This endless world

Chapter 229 Raging thunder tears the sky and destroys the earth!

"This is impossible!"

Looking at the hundred-meter-high thunder giant on the ground, Ashiya Michitoshi shouted in shock: "How is it could such a thing happen? How on earth did you do it!"

"A simple giant transformation technique." Yang Yun replied flatly: "The most basic application of runes, there is nothing surprising at all."

"I'm not asking you that!"

Seeing that Yang Yun had completely missed the point, Ashiya Michitoshi roared even louder, and even those thousand eyes seemed to open wider: "I'll ask you again, how do you extend this huge energy to the surface of the body? Then it forms a substantial energy creation that does not dissipate! You are obviously just a little bug that has not even reached the Demon King level!"

Ashiya Michimi couldn't accept it. Ruri stabbed him before and just paid it back. After all, just by looking at his face, you could tell that he was an enemy from more than a thousand years ago. It was not surprising that he had some tricks to suppress the enemy. Even after severely injuring Liuli, this arrogant Onmyoji still wanted to spare her life so that she could see the end of the world with her own eyes.

But who is Yang Yun? An unknown person who has not yet reached the Demon King level, just the illusion and curse he put under the seal made him trapped in it and couldn't extricate himself. If he hadn't broken the seal now, Ashiya Michimitsu would have almost forgotten that there was someone else who entered at the same time as Ruri. Seal.

In the eyes of Ashiya Michitoshi, Yang Yun is just an ant that can be crushed to death, no different from those foolish and loyal samurai who tried to use the mantis as a chariot when he went on a killing spree in Heian Kyo a thousand years ago.

At most, it's just a slightly stronger ant.

However, this ant that he didn't pay attention to at all turned into an elephant at this time. While cutting through the space and making a high-profile return, he also used clever methods that even Ashiya Michimi couldn't understand...

Ashiya Michimi could clearly see that the entire body of the Thunder Giant, including its muscles and bones, was composed of the most powerful purple thunder and lightning. Not only are the facial features conspicuous, the beard and hair are spread out, but even every trace of the bold face is fully visible, as if a bold young man has truly come to life.

The power of this thunder and lightning was all too clear to Ashiya Michitoshi when he eroded the seal over the past thousand years. Not only was it extremely explosive, it was also extremely difficult to control. Even Shinbian a thousand years ago was unable to achieve such a plastic structure, not to an extremely high degree. His subtle abilities were beyond his reach, at least he couldn't do it himself... This move alone was enough to shock Ashiya Michimi beyond words.

But this is precisely what Ashiya Michitoshi doesn't understand the most. What Xin Bi'an couldn't do a thousand years ago, why can Yang Yun, who can't even reach the fourth level, do it? Even if that woman left something behind and was obtained by this lucky boy in front of her, the sum of the two should never exceed her own strength a thousand years ago... What happened to this boy? A magical turn of events?

Moreover, why does this thunder giant have such characteristics? Why is it that a bold young man that no one knows appears in person? Who is this bold young man?

Although Ashiya Michitoshi wanted to ask these questions, when the thousands of eyes around his body looked at the eyes of the thunder giant, he felt a blazing heroism like the blazing sun and a completely arrogant and domineering aura rushing towards his face. There is no substantial energy fluctuation, but there is a faint mental oppression, and even the thousands of eyes are almost like being pricked by needles, as if the face of the bold young man cannot be looked at directly...

In fact, even the black mist of sin emanating from Hei Ri's body seemed to be afraid of the domineering and heroic spirit, and there was a faint sign of being forced back into the body!

——Is this aura similar to the abnormalities around my body, and is it some kind of special mental pollution? Or is there something special about the face of the Thunder Giant, who appears to be a bold young man?

——Why do I feel like my life essence is being suppressed in front of him?

The more Ashiya Michimichi thought about it, the more questions he had. He didn't dare to think about it any more, or even ask.

"A gift from our predecessors."

I don’t know if Ashiya Michimichi has turned around these many thoughts in a short period of time, or maybe he knows about it and doesn’t care. Yang Yun still calmly replied: "In other words, this is something you will never be able to understand. It belongs to The power of the heart, the power of stories, the power of miracles.”


Ashiya Michimi put aside the countless questions in his heart for the time being. As if he had heard some extremely funny joke, the Onmyoji started laughing again, with distortion and madness: "How can there be miracles in this world! If there are miracles, , back then the poor monk would..."

"Yes, the human heart is the greatest miracle, but for you, you have lost your original intention after entering the Demon King level. Your strength is purely based on sins, and even the light of the soul cannot be manifested. 80% of it is for what you call ' For a guy who comes here to beg for help from the God of the Void, I’m afraid he won’t be able to understand it in his lifetime.”

Yang Yun directly interrupted Ashiya Michitoshi's words. He shook his head and was too lazy to continue talking. He directly raised the purple thunder knife diagonally upward and pointed at the black sun in the mid-air: "Today, we are going to use one thousand and five thousand swords." What happened one hundred and seventy-three years ago is completely over!"

Following Yang Yun's movements, the giant bold young man made of thunder and lightning grinned at the same time, with an extremely wild smile. Purple thunder and lightning surged out from Yang Yun's body at his heart, dyeing his entire body and eyes. A deep purple color.

The giant took a step, and the ground cracked.

The huge mass brings huge destructive power. Different from the shots in the special photos of the island country, the 100-meter-tall thunder giant only needs to take this ordinary step for his size to destroy this battlefield space. Caused great damage.

However, this step was just a prelude, because with the power of this step, the Thunder Giant bent his knees slightly. Liuli, who was floating in the air on the other side, could even see through the purple thunder and lightning, and clearly see the signs of muscle and bone exertion inside the giant, which were composed of purple thunder plasma.

——What is he going to do?

The thousand eyes of the black sun all opened wide at this moment.

Then, before the earth let out an overwhelmed wail, the thunder giant's body surpassed its limit in an instant, and its hundred-meter-high body jumped high with the power of bending its knees. The ground was shattered and twisted under this terrifying force, and countless rocks and sand were raised into the sky.

The earth cracked, the mountains and rivers turned upside down, and the sky moved. Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and between heaven and earth, only the figure covering the sky and the purple thunder ball condensed on the tip of the knife in his hand were left.

The final form of Purple Thunder Seven Strikes...

Raging thunder tears the sky and destroys the earth!

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