This endless world

Chapter 239 Holy Spear, pull out the anchor!

It was an amorphous, indescribable thing that only appeared in the deepest nightmares.

This monster is like a squirming darkness. The monster itself contains strong pollution, and it has a weird smell that can be smelled by the soul. It is almost to the point where it can be called a deadly poisonous gas, making people avoid it. .

Its body is like a sponge or a ball of flesh, with countless tumors growing on its surface, like a toad's skin. Almost every minute and every second, it is devouring the silver stream of light in the river of life, swallowing these pure souls from the countless vent-like entrances on its body surface, and then expelling them from the same position at the next moment, but when When discharged, the silver stream of life had turned into black sin, emitting a disgusting stench and polluting this beautiful river.

On the head of this monster, there are hundreds of eyeballs and compound eyes that are constantly rotating, and a huge mouth that can easily swallow an elephant. It is in the same vein as the black sun in the sealed space...

Malice, murderous intent, devouring appetite, desire for pollution... Countless negative emotions that were so huge that they were almost condensed into substance, spread in the river at an extremely fast speed from the moment the monster appeared. And the most similar thing between this terrifying monster and the black sun in the sealed space is that they both exude a deep darkness, as well as energy fluctuations that corrode and pollute everything!

It is unimaginable that such an ugly monster exists in the extremely beautiful river of life... But now, this indescribable monster jumped out from the bottom of the water and rushed straight towards Yang Yun and Liuli!

——This monster is a bit strong.

This is the first thought that pops up in Yang Yun's mind. The Nether core that was given to him before Xinji is still in his soul. This creation with powerful computing power has given him corresponding vision. In just a moment, Yang Yun analyzed the energy level of the monster in front of him.

The answer is astonishing. Even if this indescribable monster is not as powerful as the black sun that Yang Yun and Liuli killed together, it at least has 90% of the energy response of the sinful giant that Zhang Jie destroyed. In other words, the monster itself contains Its energy level is comparable to that of a demon king!

It is Yang Yun's current soul form, a completely unbeatable opponent... No, even if he is fully armed, if he does not reappear in the form of the previous thunder giant, I am afraid he will have no choice but to escape.

Only this time, facing the oncoming terrifying monster, Yang Yun did not dodge. Because he knew that Liuli would not lead him rashly into the river of life and attract this monster from the bottom of the river unless he was fully prepared.

This is the most basic trust in comrades who fight side by side, and it is also the lesson Zhang Jie taught him in the last horror movie... If you want to trust your teammates, then believe it with all your heart and all aspects.

"what to do?"

Yang Yun was even in a mood, and sent a soul wave towards Liuli beside him. It was more of a joke than a question: "If we don't do something, we will become its meal."

Liuli didn't answer. She just clenched the Gangnir in her hand, and the spirit energy rose up from her body. She raised her arm, which was not thick, but powerful, and held the gun head still stuck with the continuous mass. The struggling shadow's spear was thrown straight upward!

The spear burst out from Liuli's hand and cut through the silver river water. Naturally, it also attracted the attention of the monster's hundreds of eyes.

The target of the monster has never been the souls of Yang Yun and Liuli, but the highest order set since their separation, to merge with their own souls that have been missing for more than a thousand years. So when it was still a certain distance away from the two of them, it changed its direction, made a big turn without hesitation, and chased straight towards the direction where Gangnir shot!

"So your strategy is to directly throw Ashiya Michitoshi's body out so that the two merge into one, and then hand over the task to 10032-2 alone to solve it, right?"

The crisis for the two of them was over, but Yang Yun could clearly see that there were countless tentacles connected behind the indescribable monster. Those tentacles are unknown how long they are, extending all the way along the monster's body to an extremely deep place. They may have penetrated into the bottom of the river of life: "It must be killed with its roots together, and that is the real victory..." And we are right below this monster."

Liuli didn't answer, she just closed her eyes gently and immersed her mind in the core of Nese.

——Mimic link starts.

——Level 3 authority is enabled, I acknowledge it.

——This is the battle to save the world.

Above the River of Life, 10032-2 stared at the growing black shadow at the bottom of the river. At this time, the wheelchair under her body had turned into a majestic and heroic golden horse, not Slay when Liuli turned into Odin. Punir is the mount named "East-Stalion" that the body No. 10032 rode when he went on the expedition.

It is this simulated tall horse that holds up 10032-2's body, allowing her to float in the air even if her lower body is unable to move. The white coat on her body also turned into a pair of silver-white armor at some point, and 10032-2's hands were tightly holding the lance, which was slightly tall for her height.

"The light at the end, the light of the human heart, the light that protects the world, show your true appearance."

As 10032-2 whispered, the body of the lance began to melt slowly, no longer spiraling, but gradually shining, turning into a handle made purely of light, with rings shining around it. The blazing spear with the light belt... This seemingly inconspicuous lance contains a brilliant brilliance like a star!

The natural weapon of civilization, the holy spear Lungominiad, reveals its true form here.

This is not the true body of Lungominyad, but an existence similar to a projection. The real Lungominyad is still sealing the wounds of the planet. But when the Holy Spear was designed, it took into account both combat and transportability, so it adopted this design... that is to separate the outer shell and the main body into two forms, and fight separately!

10032-2 stared at the blazing gun shining with dazzling light in his hand, and whispered: "The wait of one thousand five hundred and seventy three years is all for this moment of light to bloom."

"...If she names herself 'Ruri', then I will call her 'Setsuna'."

"If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't have been able to escape from the endless spiral of contradictions and realize that what I really should do... is not destruction if things are impossible, but protection after trying my best!"

In an instant, he raised his blazing spear and shouted loudly: "All the heroic spirits of the fourth regiment, please bear witness! This battle is a battle to save the world!"

"Tell the end of the story, Lungominyade!"

Holy Spear, pull out the anchor!

When Gangnir flew out of the river, the black shadow that was restrained and unable to move had already noticed the blazing light in the sky that was completely impossible to see directly. It tried desperately to twist and escape, but in the end it failed. As I wished, I could only be sucked into the mouth by the monster that burst out of the water, and then swallowed, and the two became one...

So, when Ashiya Michi opened his eyes in the body of the indescribable monster, what greeted him was an extremely shining and vast light. This light seems to fall from the sky, like the breath of stars, like the torrent of souls, like the proof of hope, shrouding everything in it...

this is……

Shine in the final spear!

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