This endless world

Chapter 281 Inner Demon

——What did I do?

Zheng Zha felt as if his consciousness was disconnected for a moment. One moment, he was still using the winding armor to resist Yang Yun's continuous attacks, but the next moment, he found that his whole body was splattered with warm blood. Yang Yun, who was still in front of him before, had already fallen into a pool of blood.

It was as if someone had detonated a small bomb on Yang Yun's right side. The man's upper right side had almost disappeared, leaving a large semicircular wound surrounded by green light and light. A small electric arc... But what is surprising is that even though this is enough to make an ordinary person die three times with a lot of bleeding and injuries, Yang Yun's chest still has weak movement.

--what happened?

——Who did it?

Zheng Zha blinked blankly and withdrew his fist. Looking at the rich blood still dripping from his fist, he realized... It couldn't be me who beat Yang Yun like this, right?

But, do I have such a strong power?

Zheng Zha's head was like a ball of mush. He knew his strength very well. Not to mention that in the previous battle, he didn't hit Yang Yun at all, and even if he hit Yang Yun's body directly, It should never have caused so much harm.

One punch directly penetrated the defense of the super electromagnetic soul armor and the armor, driving Yang Yun to the verge of death, almost killing him instantly. Moreover, as the person involved, he had no impression at all, it was weird no matter how he looked.

...No, isn't the point: I didn't want to kill Yang Yun at all?

As if a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, Zheng Zha realized what he was doing and quickly stepped forward to help Yang Yun up and give him some simple treatment... The conscience of heaven and earth, even if he said that he would tear Yang Yun's bad mouth apart , he wants to beat Yang Yun seriously and take him back to the main god space, but this does not mean that he wants to kill Yang Yun!

"Pa bang bang..."

However, just when Zheng Zha was about to step forward, a burst of applause suddenly came from the darkness on the side. The next moment, Zhang Jie, who was applauding, walked out from behind a big tree, smiled and said to Zheng Zha: "Well done... Even I am surprised that you can be so cruel to your teammates. Take it, Zheng Zha."

"What? This is not me..."

Zheng Zha first looked at his fist, and then suddenly realized: "It turns out to be you! Zhang Jie, you used hypnosis to control my thinking! Just like you did to Zhang Jie in Harry Potter." Just like Lan did!”

"Although I really want to say it is...but this time, it really wasn't me."

Zhang Jie was stunned for a moment, then showed a strange expression, as if he didn't expect that Zheng Zha would suddenly put the blame on him: "Zheng Zha, it was not me who almost killed Yang Yun just now, but you. The violent consciousness that has been hidden in my heart for a long time.”

"What are you talking about? How could I have something like that hidden in my heart?"

Hearing Zheng Zha's subconscious denial, Zhang Jie was not annoyed. He said, "You don't have a comprehensive understanding of the third-level gene lock, do you? The third level is the development of the spiritual level, which is embodied in the gradual release of the brain's potential. And as this process gradually deepens, you will gradually come into contact with the darkness in your heart...which is also the so-called inner demon. Now it seems that your inner demon is most likely the murderous intention hidden in your heart. .”

"Inner demon?"

Zheng Zha immediately remembered the description of inner demons in the book "Basic Martial Arts". On the road to the fourth level, cultivators will easily encounter a state called inner demons, just like cultivators encounter important situations. When passing a checkpoint, there will always be obstacles of one kind or another in the heart, or the deepest desires in the heart, or the most unbearable past events in life... Now it seems that Zheng Zha has encountered this inner demon.

"That's right, since you have come into contact with the inner demon, it means that you have already stepped on the threshold of the fourth-level gene lock. At that moment, you were controlled by the inner demon. A mistake made Yang Yun become this virtuous person now."

Zhang Jie casually looked at Yang Yun, who was lying on the ground, unconscious, with only a slight rise in his chest: "Maybe deep down in your heart, you really want to kill him... Forget it, that's okay. Okay?"

"Nonsense! How could I want to kill my partner!"

When Zhang Jie said this, Zheng Zha suddenly became angry. He shouted loudly: "No matter how much Yang Yun says and deserves a beating, no matter how much he hides from me, he will still be my partner, just like Zhan Lan and the others! We Everyone swore an oath after the team battle to work together!"

However, when Zhang Jie said that, Zheng Zha remembered Yang Yun's current state again. He quickly took out the magic potion that Qi Tengyi had given him before from the space bag, and was about to step forward to feed Yang Yun... But Zheng Zha What Zha didn't expect was that as soon as he took a step, an invisible but undeniable force pushed him back to where he was.

Zheng Zha was stunned for a moment, then realized instantly that this was the telekinesis exerted by Zhang Jie, and immediately glared at Zhang Jie: "Zhang Jie, what do you mean?"

"It's just a necessary process for captain certification."

Zhang Jie smiled and did not look at Yang Yun who was lying on the ground at all. Instead, he looked directly at Zheng Zha: "Congratulations, Zheng Zha, you are now about to become the captain of the Zhongzhou team... Or, you can't wait any longer. ?”

"What nonsense are you talking about! What does it have to do with me becoming captain and Yang Yun having to die?"

Zheng Zha responded impatiently and wanted to step forward again, but the power of telepathy firmly stopped him in place, followed by Zhang Jie's somewhat indifferent words: "Don't you understand? ? This is just the process of captain certification. Only one of the two captain candidates remains, and the transfer of the Central Continent Team captain's authority can be started naturally. "

“We’ll talk about the team leader later!”

Zheng Zha roared, and this time he directly turned on the "explosion" mode, drew out the high-concussion particle dagger, held it with both hands, and slashed away. With a weapon in hand, Zheng Zha's attack power has been greatly improved? There was only a clanging sound, and the contact between the dagger and telekinesis actually produced the sound of gold and iron and fierce sparks... Under the full force, half of the weapon that had been with Zheng Zha for a long time suddenly collapsed and flew out, and The invisible wall of telekinesis was also broken open.

He casually put the high-concussion particle cutting dagger that could no longer be used into the ring. Zheng Zha rushed directly to Yang Yun's side, nervously fed him the potion, and watched as his breathing gradually became more stable. Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What a pity, Zheng Zha, you missed the best opportunity."

Zhang Jie touched his chin, and what flashed in his eyes was a light that Zheng Zha couldn't understand and had never seen in Zhang Jie's eyes before: "But whatever, it's because I didn't explain the cause and effect to you clearly... But now Yang Yun is temporarily out of danger, can you continue to listen to me?"

"……you say."

Zheng Zha put Yang Yun on the ground and watched as his breathing gradually became steady. Then he felt relieved and turned to Zhang Jie and said, "I want to hear what you want to say!"

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