This endless world

Chapter 245: Hope and Miracle

Today, as always, I woke up in the core control room of Lungominiad.

Thanks to the two warriors who came from the Lord's Dimension and Liuli's establishment of the Hall of Heroes, I no longer have to keep my eyes open and stare at the world of life like I did for the previous one thousand five hundred and seventy-three years. Data on sin pollution in rivers. After all, I was in the nutrient solution before, and as a soul body, I don’t need to sleep like an ordinary life... Of course, being able to have the time to sleep like now is generally a good thing.

Now, I no longer need to use my body to personally experience and analyze the components of sin. After a long period of baptism in the river of life, I have now regained the ability to move freely and no longer need to use a wheelchair to move. Since then, I have had a space of my own in the compartment of the core control room, a small bed to rest on, and pillows and quilts made of spirit energy, allowing me to have a more comfortable rest... …

...Ah, make no mistake, this is not for enjoyment, but to relax my nerves that have been tense for more than a thousand years.

What? You said there is no such thing as nerves in the soul body?

Ahem... Better rest is for better work. Even my body here should agree with me.

Anyway, don’t worry about these little things and let’s talk about the story after that.

One thousand one hundred and forty-five days, one hour and four minutes have passed since the two visitors from the main god's space left. Under the interception of the Hall of Valor and the supervision of various surveillance instruments mounted on the Lungominiad, the world returned to its long-lost peace.

There were no ghosts or monsters, no ghosts harming people, no blood sacrifices to ordinary people under the guise of cults, and massacres... The most outrageous thing during this period was only an ordinary person. Someone accidentally picked up some unused spiritual bullet casings and successfully killed a cult leader with a homemade shotgun.

This little thing, in the past, was not even worthy of my attention, but now it can appear in front of me, because this is the biggest event related to the soul during this period of time... It is like passing through the light of the Holy Spear. After the raids and the establishment of the Hall of Valor, the world seemed to change for the better overnight.

No, I can't say that. I should use more rigorous judgment as a record. After all, the diary I wrote today will become the raw material for my mission report in the future... According to the calculation of Nether Core, there is a 100% The ninety-seventh possibility is that I used the light of the holy spear to temporarily calm down the filth in people's hearts, thus bringing a short-term peace to the world.

Of course, Liuli's visits and teachings to people in this land for more than a thousand years cannot be ignored. After all, we are all among the three corpses. What she does is what I do... Of course , the work she is currently handling in the Hall of Valor also represents the work I am handling.

The turmoil caused by the non-soul body is not something I worry about, so I can lie in bed and leisurely watch the humans in this world continue their lives, watching them spend every day doing nothing.

Peace is so good.

There are no bloody battles, no intrigues with the enemy. At first, this made me a little at a loss, because under the influence of Ashiya Michuman, the world will always be accompanied by weird events of one kind or another, especially in the land called Area 11. Justice and evil always collide with each other at many times... After all, this country under great pressure has always been full of poor people who have gone astray due to excessive mental pressure, as well as those who believe in the evil power in the darkness and want to use This is a careerist who stands out.

For more than a thousand years, I have not seriously observed humans in this plane, and I admit that human creativity is beyond my imagination... For example, I still can't understand why Ashiya Michima After being written into a story with the legend of Abe Seimei, it will be so popular.

...and even portrayed Ashiya Michitoshi as a woman who failed to woo Abe Seimei, and was angry and opposed to him everywhere.

However, due to the intention of the creator, this general villain is portrayed as a funny character who often falls short due to various strange reasons just before he is about to succeed... His words clearly express his usual performance. Ashiya Michitoshi is very talented, but always loses to Abe Seimei at the last moment. This kind of guy is actually quite popular.

Ha, maybe it’s because of a good face. After all, in this country, as long as you have a good face, no matter what kind of strange things you do, you will always have supporters.

I don’t know what the sinister and sinister Onmyoji would think if he really saw this scene, especially since this work, as a "romance comedy", quickly became popular in District 11 and was even made into animation and... The TV series became a popular visual novel, and even I bought a copy...

Ahem, cross this paragraph out.

All in all, human creativity is really an eye-opener for me. I'm afraid even the guy who proposed this plan and implanted this idea into the mind of a light novelist through mental hypnosis in the last day or two before returning to the main god's space, didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

Although this idea sounds very unreliable at first, the guy swore that "girliness is the future of this world, and funny characters are the best way to make the world forget horror." Even I couldn't understand him. What are you talking about... Considering that he saved the world, I still believe it.

It's a coincidence that when I was cleaning up the battlefield afterwards, I miraculously discovered the purple thunder knife used by Commander Xin. Although it was somewhat damaged, it could still be used after being washed in the river of life, and I also He gave the Purple Thunder Knife to him.

Speaking of which, although that guy came back several times later, the other very rude guy who was traveling with him never showed up. Obviously I still owe them a thank you... After all, it is because of them that I was able to go back to the millennium. Freed from the mission, he has his own name, his own life, and even his own feelings. No longer living as "someone's three corpses", but living as "Set Moment".

...Anyway, come on, don't die in the main god's space.

Liuli and I are still waiting for you to become a fourth-level senior and save the world again.

The smiling woman closed her diary and looked out the window at the silvery river of life and the quaint Nordic-style palace standing in the middle of the river.

She knew that there was a woman with a crown on her head, also waiting for the hero, waiting for him to save the world again.

As long as the hope in people's hearts never dies——

Then the light of miracles will shine on the earth again.

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