This endless world

Chapter 326 If you use it right, you can make it right, and if you use it wrong, you can also make i

Chapter 326: Use the right way to make good, and use the wrong way to make good...

"Three Thousand Times Sensitivity Medicine, from the world view of "Too O Ninja", can increase the body's sensitivity to more than 1,000-3,000 times the original. Just a slight touch of the skin, or even a little bit of wind, will cause the body to Entering the ultimate state, even happiness will be increased to 3000 times..."

"To redeem this potion, each bottle requires a C-level branch story, and the reward points are 1,500 points."

After everyone had completed their inquiries, the place fell into deathly silence. People who understand the world view of O-nin will naturally have their eyes wandering. People who don’t understand can also know the approximate purpose of this potion from the words introduced by the main god... But they look like it is natural, and they are completely unaware of this potion. How bad is Yang Yun? Zheng Zha has long forgotten what he just said: "Yang Yun... are you sure this thing can really be useful? Are you really not using it for other things?"

As he said that, Zheng Zha glanced to the side for a moment, and the meaning was self-evident.

But to Zheng Zha's expectation, Yang Yun shuddered fiercely, first glanced at Setsuna with a slightly frightened gaze, and after making sure that she didn't have any strange reaction, he quickly shook his head and said, "No. , you are overthinking, I redeemed this really to study 'super-sense''s absolutely true."

As he spoke, Yang Yun nodded his head sharply, as if to deepen the persuasiveness of his words. Looking at Yang Yun's performance, Zheng Zha was puzzled at first, and then suddenly realized: "I understand, I didn't expect that you look strong on the surface, but you are actually very passive. No wonder you like this iceberg queen type. ...It seems that Yang Yun, you are really under a lot of pressure, thank you for your hard work."

——What do you know?

Yang Yun didn't understand Zheng Zha's hint at all. In fact, what he just said was not a lie at all. The redemption of this three thousand times sensitive medicine was not to increase the pleasure of the boudoir as Zheng Zha said, but to practice martial arts. .

The so-called poison is actually another type of medicine, poison and poison. The two are inseparable... Moreover, using this kind of potion that can be called "love poison" to enhance one's senses, in the main god's space is really... Someone has done this.

In the book "Infinite Future", after the positive Zhang Heng successfully entered the world he wrote, in addition to his own girlfriend Anna, the first partner he chose was a member of the Beiyang team. Breeders under control.

The breeder's name is Nataya Asbirin, and she has been under the control of the three breeders of the Beiyang team since she entered the main god space. The gene lock has not been turned on, nor has any strengthening been carried out. The physical fitness is basically the same as that of ordinary people. It is just because I have experienced a lot of horror movie worlds, I have some premonitions about the upcoming dangers, and I can do some avoidance in advance... But the most important thing is that Natalya is actually in a state of charm poisoning all the time.

There is a breeder in the Beiyangzhou team who has strengthened the bloodline of the demon fox Kurama. It is this breeder who controls Natalaya through charm and poison, making her completely unable to suppress her impulses. But it is clearly written in Infinite Future that because Natalya is poisoned by charm, her body's senses are always in an extremely sharp state, and she can detect any disturbance from the outside world almost every minute and every second. , and the sixth sense is also extremely sharp.

In the horror movie "The Martians Come to Earth", Natalya, who has a similar physical fitness to ordinary people, is able to avoid the lightning death beam emitted by the flying saucer seconds in advance, and at the same time avoid being trampled in the chaotic crowd, with precise precision Find a way to the Beiyangzhou team's main god.

Even Zhang Heng, the positive person who unlocked the second-level gene lock, needed more than ten seconds to escape along the flow of people; but Natalya, who squeezed inward against the flow of people, only needed a minute at most to escape. Despite being in physical contact with countless people, he squeezed to the front of the crowd... This is enough to show how powerful the so-called charming poison can be when used in reverse!

"The amplification of the senses will help me better study the 'super-sensory' state. Even if it is as subtle as the wind blowing across the skin, even an airflow, a butterfly's wings, or a tone of voice will all be stimulating. My body." Yang Yun put on a serious expression and said in an extremely serious tone: "Only when every hair, every inch of skin, and even every cell becomes a continuation of the senses, can I Understand the mysteries of subtleties and genes, and open the door to a higher level.”

"Although what you said sounds reasonable, your expression and tone are also trying to increase the persuasiveness of your words. But I think of the original function and origin of this thing..."

Zheng Zha complained with a grinning expression. Everyone could see that he wanted to laugh, but he just held it back: "Forget it, I'll just take it as what you said. You really want to use this thing." Come to practice... But this is thousands of times more sensitive. Yang Yun, can you really withstand the transformation of the potion? And in this state, do you still have the mind to practice? "

"You should have some confidence in me." Yang Yun raised his eyebrows: "Whether it's confidence in my strength or confidence in my integrity. At least compared to you, a lolicon, my character is still Guaranteed.”

——Is it really guaranteed...

Such thoughts crossed the minds of more than one person present, but Zheng Zha, who knew nothing about it, just scratched his head and said with some worry: "Is it true that there won't be any sequelae? I remember that this kind of medicine is injected The type that goes into your body and permanently transforms your body.”

"Why do you know?"

Before Zheng Zha could finish speaking, Zhan Lan beside him asked coldly. This sudden question made Zheng Zha jump out of his wits and burst into laughter: "I heard it, it's just what I heard..."

"With the Lord God, if you have 300 points of cell vitality and more than 350 points of immunity, you can be immune to the side effects of general toxins. And as I said just now, with my current physical fitness, immunity And metabolism ability, if it is not a medicine that is thousands of times stronger than this, it is already difficult to have an impact on my body, and naturally it will not achieve the effect of cultivation."

Although Zheng Zha was not very authentic, Yang Yun still chose to help him out without adding insult to injury: "Besides, don't you know what the Lord God's full-body repair can do? All it takes is a beam of light to fall, and it will be ten times heavier. The level can also be restored to its original state.”

"Okay, since you are so confident, I have no reason to stop you."

Seeing that Yang Yun could not be persuaded, Zheng Zha had no choice but to sigh and said seriously: "It's just that when you can't hold on, don't hold on. Since there is a beautiful woman by your side, don't hold it in. Although the Lord God can't hold it back even Even if it explodes, it can be repaired, but if you have a mental problem..."



By the way, the breeder who strengthened the demon fox Kurama's bloodline was also the one who sent the smoke of reincarnation to the positive ones, although his reincarnation smoke was also specially set by the positive ones.

Hou Yi: Thanks to Lao Tie for letting me come out for some air.

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