This endless world

Chapter 20 Chu Xuan (Part 2)

"I said okay, I heard you talking nonsense here early in the morning, I said, what the hell is this place?"

When Chu Xuan talked about the alien eggs brought back by the spaceship in the plot, a violent voice suddenly interrupted his words. Several people looked up and found that at some point, the other newcomers had also sat up. They were all looking around inexplicably. Among them, three young people with colorful hair were looking at them with impatient faces. The leader was dressed in a hippie outfit, with a nose ring between his nose and many lip rings on his lips. He said carelessly: "Who are you? I was surfing the Internet in an Internet cafe, why did I suddenly come here? ? If you have the guts to come to Shenyang Street, I will definitely not be as good as you!"

At any time, people who cannot see the current situation clearly are often the quickest to die. This is an unbreakable truth. Facing five armed men who are not easy to mess with at first glance, if you still dare to act majestic and clever, the end will not be good... As Zhang Jie shot decisively and broke the arm of the gangster who yelled the most fiercely, everyone present Several people immediately screamed in terror.

Zheng Zha looked back and saw that although he had a very good personality, he would not waste any extra sympathy on this kind of guy. Zheng Zha took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms, handed one to Chu Xuan and said, "Aren't you afraid? That's a real gun."

Chu Xuan pushed back the cigarette: "If you don't smoke, it will kill my brain cells. How about it? Do you want me to continue telling you the plot details of this horror movie?"

Zheng Zha also smiled, lit a cigarette and said, "Don't you smoke? Sure enough, smart people are like this. I'm sorry to bother you."

Chu Xuan nodded, first looked at the faces of the heavily armed people, and then continued to explain. During the explanation process, he had been carefully watching the expressions of several people, and did not hide anything. He did not say until he finished speaking: "Can you tell me something now? If I am right, This is probably the alien space merchant ship."

Replacing questions with statements is a simple trick, but it works.

Chu Xuan's sudden words shocked Zheng Zha and others, and Yang Yun, who had been prepared for it, also made a surprised expression. After seeing the reactions of several people, Chu Xuan said: "I just tested it, but now I am a little sure. Just please explain the current situation, otherwise I can't imagine why I am here."

Zheng Zha asked subconsciously: "When did you watch Alien 1?"

"It was about seven years ago. What I saw so recently is still fresh in my memory."

Chu Xuan pretended to be cool indifferently, and suddenly everyone was surprised again. The things they saw seven years ago were still fresh in their memories. So who is the person with memories?

At this time, Chu Xuan suddenly said to the group of newcomers: "Everyone should have seen the option 'Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to truly live?' on the website, right?"

After hearing this, the people around him immediately started to answer. Although the accents were various, the answers were all in the affirmative. Everyone who came here chose the "YES" option.

Seeing that Chu Xuan got the information he wanted from Zheng Zha in a short period of time, he quickly began to use his identity as the senior colonel of the Longyin Base to organize the newcomers, and brought Bawang and Lingdian together. After getting here and quickly forming a small group, Yang Yun had to be amazed by Chu Xuan's operation.

——It only takes a few minutes to achieve this step. He is worthy of Chu Xuan.

——This kind of reaction ability, acceptance ability and speech skills... Although he has no emotions and claims not to understand what emotions are, he is so skilled in manipulating people's hearts.

Different from the initiative in the last Resident Evil, this time Yang Yun restrained his edge. The current Chu Xuan is not the Chu Xuan who was resurrected by Zheng Zha after Resident Evil 2. It is entirely possible that he dug a big hole unknowingly and asked everyone, including Yang Yun, to jump in obediently.

...As long as he feels it is necessary.

Besides, it is not the time for Yang Yun to speak yet. He is waiting for an opportunity. Before the opportunity comes, he must try not to attract Chu Xuan's attention.

But it seems that positive people can't stand Chu Xuan endlessly talking about some obscure settings that neither Zheng Zha nor the readers are willing to listen to. At this moment, the only door in the room suddenly opened slowly, causing everyone to look there. Although there was nothing outside the opened door, it meant one thing...the main god's protective light shield disappeared, and Alien One had begun!

The moment the door opened, several members of the Zhongzhou team pulled out their guns and pointed at the door. However, after several minutes, there was still no one outside the door. No aliens, nothing else... nothing.

Before several people could breathe a sigh of relief, two middle-aged men walked out of the door carelessly. Zheng Zha said quickly: "Don't go out randomly. This is your first horror movie. It will be very difficult for you without weapons and equipment." It’s dangerous, if we want to explore information, we should go out.”

Ling Dian sneered from the side: "Do you think they are here to explore information?"

Zheng Zha hadn't noticed that his reaction had unknowingly revealed his tactical prowess. In this case, whether it was firing a thunderous gun to warn the two not to go out, or letting the two die without saying a word, it was actually the right behavior.

——However, weak and well-intentioned dissuasion like Zheng Zha's will only make these idiots who cannot clearly see the current situation think that everything in front of them is just a prank show.

Sure enough, first the three gangsters ran towards the corridor outside the door without saying a word, and then the remaining newcomer also walked out. Zheng Zha also vaguely heard a few people say: "Hey, you thought we didn't know, just arrange it casually." A movie scene, just looking for some shills to cheat money? Spend more money. Look at that poor guy, and he is a professional killer. If he is a professional killer, wouldn't I be a superman? "

Zheng Zha was speechless. Only then did he realize the mistake he had made. Zhang Jie patted him on the shoulder and whispered: "It's hard to persuade the damn ghost... It's not your fault." , you have tried your best, you’d better do your best now.”

With that said, Zhang Jie and Zheng Zha looked at the few people who stayed behind. Chu Xuan, Overlord, Ling Dian, and an ordinary young man who looks a bit smart...Li Shuaixi.

"Well, that's all." Zheng Zha sighed and reached out to the four of them: "Welcome to join this team. Although we may not be able to survive, at least we will not abandon our partners."

Chu Xuan and the other three were fine, but Li Shuaixi held Zheng Zha's hand with excitement: "Thank you very much. My name is Li Shuaixi. I have read many books. I am familiar with many horror movies, fantasy novels and Myths and stories from all over the world are involved... Although all this sounds incredible, I still hope to be with you."

With that said, Li Shuaixi seemed to want to highlight his role in this team and hurriedly said: "Brother Zheng Zha, what should we do next? We can't stay here forever, right?"


Zhan Lan and Chu Xuan said at the same time, and then Chu Xuan waved his hand and said: "Let me tell you, my strength lies in analysis, and I really have no confidence in layout."

Zhan Lan touched his forehead and said with a smile: "I am a writer, and I am the most confident in the layout. Of course, if there is anything wrong, please remind me."

Yang Yun's expression was very subtle. He always felt that their roles had been reversed. "I'm a writer" and "I have the most confidence in the layout" are fine. Chu Xuan said that he has no confidence in the layout. This is beyond surprise, even to the point of horror...

Anyway, for Yang Yun to believe this sentence, it is no less than believing that Zheng Zha is actually a powerful and big-eating Lolita...


Main God Exchange 1.03 update log:

Some restrictions have been added and some so-called BUGs have been fixed.

Add restrictions to avoid the possibility of aliens landing on the earth and causing annihilation. After all, the main god was created by humans. Judging from Dawn, in most cases it protects humans. The reason may be to maintain the human destiny resonance plan. Considering that the good and evil values ​​​​of the Central Continent team in the main god belong to the order side, so adding this restriction.

So there is no need to consider that Chu Xuan really did such a thing, and then created some kind of blue whale alien and then completed the mission and returned to the main god space, causing the earth to be occupied by aliens.

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