This endless world

Chapter 255 Theory, paper?

When everyone from the Zhongzhou Team gathered in the square again at nine o'clock in the morning, some of them were tired, some were worried, some were elated, and some were thinking intently... Although it was only a short three-day break, But for some people, it feels like a world away.

"Okay, everyone, look at me. Let me announce something first."

Seeing that Zheng Zha was not the first to speak, Yang Yun coughed twice and attracted everyone's attention first. He cleared his throat and said, "I have good news. Brother Jie and I got back together earlier. A trip to Grudge has yielded some results... So from now on, our Zhongzhou Team will be the Cultivation Team."

This first sentence sent everyone except Zheng Zha, Zhang Jie, and Zhan Lan, who had known about it for a long time, into a downtime. For a moment, there was a brief silence in the main square of the Zhongzhou team. Finally, Qi Teng raised a trembling hand and asked in a trembling voice: "Cultivation, cultivation? Is it the cultivation I thought about?" "

"That's right, that's the cultivator."

After getting Yang Yun's affirmative answer, everyone rubbed their ears in disbelief, and then even Ling Dian and Zhao Yingkong, who had always been cold, could not hide their excitement, and suddenly appeared in front of Yang Yun In front of him, Zhang Heng and Qi Teng, who were extremely excited, asked loudly, and even they themselves didn't know what they were asking. It wasn't until Zheng Zha shouted for silence several times that he managed to bring the situation under control... Even so, the expressions on the faces of several people were filled with joy.

Cultivation, that's cultivation... Who hasn't heard of cultivation?

Everyone knows that gods are good, and everyone wants to live forever... Just look at Chu Xuan's reaction when he saw Najie for the first time. Although there are supernatural powers such as internal strength in the real world, cultivation is still important to them. It is something that only exists in myths and legends.

Even Zhao Yingkong, who belongs to a family of assassins, has never heard of any cultivators in reality, and Qi Tengyi has been dealing with ancient texts from beginning to end. Now people around him suddenly say that they can also cultivate. How can this happen? Can it not make people excited?

"Don't worry, first I have to explain to you the situation of cultivation."

Zhang Jie stood up at this time and began to pretend to be an old man. Little did he know that in the curse, he was the one who was treated as an ignorant rotten wood by Setsuna: "Cultivation is nothing but the development of science to its extreme. The full name should be Xiu De Zhen, which means to master the truest aspect of the universe..."

—————Zhang Jie is explaining——————

"This is the basic situation."

After explaining to several people, including Zheng Zha and Zhan Lan, and satisfying his desire to show off, Zhang Jie retreated with satisfaction, leaving everyone stunned.

"This seems different from the cultivation I heard about..."

Qi Tengyi was the first to scratch his head, but this trainee wizard, who is an expert in ancient writing and went to Hogwarts for another year, is also the one who is the most receptive to new things. He quickly accepted this setting. : "No matter, it's nothing more than a super ancient civilization... So what do you mean when you say that everyone can cultivate truth? Yang Yun, are you coming to give us a lecture?"

"No, no, no, no, I'm not at that level. After all, I just got some secrets of cultivation techniques."

Yang Yun waved his hand quickly, Qi Tengyi's words put him too high: "The main thing is that you practice the cultivation techniques on your own. What I can do is to select as many of the techniques as possible for you. Come with the appropriate exercises.”

With that said, Yang Yun took out a space bag and handed it to Qi Tengyi, and then smiled as he watched the excited man take out a thick gold silk jade book from the space bag...

Then the smile faded.

"Basic...cultivation method? This is too..."

Qi Tengyi didn't know what to say about the book he got, because in the information he received, the book called "Basic Cultivation Method" contained a long introduction to self-cultivation. First, it opens the door to clarify what cultivation is, and secondly, it emphasizes the importance of runes and calculation power in cultivation, especially clarifying that the stronger the calculation power, the better; and thirdly, it emphasizes the necessity of cultivation for human races, and for aliens. It is shameful to steal the fruits of human cultivation.

Finally, it lists the table of contents, outline, keywords, abstracts of one, two, three and four points, as well as cited references...

Just seeing these words, Qi Tengyi felt a little dizzy. He seemed to recall his college career before he was deceived into a tomb robbing gang. That was his lost youth... and at that time, he was exhausted every day. He worked tirelessly in the library and in front of the computer, typing, writing papers, and then submitted them to his tutor for review.

Qi Tengyi has not told anyone about his experience before entering the main god space. He has such profound knowledge in ancient writing, but as an appraiser of tomb robbers, his original profession is not actually this. He also came from a top-notch school. The most famous top student in ancient Chinese characters research in China.

——He was supposed to have an extremely bright future, but his future was ruined by his own hands in a single thought.

It was a past that was unbearable to look back on, an experience that Qi Tengyi never wanted to mention for the rest of his life. It was also the main reason why he entered the main god space. Even today, when he thinks about what happened back then, he still feels pain. That's why Qi Tengyi resolutely exchanged the wizard bloodline in Harry Potter and entered Hogwarts to study. Because it was through learning that he got the opportunity to change his life.

...Of course, this is another story.

Judging from Qi Tengyi's experience of reading countless papers, this "Basic Cultivation Method" is obviously a well-written and master-level paper. Even the writing technique is somewhat similar to those famous historical research papers, but the author The level was far beyond his imagination.

After all, lines are separated like mountains, and there are barriers to reading papers. Especially for Qi Tengyi, a pure newcomer who knows nothing about cultivation, he was able to understand 70% to 80% of it at first glance. This is enough to prove the author's skill. ... From the easy to the easy, from the deep to the easy, being able to write a paper in an easy-to-understand manner is also a skill in itself, and it is an extremely superb skill.

Qi Tengyi could even vaguely see through this paper how a serious and unsmiling middle-aged professor set high standards and strict requirements for the graduate students he carefully selected, and how he required these graduate students to study in the university. Submit the research results and corresponding papers before a certain day...

——But what about the promised cultivation? How come I can still encounter this kind of thing when I come to the Lord God Space?

At this moment, Qi Tengyi suddenly understood what Yang Yun meant. With this article called "Gongfa Actual Paper", he really did not need to give lectures to everyone... He only needed to immerse himself in the paper. !

Thanks to "My name is Xia Binghai" for your 20 monthly votes.

So I will update in advance today.jpg

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