This endless world

Chapter 243 Goodbye

"let's start."

After getting Yang Yun's promise, Xin Ke made a move with one hand, and the condensed silver soul light in the Hall of Heroes flew out from the gate and landed on her hand.

Staring at the silver soul light in Xing Ke's hand, Yang Yun seemed to be able to hear the countless wills contained in these countless soul aggregations, as if they were echoes from the distant history and the distant past.

This is the heroic soul of fifteen hundred years, which contains countless powers. Even the silver in the long river of life will be eclipsed by it... and this is also the key to saving the world.

"The soul of a warrior, the soul of a warrior, the soul of a sage, the soul of a hero... Although in 'my' vision, it is indeed necessary to collect a large number of high-quality souls to complete this final plan, but even she I probably never thought that I could collect so much in fifteen hundred years."

Xin Ke sighed in a low voice: "It is rumored that in the barbaric era when the human city was just established, in order to fight against the ancient tribes, humans had the custom of absorbing the souls of their dead comrades to strengthen themselves, and carrying the will and beliefs of their comrades to move forward together. …This moment is exactly like that moment.”

"Isn't it pretty good?"

Different from Xin Ke's emotion, Xin Bi'an is much more free and easy: "The living are the ones who carry the will of the dead and move towards the future. The living should live well and see the hopeful future for us."

"I'm taking the first step, Xin Ke... After all, we, the dead in the past, can contribute our last efforts and pave the way for the living. This is not worth feeling sad about!"

After saying these words, Xin Bi'an laughed and turned into a purple thunder light, which was injected directly into the silver light group.

"Unexpectedly, what I saw in the end was not as clear as hers."

Even though they couldn't see their expressions, Yang Yun and Liuli could still hear the helplessness revealed in Cong Xingke's tone: "That's fine."

After saying that, Xinji also turned into a stream of data and was also thrown into the silver light group.

As the two of them joined in, the amorphous silver soul light gradually began to take on its own shape. In the sights of Yang Yun and Liuli, lightning and data streams started from the surface of the light group and spread. To the inside of the entire light group.

There is a strong light cast from the sky, shining on the soul light. When the light faded, the spherical silver soul light had turned into a silver crown. This crown was shining with dazzling light like stars, and on both sides of the crown, there were two shockingly beautiful gems embedded in it.

One is dark purple, as if it were a hexagonal gem transformed by thunder and lightning. If you look closely, there are countless purple arc lightning flashing inside the gem, which is constantly refracting and surging inside. What is finally reflected in the outside world is a magnificent luster that cannot be concealed by the silver in the sky.

One is a round gemstone that is silver-gray, similar to the silver-white of the crown, but completely different, like a big "0". It seems simple, but there is a strange beauty contained in it. Inside this gem, there are countless data and runes flashing, just like a small library.

"Strength and wisdom."

Yang Yun looked at the crown floating in front of Liuli and said softly: "If you wear this, will you be the Lord of the Hall of Heroes?"

Having said that, Yang Yun couldn't help but think of the classic CG in World of Warcraft. Liuli stepped onto the Frozen Throne step by step, and then put the Lich King's helmet on his head, becoming a new witch. Demon King...

"Yes, in the original plan, this soul essence that I have collected for thousands of years will be directly integrated into my body, giving me enough power to change the future in this river of life. At the same time, it will also inject me with new energy. consciousness and personality.”

Liuli also looked at the crown floating in the river of life. This crown was right on his chest. He could hold it with just a gentle squeeze of his right hand: "But now, Commander Xin's spiritual light and salary The deep integration gave me a chance to preserve the consciousness that belongs to 'Liu Li'."

"I can hear those familiar people who have been buried deep in my memory for a long time. Their souls are in this crown."

"In other words, you, the Lord of the Hall of Heroes, are actually a big boss with many heroic spirits under you?" Yang Yun wanted to laugh a little. Although he knew that this was the original function of the Hall of Heroes, it still sounded like a controlling one. The sense of sight of the helmet.

"Yes, when I was forced into a desperate situation by Ashiya Michimi, I once thought about whether to blow up the Hall of Heroes by myself and destroy it together with Ashiya Michimi."

Liuli's eyes reflected the reflection of the crown, and she recalled the situation at that time: "I was almost about to activate the final self-destruction mechanism... Fortunately, you stood up in the end."

Liuli turned her ice-blue eyes to Yang Yun: "I want to thank you. If it weren't for your arrival, the process of eliminating Ashiya Michuman would never have been so smooth... Even if I could be in that sealed space Even if you win, you will fall on this last step."

"Actually, before I returned to this plane, I never thought that the final outcome would be like this... I say this, do you believe it?"

Yang Yun recalled his thoughts when he was in the main god space, with endless emotion in his tone: "Actually, when I first returned, I only thought that Ashiya Road was full of dead bones that were sealed in the tomb. With Zhang Jie's strength, I could eliminate them in three strikes. Two can kill that guy. After that, we can try to find some information about the soul, such as the technology of the three corpses, to solve the problem of Zhang Jie... I didn't expect that things would develop like this, I have to say it’s fate that plays a role in this.”

"This is also a choice."

Liuli looked at Yang Yun and raised the corners of her mouth slightly. This Valkyrie, who was supposed to have no emotions, now showed a smile that couldn't be called a smile, but it did exist: "Your choice to come has made us successful. It ends this story of 1,573 years and brings it to a close; your choice to come provides us with a new choice, which allows me to retain my personality and allow this story to develop. It’s reached its current ending.”

"And it is your choice to come that brings the already concluded story to a new beginning."

"It sounds like I am the writer of the story, not a participant in the story." Yang Yun said with a smile: "But I still don't know where my own story will go... If nothing else, soon After that, I may face a big battle, and the enemy I will face by then will be even stronger than Ashiya Michitoshi."

"I believe you can do it, come on."

Liuli said extremely seriously: "Because we are always with you."

After speaking, Liuli stretched out his right arm and extended his fist in front of Yang Yun. Yang Yun naturally understood the meaning of this action, smiled slightly, and also stretched out his right fist to touch it.


"Well, see you later."

What needs to be done has been done.

The farewell words have been said.

Looking at his comrades in front of him, Yang Yun watched quietly as Liuli held the crown in both hands and then put it on his head.

The moment Liuli put on the crown, a soft silver light shone from the depths of the ground, covering the two of them, the Hall of Heroes, the River of Life, and everything in it...

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