level branch plot and the reward points are 8,000 points."

...Well, clothes, the East, cultivation, internal strength, blood clan energy, Buddhist martial arts, cursed blood, red flames, all of them, not a few.

It's a shame that the Lord God's exchange list is broad enough, and I was able to find a suitable exchange that included both of these keywords. It was just this most appropriate exchange that left Zheng Zha speechless for a while, as if he was watching a bloody eight o'clock TV series.

——What the hell, what a bullshit exchange! Your nickname as the Demon Lord is simply not worthy of its name. You might as well be called "Sea King"!

Zheng Zha thought about how he thought this tattered cassock was so powerful before, and he immediately shuddered, wishing he could punch himself in the head... Sure enough, the devil's way is the devil's way, it is really evil!

Zheng Zha, who was practicing the "Secret Way of the Cursed Blood Dragon Binding" but maintained an upright attitude, silently drew a clear line between himself and the evil way in his heart. At the same time, he scolded the Lord God in his heart for unreliable keyword search... However, Zheng Zha didn't realize that it was because he added too many keywords that the Lord God gave such a weird exchange.

In short, Zheng Zha, who had been tricked once, decided to search for it from the works he was most familiar with, and the search lasted more than half an hour. Just when everyone was getting impatient, Zheng Zha finally said: "Very good, this is the decision..."

"Fire trench coat."

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