This endless world

Summary at the end of the volume

Hello readers, this is Mengyun, thank you very much for coming to read my book.

In fact, when I wrote the seventh volume, the goal I set for myself was "if you don't lose your subscription, you will be successful." However, it turns out that there was no big problem with my judgment at the time. This volume was indeed not popular with readers.

There are many reasons for its unpopularity, such as updates, poor writing, lack of emotional rendering, and too much preaching... But I think the biggest problem may be that the reading threshold is too high, as is the case with Shuguang and Diekai. The book is indeed outdated.

Shuguang was already a book ten years ago. When people mention Shuguang, most of their impressions should be about "What is the relationship between Chu Hao and Hao" or "Chu Hao's suffocation operation", or about some settings and The inherent impression of layout failure, no one will analyze this character, and explain what went wrong with his concept, and how he got to the point where the team was wiped out... This naturally sets a reading threshold. , so many readers think that I am complaining for nothing, that there are problems with the fourth group's approach, and that they cannot understand the corresponding decisions and cannot empathize with them.

This naturally destroys half of what I wanted to express in this volume.

The characters and settings of Diekai are more similar to the existence of black history. All the settings of the negative universe have basically been eaten up in the prehistoric calendar. Only half of Pei Jiao's name is left, Gong Yeyu can't even find this person, and Fuxi's wife and child are gone... Maybe popularity is everything, writing about the coming of the Overlord, the Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder, and the negative universe, but there is no such thing. People are willing to read it, but the threshold for reading is too high.

This destroys the other half of what I want to express in this volume, because some of the feelings and stories I want to convey are destined to be unable to be conveyed... Maybe some people will care about the ending of those characters' stories, but certainly not many .

How should I put it, the perspectives of the author and the readers are destined to be different, and as an old Infinite fan for more than ten years, the perception of it is bound to be very different from that of most readers.

I think half of the story of Infinite Horror lies in infinity, that is, the various exchanges in the main god space, and various types of worlds. This half makes the soil of the infinite flow genre; and the remaining half consists of various The story of a character with his own beliefs and his own path struggling to survive in this godly space is just like the name of the protagonist, Zheng Zha.

In my mind, Infinite Horror is actually a group drama, so I spent a lot of time describing every character that appeared in my novel, including Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Snape, and Albuquerque in HP. Thinking, Voldemort; in this volume, Dao Man, Liu Li, Moment, Xin Ke, Xin Bian.

I personally feel that every character should have flesh and blood, not just a facial expression. In fact, how these characters with different beliefs and paths collide, how the paths intersect, and even develop into the so-called "moral struggle" in the later period, is actually something I particularly like. .

But the data can be seen. I personally think that Yang Yun holding the Purple Thunder Sword and angrily slashing Ashiya Doman is the climax of this volume, but in fact, getting a bunch of cultivation techniques after the battle is the climax. What readers really want to see...

Some people say that I am writing original works through an infinite framework. In fact, I just want to write a story in my own heart, but this may not be accepted by today’s online writing environment... After all, I already have four or five years of experience. I haven’t written a pen in years, so it’s normal for my writing ideas to become outdated. And my writing skills and skills may not be able to support me in writing such a story.

To be honest, I am actually quite disappointed. After all, I actually put a lot of effort into this volume, even more than the HP volume. I revised the outline three times, but it is destined to be a thankless task. .

But maybe this is the lesson I received_(:зゝ∠)_.

What an author wants to write may not be what readers want to see. So since it's not popular, I will change a lot of my writing style in the next plot... I don't know if it's because my outlook on life is different from others, or because of other reasons. That's it. Sometimes I just write random things to make up for the word count, but I don't think it's good, but it gets good reviews from readers; while the things I really put effort into writing have a plot, but actually the response is not good.

Why is this... Anyway, I will pay special attention to this aspect in the future.

Please look forward to the next volume, "Farewell to Death".

PS: I don’t know why, but I unknowingly wrote so much when I was writing the summary essay at the end of the paper. Sure enough, I am more suitable for writing essays than novels...

PS2: Have a day off tomorrow and adjust the plot arrangements for the future.

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