This endless world

Chapter 280 Flesh and blood turned into mud

Zheng Zha has become stronger again.

This was the most intuitive feeling after Yang Yun and Zheng Zha fought. Perhaps it was because he abandoned the distracting thoughts in his heart and devoted himself to the battle; perhaps it was because Zheng Zha was angry under Yang Yun's verbal attacks. He stood up and decided not to hold back... In short, the current Zheng Zha, both in speed and strength, was stronger than he was a few minutes ago.

But even so, it's still not fast enough, and it's still not strong enough!

Compared with Ashiya Doman, compared with Xin Bi'an in memory, compared with Zheng Zha's own copy, he is still too weak!

"Come on, Zheng Zha!"

——You shouldn’t, you only have this kind of power.

Dodging Zheng Zha's sweeping kick, Yang Yun roared angrily and hit Zheng Zha's abdomen with a heavy punch from bottom to top. The strength was so great that it even knocked this strong man's feet off the ground: "That's it!"

——You shouldn’t have been overtaken by me after practicing the three cultivation techniques I gave you.

Zheng Zha groaned, twisted his waist and abdomen, hovered in mid-air, forced himself to use all his strength, and struck down with his left foot like a battle axe!

However, this seemingly wonderful move was actually avoided by Yang Yun at an extreme distance as he shrank his body. Although this explosive kick directly created a large crater of more than ten meters on the ground, it still did not cause any damage to Yang Yun.

——You shouldn’t, you can’t even beat me!

After missing a hit, Zheng Zha turned around again. The subsidence of the ground was not a problem. He was already in an explosive state and could use the air as a fulcrum to exert force again. Zheng Zha stepped on the air with his left foot and used his left foot as a fulcrum. He made a big circle and swept his right foot towards Yang Yun again.

Zheng Zha's reaction was extremely fast, but Yang Yun's reaction speed was obviously even better. Before Zheng Zha's attack came, Yang Yun leaned his upper body back sharply and made an iron bridge movement. This was a powerful move. The sure kick just passed over his face more than ten centimeters...and while Zheng Zha was launching two consecutive attacks, Yang Yun swept his leg and hit Zheng Zha's ankle!

Hard, this was Yang Yun's first feeling. Zheng Zha's lower body was as stable as a rock, and this blow did not even completely destroy his balance. But even so, the damage was real. Zheng Zha couldn't help but pause slightly, and Yang Yun attacked again, hitting Zheng Zha's armor with a pair of fists!

"What's wrong, aren't you going to shut me up with your fists?"

Punching to the flesh is a man's romance. Even if you have already decided what you want to do before the fight begins, how can it be suppressed so quickly and easily once the fighting spirit has arisen? Yang Yun roared angrily, and at the same time he poured into his fist the emotion that he could not tell whether it was anger or what it was, and blasted all of it towards Zheng Zha's body: "Why are you like a turtle now, passively being beaten? !”

This is only half true at most, because Zheng Zha's armor was obviously improved by him again during this period. Whenever Yang Yun's fist hits his defense, his perfect muscles will contract and expand in a very short period of time, just like human breathing, constantly deflecting the force of the frontal attack. The whole body is constantly being dissolved.

This is obviously also the use of the third-level gene lock. The powerful computing power makes the second-level ability to control the body to a higher level. It is also the capital that Zheng Zha can persist under Yang Yun's continuous punches... Although Zheng Zha's body was covered with redness, swelling and bruises, the damage caused by Ruozhenlun could only be caused by the subtle power that penetrated into his body.

Of course, this does not prevent Yang Yun from continuing to talk trash to Zheng Zha, because judging from the scene, he has the absolute upper hand: "Did you create the armor just to be an unbeatable thousand-year-old bastard?" !"

——If you are really no match for me, then I might as well be the captain of this Central-Continent team.

——Otherwise, why should I believe that you can compete with my own clone, lead the Central Continent team on another path, and lead us to see the infinite future?

This was the second half of the sentence that Yang Yun did not shout out. Although he initially considered various factors, he wanted to give up the position of captain of the Zhongzhou team to Zheng Zha. But if Zheng Zha really loses this battle, then it is impossible for Yang Yun to force Zheng Zha to be the captain... If he really does this, it will be an insult to Zheng Zha and an insult to everyone except Zheng Zha. In addition to "miracles", Yang Yun uses all his tricks!

It's nothing more than changing his plan again.

Plans are fluid and are constantly being adjusted. Just like Yang Yun didn't expect the side plot behind Kayako from the beginning; he didn't expect to be able to turn enemies into friends with Zhang Jie before death came, and even be able to take him back to the curse, Completely solve Ashiya Michitoshi... Nothing is static, and there is no layout that cannot be changed!

"Come on, Zheng Zha! Show me your strength to implement your beliefs!"

Yang Yun was roaring, and he couldn't tell which part was his hatred, which part was his uneasiness and fear of the Devils team, which part was his selfish desire to become the captain of the Zhongzhou team, and which part was his desire to be the captain of the Zhongzhou team, and what part was his desire to be the captain of the Zhongzhou team. With the support of Zhang Jie, he became the captain, but he was unwilling to give up the idea because of "the overall situation": "If you can't defeat me here, then how can you face Zhang Jie? How can you protect your partners and bring them back safely?" belief?"

"You can't protect anything like this..."

"Yang Yun, shut up! Get out of the way!"

Before Yang Yun finished speaking, Zhang Jie's anxious shout suddenly came from the spiritual link: "Both you and Zheng Zha, their current mental state is very wrong!"

Something's wrong?

Yang Yun, who was in a super-sensory state, understood Zhang Jie's meaning within a thousandth of a second. He suddenly realized that he was too immersed in the battle and had lost his usual calm thinking.

——He should have noticed something was wrong with him immediately, but he didn't.

Before he could think further, a suffocating killing intent rose from Zheng Zha's body, interrupting Yang Yun's thinking.

Still the Arhat Fist he was most familiar with, Zheng Zha had already launched his own counterattack.

Completely different from his previous state, Zheng Zha felt extremely strange at this moment. The violent murderous intention was pouring out from his heart, mixing with the invisible death energy on his body... and this murderous intention happened to be... Yang Yun, who was in a super-sensory state, accepted part of it!

Super-sense represents the senses that are beyond ordinary people, and also represents the extraordinary perception. It is with this ability that Yang Yun can perfectly avoid every attack of Zheng Zha. But this has now become a double-edged sword.

The moment he sensed the murderous intent, Yang Yun couldn't help but become sluggish for a tenth of a second. However, this tenth of a second became the cause of his defeat.

A fist filled with murderous intent hit the right half of his body.

Flesh and blood turned to mud.

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