This endless world

Chapter 19 Chu Xuan (Part 1)

Yang Yun felt his eyes go dark, and instantly fell into a state of half-dream and half-awake. He had already experienced this state thirty times, so he had no unnecessary emotions. It didn't take long for him to wake up, stand up from the ground and look around.

This is a room that is not spacious. The floor, ceiling and even the surrounding walls are made of pure steel. In addition, there are many instruments that Yang Yun does not recognize at all. This is the spaceship of Alien One. .

——Okay, the plot has not changed, it is still Alien One. After all, the Positive One needs this kind of body to continuously evolve, and at the same time, it can change its own form and environmental adaptability according to the host's genes. As a result of his setting of Gene Lock bedding. So next...

After briefly looking around, Yang Yun looked at the ten newcomers on the ground. Almost instantly, he found his target.

Overlord, a tall, strong Caucasian man, does look somewhat similar to a bear.

At zero o'clock, a figure is slightly thin. Judging from the shape of the clothes on his body, it is obvious that there are strong muscles under the clothes.

There is also Chu Xuan, an ordinary-looking young man wearing glasses. Although his appearance and figure are unremarkable, you may ignore him at first glance, but if you look closely, you can find this seemingly ordinary man. He has a special temperament...perhaps it is the temperament of being a senior colonel of Longyin Base and having been in a high position for a long time; but more likely, it is the confident temperament of being the strongest wise man!

There was no change for Chu Xuan, Zero Point, and Overlord. All three of them entered the main god space normally.

Yang Yun looked at Chu Xuan's ordinary face, with thousands of thoughts swirling in his heart. At this time, even Zhan Lan and Li Xiaoyi, who were in the worst physical condition, had already stood up from the ground. Zhang Jie counted the number of freshmen and said with a pale face: "This is terrible, fifteen people, like this Difficulty does not appear in sci-fi horror movies like Alien that can be explained by technology. The Lord God must have changed the difficulty!"

Zheng Zha looked at him in confusion. Zhang Jie took a deep breath and said, "I have never encountered such a situation. I just heard it from the senior people before me when I first entered. It is said that in some cases, the main god It will change the plot and difficulty of the horror movie. Any situation may appear in the horror movie. Such a situation will usually end with the death of all team members... Of course, completing such a horror movie can usually get very generous rewards. You guys Just look at your watch."

The mission on the watch is very short. Kill all the aliens in the spaceship and reward the whole team with a thousand bonus points plus a D-level side plot. Once completed, they will return to the main god space. If the alien is allowed to escape from the spaceship, 3,000 reward points and a C-level branch plot will be deducted from the entire team.

——Have there been any changes in the mission? It seems that the mission instructions are more clear. Not only does it add the limiting concept of "kill all aliens in the spaceship", but it also sets a penalty for allowing the aliens to escape from the spacecraft. This is equivalent to limiting the battlefield and must return to the spaceship. Destroy all the aliens before the Earth...

Yang Yun compared the missions of the main god with those in the original world line, and found that the mission descriptions in the two versions were indeed very different. First of all, it originally only talked about killing aliens, but the definition was very vague, because the aliens on this spaceship were obviously not a mature population. When Chu Xuan analyzed it, he said that "killing aliens" actually meant "killing all aliens." , does the Zhongzhou team still have to drive a spaceship to search for traces of aliens across the universe?

The second is to prohibit the aliens from escaping from the spacecraft. This also makes up for the so-called bugs in the aliens that Chu Xuan said. After all, the aliens are prohibited from escaping from the spacecraft. Obviously, there is no such thing as a spaceship bringing the aliens back to Earth for research... ...However, Yang Yun himself had not considered the idea of ​​"all personnel entering the dormant cabin" originally proposed by Chu Xuan.

In fact, in Yang Yun's opinion, Alien is even more difficult than the subsequent Grudge. The reason is that the terrain of this horror movie is in a spaceship, which first blocks the use of powerful high-tech weapons. Secondly, for newcomers who have just experienced a new world, both the exchange and the mentality are half-baked at this time, and they have not yet become a mature reincarnation person.

Just like Zheng Zha in the original plot, at that time he was just an ordinary person whose mentality had not yet changed. Looking at how confused he was after facing several corpses when he vomited, you know that in fact, he had not adapted to the environment of the main god space at all, and he had not yet become a qualified person. A qualified warrior.

——Speaking of which, I remember that in addition to not issuing missions that require death, the Lord God should also have a principle, that is, what some newcomers learn in reality will definitely play a certain role in the current world. For example, Xiao Honglu can see the aura of death in Legend of Gods and Ghosts. For example, Zhu Wen has similar abilities and can detect the attacks of death in Death Comes... This horror movie should also be like this.

Yang Yun thought about the role of newcomers, knowing that this is the world of a novel. There is a principle in novels, scripts or movies that if a gun is hung on the wall in the first act, then the gun will definitely go off in the third act. This is the so-called foreshadowing.

Chu Xuan is a wise man who can become a combat force and can also control the electronic equipment in the spacecraft; Zero Point and Overlord are a professional killer and an international mercenary as a fireman, and can become an immediate combat force in the team to fight against the aliens. .

——Besides, does Li Shuaixi, who claims to have read a lot of books and understands how to open and close the aviation separation wall, play an important role in this alien scene?

While Yang Yun was thinking, Zhang Jie had already finished introducing the horror of the Lord God changing the plot. He took a cigarette from his arms, took a deep puff and said, "Does any of you still remember the plot of Alien One? Come on. I’m not afraid of your jokes, I’ve completely forgotten all about it.”

Zheng Zha shook his head and said: "This movie is already an old movie from a long time ago. I am almost the same. I only remember some of the story."

Li Xiaoyi also shook his head and said: "I have only watched a few of the latest horror movies these days. Who knew that the Lord God would choose such an unpopular movie?"

Since none of them had watched it, the three of them naturally looked at Yang Yun, who had analyzed and planned the last horror movie. Since Yang Yun had proven himself last time, it was only right that he should conduct the analysis this time.

But before Yang Yun could speak, it was Zhan Lan who spoke first. The little woman smiled in a somewhat showy tone: "You grown men are really unprofessional, since our lives are in a horror movie now." , so naturally I have to dig out and watch various horror movies, plots about aliens..."

"...The story of Alien takes place some time in the future. During the time period of the story, humans have already possessed the technology for interstellar long-distance travel, and have also established colonial stars in several solar systems. But it is a pity that humans still have not found Any alien creature, until the very beginning of Alien .”

Suddenly, a voice connected with Zhan Lan's words, causing everyone to immediately look in the direction of the voice. Yang Yun also shifted his gaze to Chu Xuan again. His eyes were no different from those of others, as if he was staring at him before. He was not the one who was thinking about Chu Xuan.

Chu Xuan sat up from the ground. The strongest wise man pushed up his glasses and looked at several people in turn. And Zheng Zha was also the first to reach out and said: "I am Zheng Zha, welcome to you, my new partner."

——We became partners with just one word? Zheng Zha, is your definition of partner too broad?

Although he had long known that Zheng Zha was such a person, it did not prevent Yang Yun from silently complaining in his heart that Zheng Zha was too gullible. Chu Xuan hesitated for a moment, then shook hands with Zheng Zha and said, "Chu Xuan, if you don't mind, can you tell me where this place is?"

Zheng Zha first responded with a wry smile, and then asked: "...It sounds like you are very familiar with the plot of Alien 1. Can you tell us the detailed plot of this movie first?"

Chu Xuan was still sitting on the ground, and he adjusted his glasses again.

"If you insist."

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