This endless world

Chapter 218 Memory at the bottom of the abyss


The destruction of the body is not death, and the annihilation of the soul is by no means the end.

Xin Bi'an's spiritual light actually carries a large amount of information flow. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the continuation of her life. In a sense, it is actually a kind of immortality... even after more than a thousand years. , those most precious memories are hard to forget.

As Xin Bi'an's memories poured into Yang Yun's soul, he suddenly fell into the ocean of memories involuntarily. The entire inner world that had just regained its brightness in the firelight was filled with the torrent of memories the next moment. Full.

Being in the ocean of memories, Yang Yun felt that his eyes were filled with countless pictures and memories every moment, and these pictures were all related to Xin Bi'an without exception. There is the past of growing up, there is the experience of fighting, there is the joy of the first breakthrough, and there is also the side by side with the comrades of the fourth regiment...

Yang Yun knew that these must be the most unforgettable memories in Xin Bi'an's life, and what he needed to do was to find the power that he could use for his own use from these memories. That was the last moment of Xin Bi'an's life, the final memory of his decisive battle with Ashiya Michitoshi.

——Beyond... If Xin Bi'an really wants me to see the "key" she said, then this crucial memory must be hidden in this ocean, in the most difficult place to find.

——That is, the bottom of this ocean of memories... If it were me before, this would be a really difficult task to complete.

Yang Yun tried to move his hands and feet, trying to dive into the water, but his body seemed to be bound by the ocean of memory. Let alone diving to the bottom, it was even difficult for him to move freely in the water.

This is a gap in the essence of the soul, as well as a gap in memory and experience. More than 1,500 years ago, Xin Bi'an lived for an unknown amount of time, experienced many battles, and lived such a magnificent life. In comparison, Yang Yun's life experience of only more than 20 years seems not worth mentioning.

Moreover, Yang Yun's strength is too weak compared to Xin Bi'an. There is a gap in the essence of life between the fourth level and the fourth level, which is reflected in all aspects. So much so that with every wave that hit, Yang Yun felt that his memory and personality seemed to be washed away over and over again by this huge flow of memory information. The entire inner world of consciousness was even more overwhelmed and might be torn apart at any time. Come on.

Fortunately, Xin Bi'an didn't throw Yang Yun into the sea to die. She gave Yang Yun a way to find the answer.

That was passed on by Xin Bi'an before, a series of special calculation methods that can use all the computing power that Yang Yun currently possesses and process the information flow at an extremely efficient speed with exquisite analytical capabilities.

This method of calculation is like giving Yang Yun a high-tech small submarine. Although he still doesn't quite understand how to press the densely packed instrument panel, nor does he understand how to efficiently find the memory he wants. , and even the submarine was still leaking water slowly... But at least, he would not be directly drowned.

——Furthermore, I am not without the ability to resist. Just when I dispelled the darkness, I have already found some answers of my own.

Take a deep breath - even though this is not a real ocean and Yang Yun does not need oxygen to maintain his survival, he still did this action.

Then, the fire lit up again and enveloped his whole body.

Although compared to the huge ocean of memory, this firelight is so weak, but it burns firmly, like a spark in the dark night. Taking Yang Yun with him, he was like a burning meteorite falling from the sky, sinking all the way in the ocean.

Countless fragmented memories passed by his eyes, and then he held them at his fingertips and gently let them go; countless magnificent memories turned into undercurrents tearing and circling around him, and were absorbed into his body by the hot meteorites sinking in the water. After filtering, it flows out of the body and is left behind without mercy.

Until, the burning meteorite sank to the bottom of the ancient prison.

When Yang Yun, who had transformed into a human again, stood with his feet on the ground, his face was pale. He had received too much information, so that his brain was constantly overloaded, and even his nerves were almost fused.

If it weren't for Xin Bi'an's calculation method that relieved Yang Yun's great pressure, coupled with the fire burning from the depths of his heart, and the beautiful memory that supported him to never admit defeat and relentlessly maintained himself, then Yang Yun's personality and I am afraid that in the next second, his consciousness will be completely crushed by the deepest pressure of this ocean of memory... By then, he can be said to be no different from a vegetative state.

"Okay, worst case scenario, no clear guidance."

Looking around, Yang Yun sighed and found that there were no special signs. He murmured to himself: "But fortunately, I have expected this situation to occur."

As he spoke, Yang Yun closed his eyes and used the calculation methods taught by Xin Bi'an to make the fire deep in his heart burn even more vigorously.

It sounds mysterious, but it’s actually not difficult. Because the light between people's hearts attracts each other, and according to Xin Bi'an, you only need to use the emotions in your heart to resonate with the deepest part of this sea of ​​memory, and then the history in your memory will naturally emerge.

As the firelight shone, soon at the bottom of the abyss, a huge and scattered memory quietly rose from the surface, and then turned into a small hazy light group, stopping at Yang Yun's side. before.

——Fortunately, in the end, I did it.

Yang Yun stared at the light group in front of him. The light emitted by this light group was not shining, but only illuminated a small area around it. At least it was completely incomparable to the firelight of meteorites, but it still emitted a light that belonged to My own light...

He knew that this was the most unforgettable and precious memory in Xin Bi'an's heart.

Even if Yang Yun had said so much to 10032-2 before, it was just the truth they pieced together. It was a conjecture about the past history, what Xin Bi'an himself thought, and how he finally sealed Ashiya Michito. It's still a mystery after all.

But now, all the answers are right in front of Yang Yun. And all he needs to do is to gain strength and resonance from this memory.

And, reproduce the "miracle".

"bring it on."

Yang Yun closed his eyes and stretched out his hand to the light group. If he listened carefully, he could still hear laughter from it. It was heroic, fearless, and full of hope for the future: "Just let me see." What happened in the past, and what can I learn from it and how to surpass myself.”

The next moment, Yang Yun's right hand held a light ball that was not bright in the palm of his hand.

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