This endless world

Chapter 267 The God of Death is Coming and the Newcomer

Chapter 267 The God of Death is coming... and the newcomers

"Zheng Zha..."

Seeing Yang Yun's figure disappearing into the darkness, Zhan Lan, who had not said a word before, finally couldn't help shouting softly: "Are you okay? This kind of thing..."

"I'm fine. At least I'm sure that Yang Yun is not Zhang Jie's complete lackey. They are in a cooperative relationship...and this little thing can't defeat me. Let's take a look at the main god's mission first."

Zheng Zha stood there and took several deep breaths, then looked at the Lord God watch on his wrist and read the text on it: "The main mission is to survive for seven days and return to the Lord God space after seven days."

"Protect the story characters Nick O'Bannon, Lori Milligan, Hunter Winowski, Janet Cunningham, George Lantern, Samantha Lane, Andy Kurzer, Carter Daniels and Jonathan Groves are the nine. At the end of the horror film, each person alive will receive a thousand reward points, and each person who dies will deduct a thousand reward points."

"If at the end of the horror movie, more than five people survive, the whole team will get an additional 3,000 reward points; if more than seven people survive, the whole team will get an extra C-level side plot; if all nine people survive, the whole team will get an extra B-level side plot. And five thousand reward points... If a member of the Samsara Team kills a plot character, one person will be killed, and five thousand reward points will be deducted."

After reading it, Zheng Zha silently calculated in his heart. Since all the reward points were basically consumed in the last horror movie, four people came to death this time. They must protect at least four plot characters from death. In this way, plus a guaranteed reward of 1,000 points, we can avoid being wiped out by the main god's negative points, but the difficulty of this horror movie...

Zheng Zha took another look at the twelve newcomers scattered on the ground. There are currently eight veterans in the Zhongzhou team. Adding the twelve newcomers is the ultimate difficulty of twenty people. And the mission of the main god happens to still need the protection of human hands the most. Sex mission... In this case, Zhang Jie took away all the senior players. It can be said that it was a completely hellish start.

Zhan Lan naturally understood the difficulty of this mission. She smiled bitterly and said: "Zheng Zha, with the strength of the two of us, we simply cannot complete the three goals of taking care of the newcomers, protecting the plot characters, and finding Zhang Jie at the same time. , not to mention the possibility of being attacked by teammates at any time... What should I do?"

"Don't worry, let me think about it first..."

Zheng Zha frowned and thought about the plot of Death Comes IV. He had also watched this horror movie. In fact, the plot was not complicated and was similar to the previous three movies. The movie tells the story of the male protagonist who, when he went to watch a race at a racing track, had a premonition of a car accident caused by a racing car, and escaped with his friends and several others. However, in the following time, these people who avoided death People are dying one after another in seemingly coincidental events, and the ways of death are even more bizarre...

Zheng Zha still remembers that one of the plot characters died in the swimming pool, and his buttocks were sucked by the pool drain. At this time, the pool was pumping water, causing the character's internal organs to be sucked out. It is precisely because of this bizarre way of death that Zheng Zha still remembers this movie.

But how do you let these plot characters escape death? If the order of their deaths is disrupted, they may be able to survive these seven days, but the Lord God has specifically stipulated the punishment for killing plot characters, which obviously blocks this road in advance... So what method should be used to survive these seven days? What about a horror movie?

"This should be the scene of the memorial service after the car accident..."

Thinking of this, Zheng Zha looked outside the protective shield again. With his current eyesight, he could see the situation outside through the woods. Compared with the open-air dances or parties that the beautiful country likes to hold, the atmosphere here is much heavier. It seems that the plot of Death Comes IV has begun, and the protagonist has escaped from the accident with the supporting characters. Now we are getting together to discuss what to do next.

"Who are you? Why are you staring at me like this?"

Just as Zheng Zha was thinking, the twelve newcomers lying on the ground began to wake up one after another. The first one to speak was a little girl from Shamat with colorful hair. After she woke up, she first checked her clothes, and then said to Zheng Zha fiercely: "Where are we? What TV program is this? I was obviously chatting with netizens at Wang Bar, why did it suddenly get dark?"

If this little girl takes care of her hair and gets rid of the accessories, earrings, necklaces, etc., she should be considered an ordinary girl. It's just that her movements were so rough that Zheng Zha didn't even bother to look at her and simply regarded her as nothing.

However, starting with this little girl, several other people began to chatter, which made Zheng Zha feel a little bored. He could only say in a deep voice: "Be quiet."

Following Zheng Zha's words, a flash of red flame suddenly appeared on his right hand. After practicing the Cursed Blood Dragon Binding Secret Path, the temperature of the red flames has reached an absurd level. Under Zheng Zha's deliberate driving, there was an overwhelming heat wave, which scared several people except Zhan Lan. She crawled a few steps away from him, swallowing hard.

Although the little girl's eyes were so frightened, she still stared at the red flame in Zheng Zha's hand and stuttered: "Is this cosplay? This must be cosplay! Who are you imitating? ? Kusanagi Kyo? Or Iori Yagami? How did you do it?"

Hearing these two familiar names, Zheng Zha could only smile helplessly, dispersed the red flames in his hands, and said seriously to everyone: "This is not a cosplay, and I am not joking with you. All of this is... It’s a real reality.”

"This world is completely different from the real world you were in before you entered. The common sense you had before will no longer exist. You will experience infinite terror in an infinite world, complete tasks, and then return to the main god space... For example, we are here now The world we live in is a horror movie called Death Comes Part 4. In this movie, like the protagonists, we are also targets of Death."

"Think about it carefully. The Lord God should have implanted everything into your minds."

"Zhan Lan, please."

The first sentence was said to the newcomer, but the latter sentence was said by Zheng Zha to Zhan Lan in the spiritual link. Zhan Lan also nodded while everyone was recalling the information in their minds, and began to introduce the situation of the Lord God Space to everyone.

Zheng Zha silently observed the situation of the newcomers, listening to Zhan Lan's introduction to them. Some of these newcomers were surprised, some were confused, some were ecstatic, and some observed the surroundings without saying a word...

But no matter who they were, this group of newcomers who had not experienced strengthening were unable to hide under Zhan Lan's mental scanning.

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