This endless world

Chapter 254 A little more trust

Yi Jin Jing...

As mentioned before, there are many versions of the Yi Jin Jing at the Main God. For example, the gold version that Zheng Zha is most familiar with requires two B-level side plots and 5,000 reward points to redeem it.

The explanation of this version of the Yi Jin Jing from the Main Spiritual Department is that "the veins of the body are connected to the spirit of the five internal organs. They circulate without being scattered and move continuously. Qi is generated from the inside and blood is moistened from the outside."

"Cultivation is not easy. If you want to step into the highest realm, you need to be able to break through the 'self-image and human-image'. After practicing, your heart will move and your strength will be released, and you will give it naturally without realizing it comes out, like The rising tide is like the hair of thunder.”

How should I put it... The wording is very simple and the description is very convincing, but the value of this skill is only two B-level sub-plots, which is only one more B-level sub-plot than Zheng Zha's advanced internal skills. That’s all.

The double B-level skills are actually in a rather awkward position. On the one hand, they are indeed stronger than the B-level skills, but they do not widen the essential gap. The A-level skills are the qualitative change. This metal-type Yi Jin Jing not only requires self-practice, but also needs to be able to break through the "self-image, human aspect" in order to practice to the highest level... The devil knows what it means to be broken. If you can't break it, wouldn't you be stuck for a lifetime? live?

——No wonder the reward points required for this pair of B-level Yi Jin Jing are only 5,000 points. This is actually the price of B-level redemption, right?

The gold-type Yi Jin Jing is really not that good, so Zheng Zha just scrolled down to the bottom and saw the description of the last and most expensive Yi Jin Jing.

"Yi Jin Jing, from "Dragon and Tiger Gate", is one of the four magical arts created by Bodhidharma, the founder of Shaolin. It connects the meridians of the whole body to the magnetic field of the universe, and turns external forces into internal forces. It has an endless supply and can be used differently. The golden bell shield strengthens the indestructible body and pursues the profound state of unity between man and nature...the higher the skill, the stronger the energy absorbed."

"It contains all things, is endless, and endless."

"After practicing the Yi Jin Jing, the true qi produced has extremely strong assimilation and inclusiveness. Any kind of internal force can be transformed into the true qi of the Yi Jin Jing after being absorbed and fused by the Yi Jin Jing. The true energy of the Yi Jin Jing Qi can also be used as the driving force for any kind of moves and exercises during use, producing a strange power that turns decay into magic."

"Broad and profound, strong and soft at the same time."

"Divided into seven great heavens, those who have cultivated to the highest level will have a place for Qi all over their body, with an endless supply of true Qi, and no weaknesses inside or outside."

"To redeem this technique, you need two A-level side plots, and the reward points are 20,000 points."

Zheng Zha broke out in a cold sweat while watching this most expensive skill. Although he had vaguely heard that the Hong Kong version of martial arts comics was always unconventional. For example, Fengyun was called Wuxia, which was actually fantasy, but this description was a bit exaggerated... It was said that it was Yi The Jin Jing has the same name as the Metal-type Yi Jin Jing. After practicing it, it will be almost the same as a perpetual motion machine, right? No wonder it requires two A-level side plots and 20,000 reward points. You get what you pay for.

But the Yi Jin Jing that Yang Yun handed to Zheng Zha is completely different from all the Yi Jin Jing that Zheng Zha has seen, because in this book, apart from a few lines of text explanation, there are only thirteen postures. ...The mere thirteen postures are not internal strength and mental methods. Which version of the Yi Jin Jing is this?

Now that he had read both the cheapest and the most expensive Yi Jin Jing, Zheng Zha patiently spent some time reading all the hundreds of different versions of Yi Jin Jing. As expected, although the descriptions of these Yi Jin Jing were very different, they were all internal skills and mental methods without exception. But the "Yi Jin Jing" that Yang Yun handed him was like a set of radio gymnastics...

"The first exercise book was fine, but why were the last two exercises Yang Yun gave me such weird things?"

Listening to Zheng Zha's puzzled words after walking back from the Main God's Square, Zhan Lan smiled and said: "Zheng Zha, why don't you wait to ask him directly tomorrow?"

"Should I ask him directly?"

Zheng Zha suddenly woke up from thinking about the thirteen postures, looked at Zhan Lan, and said incredulously: "I am in the process of doubting him now, how can I ask him face to face?"

"But your behavior just now didn't sound like you were doubting Yang Yun at all." Zhan Lan just smiled and said: "If you really think so, then your first reaction is not to suspect that Yang Yun is harboring evil intentions and deliberately causing harm to people." Are you doing the wrong technique?"

"Well, that's because..."

Seeing that Zheng Zha got stuck mid-sentence, Zhan Lan's mouth curved slightly, as if he wanted to laugh, but stopped before he actually laughed.

——As a writer, perhaps her statement "she is most confident in the layout" is a lie, but when it comes to understanding other people's psychology, it is still somewhat rewarding.

Therefore, this mental controller who already understood Zheng Zha's complicated psychology of gains and losses adopted a clever way to comfort the other party's mind: "Zheng Zha, in fact, subconsciously, you also trust Yang Yun, right? . To the point that you will only wonder why he gave you two such strange exercises, rather than what purpose he had in giving you these two exercises..."

"Ha, I'm a little jealous."

Seeing Zhan Lan pretending to sigh, Zheng Zha, who was previously in a state of confusion, now realized that when she knocked on her door, Zhan Lan was about to go to bed - and the pajamas she was wearing were exposed. A hint of beautiful scenery.

——The heart seemed to skip a beat slightly; and the breathing also felt slightly suffocated at that moment.

"You're talking about jealousy. What you said is a bit too strange... It's better not to make fun of me."

Although Luo Li's words seemed to ring in his ears, the experience of clubbing gave Zheng Zha strong self-control. After all, a veteran in love still has his own advantages. He immediately smiled and forcibly qualified Zhan Lan's words. To make fun of myself, I played Tai Chi.

And Zhan Lan did not continue to delve deeper. She also smiled and continued: "Okay, let's get back to the topic...I won't say any more unnecessary nonsense. Zheng Zha, ask your own heart. You What kind of person do you think Yang Yun is?"

"... He is a partner that I recognize, a brother who can stay with me until death."

Zheng Zha thought for a while, and finally admitted reluctantly: "Yang Yun is a newcomer who entered the main god space at the same time as me. I know his nature very well, and he has also been in several life and death adventures. Proved myself. But..."

"There is no but, Zheng Zha, these words are enough."

Zhan Lan shook his head: "Although Yang Yun does have secrets, regardless of his deeds or intentions, he is constantly making contributions to this team... From the beginning to now, he has tried his best to let everyone live together. Going on, even in the upper team battle, only one newcomer who was not worth saving died, and none of the seniors, including me, died, thanks to his planning and layout."

"Besides, that piece of metal that radiates mental power was the one Yang Yun asked you to give to me."

"...That's true."

After listening to Zhan Lan's words, Zheng Zha realized that his frown had unknowingly relaxed a lot, but he still said uncaringly: "But can't there be some things that can't be said? Are you open? I don’t quite understand why we are all companions, but still hide many things from each other, and even hide many flaws even though they are clearly exposed..."

"'It's not that I don't want to say it, but that I can't say it'... hasn't Zhang Jie said this many times?"

Zhan Lan smiled slightly, put a green jade finger on his lips, made an action that once again made Zheng Zha's heart skip a beat, and said softly:

"So, Zheng Zha..."

"Why can't you give Yang Yun a little more trust?"

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