This endless world

Chapter 219 The Polluted River of Life

The moment Yang Yun held the light ball, an extremely huge torrent of thoughts surged towards him. It was in Lungominiad's internal core control room that two women were having a conversation...

Yang Yun worked hard to use the calculation method Xin Bi'an taught him to process and filter this massive flow of information. He was gradually able to see the true faces of the two people who were looking at each other, namely Xin Bi'an and 10032 with a cold look on his face. -2... No, if it was Xin Bi'an at that time, this should be the original body before Liuli and 10032-2 were chopped off, the real No. 10032.

At this time, No. 10032 was talking and moving his hands in the void, looking quite in a hurry.

Gradually, not only did the picture become clearer, but the voices of the two talking could also be heard. When Yang Yun was finally able to connect those intermittent words into sentences, he heard the end of No. 10032's words, and she also The final conclusion...

"This world is hopeless."

The face of No. 10032 is exactly the same as that of 10032-2, but his temperament is not so cold, but his words are still cold and ruthless: "According to the analysis of the Nether Core, we cannot save this world, so we should start the space plane jump now." Program, leave this plane immediately and destroy it completely."

"Wait a minute! Why is this plane suddenly destroyed? Why did the topic suddenly jump here!"

After hearing the words of No. 10032, Xin Bi'an was immediately shocked and said, and at the same time he also expressed Yang Yun's thoughts: "Did I miss something? Or did you skip the explanation process as usual? Just forget it if I’m too lazy to listen, you can’t skip such a big thing!”

"And since Ashiya Michitoshi's attempt to replace the will of the world has not succeeded, nor has Abe Seimei's consciousness been completely wiped out, then Ashiya Michitoshi's current strength is only the fourth-level intermediate level at most... Such an enemy, with our level The strength of the four regiments, combined with the power of Lungominyad, is not without a chance of victory, right?"

No. 10032 put her hand on her forehead, which was a little more humane than the cold 10032-2. She said: "But we arrived too late. Come and take a look at this erosion data."

As he spoke, No. 10032 pushed with his palm, and a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Xin Bi'an. Unexpectedly, the leader of the fourth regiment curled his lips and said directly: "Why are you asking me to see these data again? You know You know I don’t understand, can’t you just explain it to me?”

"'s best to summarize it concisely and to the point within fifty words."

After finishing speaking, Xin Bi'an added another sentence with a guilty conscience, and at the same time glanced at No. 10032.

Seeing Xin Bi'an's appearance, No. 10032 couldn't help but shake his head: "What can't you understand? I think you just don't want to use your brain... You are obviously a cultivator at the Golden Core stage. If you want to learn, it's just a matter of understanding these data." It’s a matter of minutes, I really don’t know how you reached the golden elixir stage.”

Xin Bi'an chuckled and said: "There is no way. I am different from those guys who have been condensing runes and improving their computing power at all costs. I belong to the ultra-practical school, otherwise the professors of Sanqing Academy would not let me The cultivator masters the supreme killing technique of killing immortals."

"According to what they said, if it weren't for my personality problem, and my own soul is very compatible with the thunder attribute runes, and I do have a unique talent in combat, I would have struck the Purple Thunder Seven in a very short time. Door, I should actually practice the Supreme Purity Tongtian Technique... Anyway, please explain to me quickly, why you can't save this plane?"

"Because the erosion rate is already too deep... Just before we arrived, Ashiya Doman had injected the poison called sin into the blood vessels of the planet, polluting the river of life in this world."

No. 10032 said helplessly: "Since you don't want to hear the calculation process, let me just tell the conclusion. This plane is very special. Although it is a super small plane, with the collapse of the principles of civilization, there has never been a demon plane. After gradually transforming into a medium-low demonic plane, a river of life was actually formed, which is the so-called spiritual vein."

"The river of life?" A place, but this is said to be a phenomenon that only occurs in the high demonic plane..."

"Yes, that's it. According to the calculations of the Nether Core, perhaps the memories, consciousness, emotions and souls of all the dead life forms in this plane, under certain special circumstances, combined with the fragments of the collapse of civilization to form This river of life. It must be said that the birth of such a place of reincarnation in the middle and low demon planes can be said to be an event with extremely small probability, and its probability is even less than one in a billion."

The finger of No. 10032 gently crossed the surface of the virtual screen in mid-air, and a series of information about the River of Life was called up and listed in front of the two of them: "The River of Life, the Well of Eternity, the Great Soul, Ah Kasha records... Different planes have different names, but in the end they all lead to the same destination, and they all represent the gathering of the souls of all things."

"In the river of life, there are countless souls flowing in it, carrying their past memories and emotions, causing the life and souls of the entire planet to circulate in the reincarnation. The souls of death are thrown into the river of life and become a blank sheet of paper again. , the reborn soul came back to the world through the river of life, but now..."

"...You just said that Ashiya Michin polluted the river of life in this world, right?"

Listening to the explanation and explanation of No. 10032, even Xin Bi'an, who has always been very nervous, realized the seriousness of the problem: "The river of life is polluted, does it mean that there is a problem with the reincarnation in this plane?"

"Michimit Ashiya's behavior of replacing the will of the world and polluting the river of life will result in no new life being born again in this plane through reincarnation, and the souls originally in the river of life will also be brutally extracted by him, Turn it into the purest spirit energy and become the food for him to become stronger."

No. 10032 shook his head solemnly, and spoke of the terrible future in an extremely serious tone: "If we had not discovered in time that this plane had been eroded, then Ashiya Michitoshi would have almost succeeded, and the entire plane would have been destroyed by him. If he devours it, he will at least give birth to a hand of God with power as high as that of the Demon King... But even now, he is still hiding in the River of Life, devouring souls and healing his injuries."

"And this also cuts off the possibility of us using Lungominiad, because any weapons of mass destruction will cause irreversible permanent damage to this planet. The destruction of the river of life will make This plane is gradually declining."

"You mean we can only fight with our own strength?" Xin Bi'an frowned.

"I said, this world is completely hopeless, so you'd better stop having unrealistic ideas."

The emotionless color came out of 10032's eyes, which was a sign of disapproval of Xin Bi'an: "Even if we really paid a huge price and successfully eliminated Ashiya Doman, there is nothing we can do about the pollution of the River of Life. And because Ashiya Michimi polluted Gaia's consciousness, all humans will be born with the erosion of sin...even at the latest, they will gradually degenerate into ghosts within three to five thousand years."

"At that time, this plane will also fall into darkness."

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