This endless world

Chapter 230 Thunder strikes and kills the real dragon!

The Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder has never been a martial art with complicated moves. The Spring Thunder Burst is a simple slash, the Heavenly Spin Thunder rotates at high speed to generate a whirlwind of sword air, integrating offense and defense, and the Crazy Thunder Shakes the Sky is a continuous explosion of nine swords. Chop... Similarly, the final form of the Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder, where the furious thunder tears the sky and destroys the earth, excluding the extremely condensed lightning ball on the tip of the knife, is just a jumping chop on the surface.

Jump chop, a warrior's basic move, falls from a high place and uses gravity acceleration to obtain greater destructive power in order to pursue stronger damage to the enemy.

The moves that every warrior will learn, and have also tried, are so simple that they can hardly be called "moves". They are simply falling from a high place to attack... But when it comes to jumping chops, people with hundreds of A meter-high thunder giant and a fifty-meter purple thunder sword. How terrifying would the destructive power that comes with it be?

The speed of sound could no longer keep up with the pace of the thunder giant. The air was heated to an unknown degree by the shining electric light, and was broken mercilessly by the purple thunder sword, forming an arc-shaped vacuum. Like thunder falling from the sky, it strikes straight down towards the black sun!

——An angry thunder tearing the sky and destroying the earth?

Ashiya Michimi's surprise was no small matter. Thousands of years ago, he had suffered a big loss from this move. The woman named Xin Bi'an shouted the name of this move and made a jumping chop with the Purple Thunder Sword. The proud self at that time was almost cut in two, and Yang Yun took out this move immediately, which made him even more surprised.

"But, do you really think that this poor monk will be injured twice by the same move because he is still the poor monk from a thousand years ago!"

Amidst the roar of Ashiya Michitsu, the Thousand Eyes surrounding the black sun stared at the sky, shooting black sin rays at the thunder giant falling from the sky, and met the purple thunder sword that fell straight down.

The thickness of each sin ray cannot be compared with the purple thunder and lightning, but more than a thousand sin rays were fired together, which still slightly slowed down the falling momentum. At the same time, the thunder and lightning collided fiercely with the sin, producing a series of violent explosions. Just under this respite, a five-pointed star mark suddenly lit up under the black sun. As if some mechanism was triggered, the huge black sun suddenly shrank and disappeared without a trace.

And a thousandth of a second later, the thunder ball with the tip of the knife struck straight through the five-pointed star seal, as if cutting off a piece of white paper, and then slammed to the ground... Like a meteor falling from the horizon, the angry thunder condensed. After a while, it suddenly shrank and then expanded again. In just an instant, the atmosphere for several kilometers was burned away, and even the space was torn into pieces!

There was no sound, because the terrifying power of Zi Lei had already wiped out all the medium through which the sound was transmitted. A few seconds later, the sound of the explosion came from where the thunderball landed. Along with the light that could almost blind people's eyes, a huge mushroom cloud rose from the surface of the earth, and the leaping thunder light devastated the already overwhelmed earth. Countless long ravines were created, and with one blow, the terrain of the entire battlefield was almost permanently changed!

"Ha! Did you see the poor monk's Taoman seal?"

A few kilometers away, the space fluctuated. As the five-pointed star mark appeared on the surface, the black sun reappeared from the void, followed by Ashiya Michitoshi's triumphant and crazy shout: "I really thought this poor monk... Did you do nothing during these sealed years? For thousands of years, the poor monk has carved 297 nodes into this sealed subspace!"

"These nodes are hidden by the poor monk in an inconspicuous place. It may be inside the stone, it may be on the ground, it may be in the void, it may be anywhere on the surface... As long as one node is not destroyed, the poor monk will The monk can freely teleport through space in a very short period of time! So just relying on old tricks from thousands of years ago will definitely not hurt me!"

"Is it really?"

Walking out of the mushroom cloud, the thunder and lightning on the Thunder Giant's body seemed to be slightly dimmed, but a disdainful expression appeared on his bold face: "Do you really think you escaped?"

"What do you mean..."

Before Ashiya Michimitsu finished speaking, he felt countless sword energy tearing across his body and bursting out violently. The next moment, several thunder and lightning sword marks slowly emerged from all directions of the black sun... before cutting the black sun out. At the same time as there were several wounds that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, the dark sin hidden beneath them suddenly exploded in all directions!

"How can it be!"

The dark sin was like extremely disgusting sludge, falling to the ground from the dark sun, bringing up a trace of black mist, while Ashiya Michitoshi didn't care about his body's injuries at all, staring at the thunder giant in front of him, unable to He said with confidence: "I obviously escaped!"

"If it is so easy to completely avoid it through space teleportation, then the Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder will not be the Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder."

Yang Yun didn't even bother to explain to Ashiya Michitsu that no matter how simple a move, with the blessing of powerful subtle power, it has the possibility of turning decay into magic, not to mention that the Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder are not what they seem on the surface. So simple.

Ashiya Michimitsu can use space teleportation at will within this seal, which itself takes advantage of the instability of the space here. If he fights normally outside the subspace, even with many years of preparation, he cannot easily reproduce this method. .

And Yang Yun also caught the slightest bit of space fluctuation, and sent part of the thunderball's power along the unclosed space rift. Even if Ashiya Michimitsu escapes from the original landing point through space transmission, the extremely concentrated lightning ball can still spread along the traces of fluctuations in the space like gangrene attached to the bone, tearing Ashiya Michimitsu's body apart. Come!

"So what! With such a small injury, you can't even scratch it!"

Ashiya Michimi yelled, and in just a few words, the deep knife marks on the surface of the black sun had turned and twisted, and began to heal rapidly. This powerful recovery ability is really shocking: "You can't help it Kill me! Since this trick couldn’t kill me a thousand years ago, it won’t be able to kill me a thousand years later!”

"Don't worry, that move just now was just a greeting."

Listening to Ashiya Michitoshi's words, Yang Yun smiled, and so did the bold young man's face, but to outsiders, the smile looked more like a lion showing its fangs.

Purple lightning surged wildly, and countless lightning exploded instantly. One after another, one pushed the other, and each one was as fast as one. They condensed behind the thunder giant and turned into thousands of swords, shaped like snakes and powerful like dragons...

"The eighth form..."

"The sky struck with thunder and killed the real dragon!"

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