This endless world

Chapter 268 One, two, three, wooden man

——There seem to be three newcomers with potential.

One, his hair was dyed bright and green, and he looked like a young gangster who killed Matt... Although he was very different from the previous little girl in terms of hairstyle and color, Zheng Zha could clearly sense it. This young man is not as simple as he seems.

One is a beautiful woman in her twenties with her eyes closed. She has an ethereal aura about her body. At the same time, the neatly tied braids on the back of her head are more than one meter long and have reached her calves... In Zhan According to Lan's induction, the mental power fluctuations of this beautiful woman with her eyes closed are much stronger than those of ordinary people. It can be said that she has the potential to become a mental power controller.

There is another one, a long-haired beauty who is about 1.75 meters tall, with slightly missing breasts, and two long legs as white as jade, which attracts people around her to take a peek... But this tall girl The beauty was wearing an old-fashioned outfit that looked like the fashion style from twenty years ago, which was incompatible with the neat or outrageous attire of the people around her.

Unlike this long-haired beauty who just listened quietly to the introduction and appeared to be well-behaved, during Zhan Lan's mental scan, her level of thinking was more active than the other eleven people combined. There are so many!

The degree of active thinking means that this long-haired beauty is thinking quickly, analyzing, or making judgments about the current situation... Although it is not yet at the level of a wise man, it is at least better than the remaining few who have not understood Zhan at all. Lan's explanation is true, but in his mind, the guy who is flying around is much better.

After Zhan Lan finished the introduction, she nodded slightly to Zheng Zha, indicating that she had received one hundred reward points from the Lord God, and Zheng Zha also sighed in the spiritual link: "Thank you, Zhan Lan... It's a pity that this In horror movies, we may not have much energy to pay attention to these newcomers, and we don’t know how many of them will survive after seven days.”

"Did you jump to conclusions too early?"

Zhan Lan chuckled softly and said: "Everything is still uncertain. What Yang Yun said at the last moment is that if you understand what he said, you can win a chance for survival for everyone. This everyone must also include Are these newcomers?"


Zheng Zha was stunned for a moment. Zhan Lan's words provided him with a new way of thinking. He really didn't notice these details, so he quickly said: "It seems to make sense... You also heard it from Yang Yun's words. What, Zhan Lan?"

Zhan Lan replied: "At the moment, I haven't thought too much about it. I just think what Yang Yun said before, 'Play some one-two-three wooden games with you,' is quite strange."

"One-two-three wooden man? It does sound strange... After all, Yang Yun's behavior during this period, whether it is his behavior or the words he said, does not seem like he is playing this game with us."

Zheng Zha closed his eyes and thought after hearing this. In fact, compared to the previous horror movies, Yang Yun not only did not reduce his sense of presence in these two scenes, but became much more active. Not only was everyone's exchange recommended by him, but he also distributed cultivation techniques to each member of the Zhongzhou team... So, could this sentence be alluding to something?

"One, two, three wooden people..."

Zheng Zha involuntarily opened the third-level gene lock and simulated Yang Yun's thinking. As he thought about it, he suddenly had a thought.

The game of 1, 2, 3 Wooden Man is originally a game between the catcher and the escaper. When the captor shouts "one, two, three, wooden man", he will look back at the runner. If the runner is still moving, he will lose the game directly; but if one person reaches the finish line, then he is The final winner... And this game seems to have something in common with the horror movie Death Comes!

"If you are caught escaping, you will lose the game. If you reach the end, you will win...Does it mean that at the end of the seven days, we will automatically reach the end and return to the main god's space safely?"

Zheng Zha recited these two sentences silently in his heart, and he felt that he seemed to have grasped a little bit of the truth of the matter. Because if all the current members of the Zhongzhou Team are put into this game, Zheng Zha, Zhan Lan and the twelve newcomers here are now escapees, and the ubiquitous "Death" in this world is the captor. So if this "one, two, three wooden man" game is really true, it must have an end point...

"No, that's not right!"

As soon as this idea arose, he was denied by Zheng Zha, because he suddenly remembered the words Zhang Jie left before leaving. He said that when he saw him, everything would end... Does that mean that this horror movie Besides surviving the seven days, is there a second way to clear the level?

For example, as long as Zhang Jie is defeated, this horror movie will automatically end!

The more Zheng Zha thought about it, the more likely it became. He quickly told Zhan Lan this conjecture. Sure enough, Zhan Lan's eyes lit up and said: "It makes sense. The biggest thing Zhang Jie and I have in common is that we are both mental controllers. I think this is what Yang Yun wants to tell us."

"Psychic controller...but what role does a psychic controller play in this horror movie?"

Listening to Zheng Zha's muttering, Zhan Lan smiled and said: "Zheng Zha, you are thinking too much. The protective shield has not disappeared yet. As for the specific role that the mental controller can play, it may depend on We can’t figure it out until we actually enter this world.”

"That's the truth. Since we really want to play the one-two-three wooden man game and go directly to find Zhang Jie to end the mission of the main god in advance, then the best way for these newcomers is to 'stay where they are and don't move'. After all, we don't have any There is a way to take care of them...and the only way to keep them alive as much as possible is to stay where they are and not attract the attention of the 'God of Death', the captor."

Zheng Zha also figured out the key and silently closed the third-level gene lock. Although he felt that he might not have understood all the mysteries in Yang Yun's words, this thinking direction should be correct. After all, this conjecture itself was a conclusion drawn after simulating Yang Yun's thinking... Moreover, Zhan Lan also obtained Of course. Since the two senior members of the team had the same opinion, the method of how to survive this horror movie had already been decided.

Zheng Zha had just decided on his next strategy. The next second, as the protective shield protecting everyone disappeared, the surrounding wind, human voices, and conversations were all transmitted to their ears... and the god of death came four This world is officially opened to everyone!

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