This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 522

"Queen Your Majesty? It's really long time no see!"

looking at have endured the hardships of a long journey Avril, the gray-haired old man greeted him with a smile and an intimate expression:

"It's been almost a year since the last time I looked at you. ?"

When he said this, the old man seemed to remember something, sighed with emotion, and a little vicissitudes appeared on his angry face.

"If you think about it, a lot has happened this year. Even the king's capital changed hands for a while. The rebellion of the Farrell family is so rampant. !"

I saw the old man's eyebrows and eyes trembling slightly, and he said with a righteous indignation:

"Before When I heard that the rebellion attacked the capital, the old man was so anxious that he couldn't close his eyes for half a month! Everyday all is praying to True God, for fear that you will be hurt by those rebellions! Now it seems that you are in shock. It’s really thanks to the blessing of True God!”

Looking at the old man in gorgeous clothes with an eager expression, Avril frowned and nodded calmly. Said:

"Yes, Archduke Kerr, the last time I saw you was in the capital, when you personally came to ask for a large amount of military expenses, and vigorously Promise to help me hold the Eastern Front and never let the Farrells pass... It's been exactly one year since then."

He was stabbed in the dark, and the old man, whose hair was unkempt like a lion, could not see any embarrassment on his face. Authentic:

"Ashamed, the old man is no longer young, and some things are inevitably powerless, and the Farrell family's actions are too fast. I'll let you laugh."

Seeing his incompetent appearance, Avril was secretly sighed, feeling that he was really blind.

This guy with an upright and awe-inspiring face normally supports the royal family. Every time he meets, he looks like a gentle elder. The dukedom is also the most stable of the seven dukedoms...

Under all kinds of illusions, I actually pinned my hopes on him for a time, thinking that even if it was no longer worth it, I would be perfunctory. He can also hold the Farrell home half a month or so.

But didn't expect that he took the military money and did not move at all. After letting the Farrell family pass, he assembled Legion to give a symbolic chase a few times, so that the original Farrell family could He drove straight in and hit the vicinity of the capital without any resistance, causing himself and William to flee in a hurry with dozens of people...

This is a hypocritical guy.

Thinking of the people in Ansa who were in desperate need of rescue, Avril shook the head, giving up the old fox's plan to speak first, and blunt clearly explained his intention.

"Grand Duke Kerr, I'm here this time to ask you to intervene in the affairs of the Ansa territory. In order to make up for the war losses, the Marquis of Ivan wants to raise the royal family. The supplies are sold at high prices.

Now every day all a large number of people die of hunger and cold, it is absolutely impossible to continue like this, I can go to the former Grand Duke of the North. Negotiations to make up for his losses as much as possible, but now he has to stop. In addition, please send a batch of supplies first, I will use..."

"There is such a thing as The matter!"

The gray-bearded old man interrupted Avril's words with an angry expression, and said angrily:

"Impossible! This bastard earns even this kind of money! No noble demeanor at all!

Queen Your Majesty You come all night for a fatigue, and find a place first Take a break, I'll write a letter and scold him! Make sure he realizes his mistakes!"

After listening to his words, Avril frowned and emphasized:

"Then I'll trouble you, but it's no use writing letters, I hope you can come with me, or send one of the two heirs, In addition, please allocate the materials as soon as possible, the situation there can no longer be delayed."

"You are right! You are indeed the wise and benevolent queen Your Majesty, consider When it comes to things, it is the old fogey who is more thorough than me!"

The old man praised and repeatedly nodded, looking at Avril's face with admiration and said:

"In this way, I will immediately send someone to mobilize the entire dukedom's materials, and after a while, I will let my youngest son escort them and send them there...


You can rest assured that after my incompetent son delivers the supplies, I will ensure that Ansar will not starve to death and freeze any civilians to death.”

Transfer materials across the territory?

Avril hearing this immediately took a deep breath, stared into the eyes of the old man and said slowly:

"Then Thank you for your kindness, but allocating materials in the whole territory is a bit of a fuss, and the speed is difficult to increase. Now, it is obvious that speed is more important than quantity. Please allocate a small batch of materials first! ”

“Ah?’s okay, but it’s somewhat difficult in terms of time...”

It was the voice of guilt, and the gray-bearded Archduke Cole stopped, and the original tall and straight figure became a lot hunched, only to see his face slightly embarrassed:

"Because the Ansa Territory was broken by the barbarians in the north, I was worried that it would affect other surrounding territories, so I have ordered them to transfer the food ahead of time. Ah...

Alas...I really can't help it, I hope you can understand, but I can use my own life to guarantee that after the food and materials are collected, We will definitely support the reconstruction of Ansar Territory, and will never let those affected territories..."

"Archduke Kerr!"

Seeing that he was still playing tricks, Avril couldn't help but drank, and seemed to want to say something with a sullen face, but then he managed to suppress the anger on his face and opened the mouth as calmly as possible. and said:

"Grand Duke Kerr, please tell me directly if you have any conditions, Ansa will freeze and starve nearly a hundred people every day. One more life.

I can also give you the truth directly, as long as the request is not too excessive, I will not refuse in this situation, so you can now It's time to arrange for someone to deploy the supplies."

"Okay! It's your queen Your Majesty."

Hearing her After making the promise, Cole, who was still embarrassed just now, smiled, patted his hands to summon the attendant, bit his ear and gave a few words, then turned to face Avril and said sincerely:

"My request is not too difficult. You must have known by now that the once in five hundred years is coming, right? My Enwei family has neither the interest nor the strength to disobey the Three Majors. The will of the Sect will soon be unconditional allegiance to you.

But Well, we also hope to get a promise that after you complete your mission, the chosen successor will not encroach on the interests of the Enwei family, and promise to bring everything back to the way it is now..."

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