This endless world

Chapter 238 Those who wish take the bait

The river of life, the river of soul, the river of reincarnation.

No matter who has life and intelligence, when they see this silver river containing countless souls for the first time, they can't help but admire this beauty and can't bear to look away. .

But the difference between people is that some people will only admire it, and some people will have evil thoughts after admiring it... And a thousand years ago, Ashiya Michimi accidentally discovered the existence of this river of life. , it is the latter.

He is indeed a genius with great luck - to be able to cultivate into a demon king in this plane, how could it be possible without being a genius? However, there was an even more talented Abe Seimei above him, which caused his heart to be eroded and twisted by jealousy. In the end, he completely sold his soul to the darkness and did something that no one could forgive.

When Ashiya Michitoshi began his treasonous and crazy plan of replacing the heart of heaven with the human heart, he returned here again, using the secret method he had developed, to cut off a part of the soul essence that had been integrated with countless sins, and devoted himself to this path. In the river of life.

Then, he has an immortal body, and can use the connection in the void to continuously transmit the essence of the source of life swallowed up by this part of the soul to his own body...

This is the function of the world authority usurped by Ashiya Michitsu. It is the life-saving trump card he developed when he replaced the heart of heaven with the human heart. It is the unique characteristic of possessing a part of the saint's immortality. As long as the world is not destroyed, he will one day be reborn. confidence.

This part of the soul essence has no consciousness, and it does not even have much power. It is just the anchor Ashiya Michitoshi casts in the river of life, and it is his last resort - as long as he still retains this part of the soul essence in the river of life. In the river, even if all his remaining soul consciousness is wiped out, he will still be reborn through this part of his soul and return to this world after an unknown number of years.

Thousands of years ago, Ashiya Michimi's pollution of the River of Life went far beyond investing his own soul essence. He also extracted the flow of life and unscrupulously injected sin into the river. At that time, almost half of the River of Life was transformed. For the sake of being black, it looks like a severely polluted river... and it was 10032-2 who set the Holy Spear seal and continued to suppress and purify it for thousands of years. In addition, Liuli persevered in visiting and preaching in reality to change people's hearts. Only then did the situation improve greatly.

However, this does not mean that the pollution has been completely removed. The stubborn stains that still exist in the river are proof. No matter how hard 10032-2 and Liuli try, they can only try to maintain the situation in this acceptable situation. This has been exhausted. All their power... Because if Ashiya Michitoshi's soul essence is not removed, the pollution will never disappear.

Therefore, Liuli did not kill the black shadow hanging on the tip of the gun, because she knew that even if she killed Ashiya Doman's body, she still had not completely eliminated this unbeatable little strong, and could only hide it in the life. Only by uprooting this part of Hanoi's soul essence could he completely end his life.

This is difficult, even harder than reaching the sky.

Just like in World of Warcraft, after Y'Shaarj was forcibly pulled out from the depths of Azeroth by Aman'Thul, the King of Gods, the wound formed the Well of Eternity, causing Azeroth to continue to bleed and weaken, Ashiya The same is true for the nature of Daoman's soul.

For thousands of years, this most stubborn sinful soul has been hidden deep in the deepest part of the river of life, absorbing the essence, taking root in it, strengthening itself, and at the same time continuously transmitting energy to the body. If the Holy Spear is used to forcibly destroy it, it will inevitably cause irreversible damage to the River of Life.

And this is also the ultimate reason why Xin Bi'an and No. 10032 finally fell short... Xin Bi'an, who had just awakened the light of the soul and couldn't even accumulate it, rushed into battle. No matter in terms of subtlety or energy reserves, Xin Bi'an has not yet left the devil. In the primary category, it lacked the means to deliver a fatal blow to Ashiya Michitoshi. Even the last eight lightning dragons were successfully produced by borrowing the computing power of Nether Core No. 10032 and using the power of miracles.

When their manpower is exhausted, being able to seal Ashiya Michitoshi's true form is the limit that the two captains and deputy captains of the Fourth Regiment can achieve. In the end, people a thousand years later took over the burden of the two, and not only completely wiped out the black sun in the sealed space, as well as the sinful power of Ashiya Michizumi who escaped from the seal, but also successfully captured Ashiya Michizumi's last of residue.

And this dark shadow, which has no power left at all, is the "bait" used to catch that part of the remaining essence.

Jiang Taigong fishes, and those who wish to take the bait will take the bait. The desire to survive is a human instinct. For a guy like Ashiya Michitsu who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and even tries to cut off his tail to survive and escape at the last moment, the effect is outstanding.

"Based on many years of research in 10032-2, the relationship between the essence and the body of the soul left by Ashiya Michitoshi in the river of life has been ascertained. Because Ashiya Michitoshi was worried about something happening to him in the outside world, this part of the soul essence will gradually It developed and eventually became independent, so when he was cutting it, he deliberately did not inject his own consciousness into it."

While Liuli used the core of Nether to simulate Ashiya Michitoshi's unique soul fluctuations and pass them out in the river of life, he explained to Yang Yun: "So he left a certain degree of backdoor so that he could avoid it in the future. Reuniting the two into one without any obstacles and regaining all of one's power has reached a higher level... So as long as we do this, we can naturally catch that big fish."

"It's pretty much what I guessed."

Yang Yun stared at the silver river water. When he was in it, he could feel that there seemed to be something trembling slightly in the ground, as if a volcano on the bottom of the sea was gradually erupting. The layers of ripples began to spread from bottom to top until they reached the end. The gently flowing river water originally flowed naturally, causing small dark vortices one after another: "Then the question is, how should we deal with the enemies that are about to appear? Judging from the movement, the size of this monster is not small... and my current I’m in such a bad state that I can’t fight.”

"Don't worry."

As he spoke, the vibrations in the water waves were quite obvious, and the black figure hanging from the head of the gun began to struggle wildly, as if to issue a warning. Liuli's expression remained calm: "10032-2 will be solved. In these one thousand, five hundred and seventy-three years, she has simulated it through the Nether Core countless times, and the winning rate..."

"It has reached 100%."

Following Liuli's calm voice, the next moment, a giant black creature with a body length of more than forty meters rushed out from the bottom of the water!

The difference between orthodox cultivation foundation building and magic cannon foundation building, if described in terms of magic rings, is the difference between the orthodox mages of Rhea Lucalia Academy and the demi-human mages.

Although demi-humans can also use magic, it does not prevent orthodox mages from looking down on demi-human mages. The demi-human queen's staff is the product of this kind of thinking.

It is reasonable for orthodox cultivators whose goal is to explore the truth of the universe and exhaust the rules of the universe to look down on the barbarians who build foundations with magic cannons ()

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