This endless world

Chapter 242 Pinning hope on future promises

"What's the meaning?"

Hearing what Xin Bi'an said, not only Yang Yun, but also Liuli stopped walking towards the gate of the Hall of Heroes. She turned around and asked: "This was not part of the original plan. According to the plan back then, Plan, I should..."

"This guy is right, nothing is ever the same."

Xin Bi'an interrupted what Liuli wanted to say. Although she was just a shadow that was not even a ghost, Yang Yun could still imagine her touching her head and laughing boldly. Expression: "After all, the future does not belong to the dead, but to the living... Well, if we want to strictly define it, does your soul cultivator also belong to the dead?"

As she spoke, Xin Bi'an became confused first, and her tone became slightly flustered: "It does not belong to those who have sacrificed, but to those who are about to sacrifice... It doesn't seem right? What should I say? Up?"

"If I didn't know that you are transformed by the light of the soul now, then I would definitely suspect that there is something wrong with your language function."

Xin Ke said merciless words to the side, and these words also made Xin Bi'an's shadow bend a little, as if because the words were so merciless, he held his chest: "Wow, what you said It really hurts me. You would not have said such words fifteen hundred years ago... Could it be that the mouths of the three corpses are more poisonous than the main body?"

Ignoring Xin Bi'an's half-playing and half-serious move, Xin Ke continued to say seriously: "Are you sure, Xin Bi'an? You may regret it in the future."

"Ha, I am the leader." Xin Bi'an said nonchalantly: "After all, I gave the 'seed' to this boy."

"...If that's the case, then I must obey."

After Xin Ke said something, he faced Yang Yun and Liu Li and explained: "Okay, don't pay attention to that guy who is not very reliable when he is alive, and even less reliable when he is dead... In short, although There is indeed a need for a master of the Hall of Heroes, but it does not mean that this position must be taken by Liuli."

"But I have been told my own ending since I was cut out of the main body, and I have been working hard for this goal."

Suddenly being said this, Liuli, who was standing on the spot, seemed a little at a loss. She said slightly at a loss: "In the plan back then, if I were to assume the position of the Lord of the Hall of Heroes, then this mechanism would be enough to use 100,000 or even 100,000 people. Millions of years, and the Hall of Valor can still afford the function of civilized principles, this plane will no longer have to worry about being eroded by the power of Dark Gaia..."

"It's a simple thing, it's not fair to you."

Xin Bi'an's shadow floated to Liuli's side, and she said softly: "Just like that kid said, good people should have sweets to eat, and good people should have good rewards. This is something that all children know... So as Forerunner, how can we watch you embark on the same path of sacrifice as us?"

"But this is a choice..."

"That was before." Xin Ke also said seriously: "Now that the variable of the Lord God's Space has been introduced, we now have one more choice, a choice that allows you to make no sacrifices."

"With the light of Xin Bi'an's and mine, we should be able to help you share some of the pressure. At least within a hundred years, you don't have to worry about annihilating yourself. And a hundred years later, it will depend on the person who caused the 'miracle' Warrior, can you reach the fourth level within a hundred years?"

"Yes, if you have the strength of our two deputy army commanders, then the problems in this plane can be properly solved... I wanted to say it when I merged with you before, the energy you cultivate is Internal power, and the other is healing life energy, right? If you can sublimate these two energies and reach the fourth advanced level, you can eliminate all sins, rebuild the world with great power, and transform this land into a new one. All wounds will be healed."

Xin Bi'an's shadow circled in front of Yang Yun a few times, and his tone was full of smiles: "By then, not only Liuli, but all of us, as well as the soldiers of the fourth regiment, can complete their mission and go home. "

Home, human city...

When Xin Bi'an mentioned this word, even Liuli's eyes couldn't help but fluctuate for a moment.

Yes, go home, go home...the date for these soldiers of the fourth regiment to return home is already more than 1,500 years late.

"...If I survive, I will definitely return to this plane one day to heal everything and smooth everything so that you can return home safely."

Yang Yun hesitated for a moment, then said: "It's not that I don't have confidence, because there will be another big battle after me, and the enemies I will face at that time will definitely be beyond my imagination. If I survive this battle, then I will definitely... "

"So, I hate you wise men the most!"

Xin Bi'an suddenly raised his voice, blocking all the words Yang Yun wanted to say back into his throat: "You are a little confident, boy! Why are there so many fears when a man is alive? He is afraid of this, that, and God. The earth is also afraid of you, so what else is there that you are not afraid of?”

"Sometimes things are not that complicated, and you don't need to think so much. Although I don't know what kind of enemy you have to face, at that time there are enemies in front of you, and behind you are the people who need to be protected. You Next to you are your comrades-in-arms... And at this time, will you still weigh the gains and losses, make plans, and calculate the pros and cons? When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win, that's all!"

"Although the behavior of this idiot leader who acts rashly when faced with trouble is undesirable, what he said does make some sense."

Xing Ke said on the side: "Before saying victory, say defeat first, this is the idea of ​​a wise man, but this way of thinking sometimes leads to looking forward and backward, missing opportunities... How to grasp the 'degree' is what every wise man wants to know. A subject that must be considered. After all, the more you think about it, the more mistakes you make sometimes. Even the strongest wise man cannot calculate everything."

"You are teasing me again... Anyway, I feel that this boy is not suitable for my Purple Thunder Sword." Xin Bi'an muttered from the side: "What the way of swordsmanship requires is the momentum to move forward. If there are too many calculations, how can you climb to the highest level? ? The emotional resonance was thanks to my great efforts, otherwise this kid would not be able to use it alone, let alone thunder to slay the real dragon, even thunder to tear the sky and destroy the earth..."

Hearing Xin Bi'an's words, Yang Yun could only respond with a wry smile, while Xin Ke said: "Okay, let's not talk nonsense. I also know that the greater the opportunity, the greater the danger. The core of the Lord Nether Just bring it back to the Lord God Space, and treat it as the treasure we place on you..."

"Miracles are still continuing, stories are still being written, and we place our future hopes and stories on you... One hundred years, fourth level advanced, are you confident?"

Regarding the issue of salary, Yang Yun calmed down and solemnly clasped his fists.

He didn't make any thrilling promises or grand vows, because this action itself represented a man's commitment.

——A promise that places hope in the future without words.

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