This endless world

Chapter 306 Rehabilitation Exercise

Yang Yun deliberately angered Zhao Yingkong.

Whether it is Zhao Yingkong with the secondary personality or Zhao Yingkong with the main personality, they are actually examples of people who do not listen to others and speak well. Compared with the sub-personality who is taciturn on the surface but actually has a lot of inner activities, the main personality Zhao Yingkong is more like a naughty kid who thinks highly of himself.

Perhaps because the main character Zhao Yingkong did not have a close relationship with the original members of the Zhongzhou team, this little girl's time seemed to have stayed on that small island forever. And her ultimate goal is also different from the rest of the Zhongzhou team. What she wants to do in the final battle is to end things with her favorite relative, Zhao Zukong.

Yang Yun has no intention of commenting on the choice of the protagonist Zhao Yingkong, because everyone's path is their own choice. But this little girl is indeed deeply proud of her own strength. Even after witnessing Zheng Zha's creation of the world, she will not have the slightest fear.

But on the other hand, the secondary personality Zhao Yingkong has always held a certain idea that the strong can walk alone since he entered the main god space... Including the sentence just now, "Only cattle and sheep can flock together, and ligers and tigers can only walk alone." Is this also true? The influence of her main personality?

Yang Yun was too lazy to think about these things. He just felt that these words were harsh, that's all. But to a certain extent, the strong do have the qualifications to be willful. This is in line with the ancient customs of the assassin family. The strong will only talk to the strong on an equal footing... And to the extent that the gene lock is turned on, Zhao Yingkong today He indeed has the capital to look down upon everyone on the Zhongzhou team, including Zheng Zha.

Therefore, it is very necessary to make this little girl sit down and be obedient, accept Yang Yun's layout in Biochemistry Two Middle School, and show her strength!

Moreover, Yang Yun deeply understood that if he could not defeat the current Zhao Yingkong...then what qualifications did he have to challenge the clone Zheng Zha who was at the top of the reincarnation world?

Therefore, she needs to be provoked, she needs to regard me as a life-and-death enemy, burst out her power without mercy, and fight me fiercely with a will to kill, so that I can break through myself in this battle and win. A glimpse into the higher realm of gene locks.

--I can do it.

The moment Zhao Ying took out the knife, every nerve and even every cell in Yang Yun's body tensed up. He knew that he was facing an enemy who had unlocked the fourth-level genetic lock... ...Even if she is far from her best, the fourth level is still the fourth level!

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding..."

A series of sounds rang out in Zhao Yingkong's room. The high-concussion particle cutting dagger collided crazily with Sanye's sword. In the high-speed mobile battle, the sword light formed an afterimage, and even the sound of metal collisions became a thread.

——I can keep up with her speed.

Overload and super sense were activated at the same time. At this moment, Yang Yun saw Zhao Yingkong's movements clearly in front of him, understood her back moves, and understood her strength.

Strong, but not that strong.

No matter how powerful the fourth-level gene lock is, how exaggerated the subtle skills are, and how weird the secret killing skills brought from the assassin family are, the physical exertion ultimately limits Zhao Yingkong's performance... He has not experienced it again for a long time. After all, a genetically optimized body cannot support that superb technology!

——In terms of strength and speed, I have the advantage!

Understanding the strength that Zhao Yingkong's current body can exert, Yang Yun, who caught Zhao Yingkong's every attack, roared angrily, his muscles instantly expanded, and he took a step forward amidst the sound of blacksmithing!

In cold weapon fighting, every inch is longer and every inch is stronger, and every inch is shorter and more dangerous, but when Yang Yun took a step forward, he forcibly used the dagger in his hand like a broadsword or a spear. The expanding life energy surrounded the dagger, forming a green light. The dagger of more than 30 centimeters suddenly turned into a long sword nearly one meter long. He clenched his hands and slashed straight down towards Zhao Yingkong's chest and abdomen!

As if he wanted to praise Yang Yun's strength, Zhao Yingkong did not dodge, and faced him with a smile and crossed the two swords in his hands. The moment the high-concussion particle dagger came into contact with Sanye's sword, the powerful force coming from the weapon made Zhao Yingkong groan, and even his feet were slightly pressed into the ground, cracking several times. crack.

"...Amazing power, much stronger than the power of that good-for-nothing Zhao Likong."

In a wrestling position, Zhao Yingkong's hands trembled slightly, but she was not frustrated because of the disadvantage in the scene. Instead, she showed a charming smile: "I haven't unlocked the fourth-level gene lock, but I can use part of it." At a glance, it seems you don't just have a mouth."

"I'm not a guy who can only kill a cow with minimal effort."

Yang Yun exerted all his strength on his hands and kept pushing Zhao Yingkong into the ground. At the same time, he was telling jokes that she didn't understand: "Or is this the only power of the fourth-level gene lock?"

"...Don't be too arrogant."

Zhao Yingkong's smile was a bit colder, and suddenly he loosened his hands, and with a skill that was unimaginable to Yang Yun, he got out of this wrestling position. At the same time, with the help of Yang Yun's strength, the moment she leaned forward, the nails of the assassin girl's five fingers suddenly grew one section longer, and they scratched straight towards the main artery of Yang Yun's wrist!

The vital part was attacked, so Yang Yun had no choice but to release his left hand and exchange a move with Zhao Yingkong. The fist mixed with life energy and true energy just met Zhao Yingkong's stretched nails.

One person has the advantage of strength, and the other wins with skill. When this move is met, the air between the two people crackles, and they are separated at the first touch. There were five more holes in Yang Yun's fist, and Zhao Yingkong's nails were broken from them. It looked like a flat hand, but...

"I accept your weapons."

Zhao Yingkong chuckled, and with the strong force in Yang Yun's fist, he twisted and twisted, and Sanye's sword immediately twisted the high-concussion particle cutting dagger into it. This weapon that has been with Yang Yun for a long time, under the simultaneous action of his own power and Zhao Yingkong's power, how can it be worth the double-edged blade? It suddenly broke apart, and half of the dagger fell to the ground.

Zhao Yingkong used Yang Yun's power to take back Sanye's sword. The assassin girl stepped forward, dodged Yang Yun's two punches again, and floated down like a kite, widening the distance between the two: "It was just a rehabilitation exercise. What's next? , do you think your body will be harder than this dagger?"

"No need, I've tried it many times. If you really want to try it, you can use your own body."

Yang Yun threw away half of the dagger in his hand without any care: "You just mentioned rehabilitation exercise, which means you are fighting and gradually regaining your own strength... This is good, just what I want."

"...Are you really not afraid of death?"

Hearing his unexpected answer, Zhao Yingkong's smile grew stronger: "I'm not her, and I don't care about my relationship with you... I will really kill you."

"Wouldn't that be better? I don't care."

Yang Yun didn't seem to feel the murderous aura in Zhao Yingkong at all: "If I die in your hands, it can only mean one thing. My ability is only this, and this is what I am." Just a man."

Yang Yun, who stood firm, looked at Zhao Yingkong and assumed a fighting posture, while tiny purple electric lights began to surge between his fingers.

"Come on, let's start the second round..."

"Let us fight to our heart's content."


Zhao Likong received this palm, and his nearly two-meter-long body trembled slightly. The palm just now seemed light and weak, but under the control of the subtle realm, every ounce of power was fully erupted in the attack position. , let alone a human being, a cow would have been beaten to death, and only a person with Zhao Likong's physical fitness could survive the injury.

A small amount of power can kill a cow, which is similar to how Qiao Feng's seven successful powers can't kill a tiger.

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