This endless world

Chapter 307 I am strong

Yang Yun did not use the holy spear and armor at the beginning.

This is his trump card, and Zhao Yingkong is not strong enough to kill him with one blow. Moreover, Avalon's automatic dressing function put an unbreakable protective shield on his life.

——Besides, I don’t need to use Avalon at all now. Can Zhao Ying's current personality really pose a real threat to me?

She can' least, she can't yet.

I need to accompany her through this rehabilitation exercise. I should be a little patient, so that I can experience the true power of the fourth level gene lock now that Zhang Jie is gone. And this will become my reference for the fourth level power, just like the appetizer before the dinner. Only by defeating Zhao Yingkong can I face the clone Zheng Zha directly.

Even in a high-speed mobile battle, Yang Yun still had extra computing power to think, to measure Zhao Yingkong's current combat effectiveness, and to understand the significance of this battle to him and to Zhao Yingkong himself.

A single Watcher bloodline only has energy circulation, which does not increase Zhao Yingkong's basic attributes too much. As a result, the newly awakened protagonist Zhao Yingkong is far inferior to the one in the "destruction" state in terms of speed, strength, and explosive power. Zheng Zha.

All she can rely on are the skills of the assassin family and the subtle power that comes with the fourth level... And Yang Yun, who has completed foundation building and completely iterated, likes such an opponent the most. After all, there is no way to break through his defense in an instant, so Yang Yun's super recovery ability can keep Yang Yun in top condition at all times.

Despite all the effort, Zhao Yingkong had no chance of winning.

He tilted his head to avoid the blade of Sanye's sword. The cold air of the sharp blade seemed to scrape a bloodstain on Yang Yun's face, but it was healed within a thousandth of a second.

What followed was a counterattack with a swinging fist from left to right. Purple lightning surrounded the fist and hit the side of Sanhua. The thunder and lightning followed the trend, forcing Zhao Yingkong to use the few remaining weapons in his body. energy to offset. But at the same time, Zhao Yingkong's right leg kicked out at an extremely hidden angle, kicking towards Yang Yun's lower third.

As a genius who comes from a family of assassins, Zhao Yingkong has mastered real killing skills, and short-range assassination is her best method. She is 100% confident that this kick can Kick the vital part of the man in front of you.

She succeeded and she failed.

The success was because Zhao Yingkong's kick really hit Yang Yun's vital part, which even the golden bell could not reach; the failure was because she successfully caused damage to the enemy, but the man seemed to be unable to feel it. The movements of the painful machine didn't deform at all... and the electric current coming from the injured area even tried to rush back into her body through the part where the two were in contact.

"Tsk, when did you start playing with thunder?"

Zhao Yingkong clicked her tongue impatiently. She ducked down to avoid the attack from Yang Yun's arms, and at the same time retreated in the opposite direction: "And the turtle shell is so hard... Did you replace that part of your body with one powered by electricity? ?”

She was very sure that her subtle power did penetrate the opponent's defense at that moment, and maybe she successfully kicked one out... But the severe pain and injuries that were unbearable for ordinary people did not affect Yang Yun's ability to fight. Rhythm.

"No, it's just that I recovered faster."

Yang Yun did not pursue him. He stood there quietly and gave Zhao Yingkong time to breathe: "Maybe it's my new ability, or maybe it's my superpower that has undergone some changes... In this state, I The recovery ability will be further strengthened, and even I lack the corresponding reality of the damage you caused."

Maybe it was due to a breakthrough in his state of mind, maybe it was due to his previous near-death experience, maybe it was due to the chain effect brought about by foundation building... In short, when Yang Yunjing stopped to re-examine his abilities, he was surprised to find that he had thought that It is the super power of "physical regeneration" that has produced some changes.

The "miracle" used in the previous curse finally left something in Yang Yun's body, and this "seed" blossomed and bore fruit at this moment.

Super power development, level up.

Although the Lord God Space has no way to grade and classify a person's superpowers through complex and changeable ability tests like Academy City, Yang Yun's superpowers have indeed become somewhat different from before... The most obvious thing is that Yes, his passive recovery ability has not only been improved again, but he can also use the power of purple thunder and lightning that appeared in his body at an unknown time.

If Yang Yun was only a level 3 powerful user before, then now he should be in the category of a level 4 powerful person. The new power further liberated his body, strengthened all his attributes including strength, speed, and five senses, and also gave him further regenerative abilities. The powerful computing power brought by foundation building and third-level gene locks adjusts his calculation path every minute and every second during the battle, optimizing his energy operation method and reducing the effects of "super-sense". burden.

"Your subtle power has indeed broken my armor." Yang Yun slightly adjusted the trajectory: "But if you want to cause fatal damage to me, you may have to work harder."

"Where did you get the latrine stones?"

Looking at Yang Yun who felt nothing at all, Zhao Yingkong finally couldn't help complaining: "You talk bad, your defense is tough, your recovery ability is strong... Do you know how annoying your words are now?"

"I don't care. In fact, I consider myself a gentleman. After all, I have left you room to recover and completed this so-called rehabilitation exercise with you."

Yang Yun tilted his head: "This is my gift to you, and it is also a gift from the strong to the weak."

"Strong said you are stronger than me?"

Yang Yun's words were so arrogant that Zhao Yingkong even laughed in anger: "Why do you think you are strong and stronger than me?"

"Just because I can stand here and talk nonsense, just because I can keep my hands off you, just because I don't use all my strength, and now you are out of breath."

Yang Yun replied calmly: "This is not a fair fight, I understand, and you understand too. But I am trying my best to make it fair, because I want to make this fight more interesting."

——I am strong.

The third-level gene lock, long-term training, three cultivation techniques, superpower development, foundation-building true energy, baptism in the river of life, Xin Bi'an's purple thunder and lightning, experience in fighting Ashiya Michitoshi, higher The way forward for levels of power...these are all my powers.

I can also use subtle power, although it is only a part of it, but entering this stage is enough to make me and the real fourth level, there is no essential gap, at most it is suppressed in terms of output.

Genetic optimization, I have no way to do this yet, but I can use cultivation methods to continuously modify and evolve my own algorithm and energy usage, becoming stronger every moment.

Since the two strongest characteristics of the fourth-level gene lock can be compensated by me now, there is no need for me to be afraid of it. There may indeed be an insurmountable gap between the fourth level and non-fourth level, but that will never be an obstacle to me.

"So please please me, Zhao Yingkong."

Yang Yun said the most arrogant words in a calm tone. That is complete and utter contempt for those in lower positions, which is a mockery that no one can bear.

"...This is the first time I've discovered that someone's mouth can be so irritating."

Zhao Yingkong closed her eyes and took a long breath. Yang Yun's calm words with boundless arrogance really angered her: "I don't really want to argue with you, so I decided to use the fastest way to fight with you." Way to shut you up.”

The next second, dense black lines appeared on the surface of Zhao Yingkong's skin.

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