This Cheat Is Too Much Chapter 521

With William's faint smile, the numbers in the middle-aged businessman's mouth gradually shrank, and the joy on his face turned into bitterness again.

He said with a sad face: "This lord, the price cannot be any lower, I have traveled thousands of miles to transport it, and I have eaten and eaten all the way. It’s almost thirty, you have to let me earn some money!”

“That’s fine.”

William waved his hand indifferently.

"I don't believe that you are the only one who is well informed. , at least enough for me for a month or two, but the food in your hand, if you keep pressing like this...

Well... no hurry, wait I'll buy it from you in a few months."

Seeing that William really wanted to leave, the middle-aged businessman closed his eyes and turned to face him with a blushing face. The back shouted:

"Sold! I sold it! You can give it to me! But it can't be less than 60% of the market price, anyway, leave me a layer of skin. Don't strip it all away! After all, I didn't buy the food with my own money, so let me explain to my brothers!"

Hearing the shouts from behind, William stopped in surprise.

His original plan was to make it only one or two higher than the market price. This middle-aged businessman with a slightly chubby body could probably guess it, but he actually took the initiative to release it. Low conditions, given a such a low price.

The cost of transporting grain from the north is not generally high. Even if the price of grain is soaring now, 60% of the market price is equivalent to no money. If the goods purchased on the return journey are sold Not good, maybe there will be a blood loss, and the price is simply too low.

Facing William's doubtful gaze, the middle-aged businessman wiped his sweat with relief, and a magnanimous smile appeared on his chubby round face.

I don't know if it's because the money is too little, or the flesh on the face is too much. This profiteer's face seems to have several points of honesty.

He patted his chest and said:

"Lord, you are willing to spend your own money for disaster relief, then I'm not a conscientious bastard either.

As a businessman, it's my duty to make money, but watching Ansa lead people who are hungry to eat the bark, I really feel If you don’t feel very well, just take it as a distraction, and let you buy more food from others and save a few more people.”

“Yes. , I didn't expect you to have such a mind."

William nodded in surprise, looked towards the slightly chubby businessman's eyes softened a lot, and even took the initiative to open the mouth and said :

"What's your name?"

"Bill! My name is Bill."

Hearing William's question, the middle-aged businessman reported his name a little excitedly, and then took a peek at the "Poké Ball" fluttering in the wind around the camp, and his heart was full of joy.

Although what he just said was true, no matter how conscientious he was, he would only sell grain at market price, so he wouldn't have the risk of going bankrupt so low.

As merchants who live and eat in the northern border, their biggest trading target for the Chamber of Commerce is the [Little Foot Tribe] outside the Great Wall in the northern border. I also inquired a little about the relationship between the Daybreak Collar and the [Little Foot Tribe].

If you can make a good impression in front of the lords of Dawning Land, you will not only deepen your relationship with the trade partner, but even have the opportunity to open up the trade route from Dawning Land to the Holy Empire. This undoubtedly means massive wealth.

After noticing the eyes of the middle-aged businessman, William shook the head, vaguely guessing his purpose, but he couldn't say much resistance.

After all, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, and they have indeed obtained low-priced food. People are complex things after all, and there is no need to be too critical.

"Bill, right?"

William nodded slightly:

"I remember, this time If I owe you a favor, I will wait here for two days, and I will see your 2,000 grain trucks in two days."

"Sure! ”

Bill, who got what he wanted, rejoiced and nodded again and again, and a rather bright smile squeezed out of his chubby round face:

"Just wait, there are 2,000 grain trucks, I'm sure there will be a lot of them!"


In two days.

Looking at the bruised and round face in front of him, and the tongue hanging down weakly from his mouth, William's already sharp eyebrows were raised slowly, and the surroundings jumped. The continuous fire reflected, as if a few wisps of fire star flew into the pupil, burning roaringly.

He looked back at the town that had become a sea of fire, and then looked at the more than eighty merchants and grooms who were hanged outside the town. Among them, many familiar faces that I had just seen a few days ago were found.

After seeing these tragically dead businessmen, Little Rich Lady on the side couldn't bear to close her eyes, then clenched her hands in her heart, and softly read the Church of Knowledge. Farewell prayers for the dead.

"Put people down and find a quiet place to bury them."

waved and called a team [Dark Nightmare Cavalry] After putting people down, William calmly instructed:

"There should be quite a few of them from Dukedom in the North, let's see if there is anything that can help Things to prove identity, put them on the carriage after they are collected, and when they go there, remember to bring them to their families..."

It was arranged by William After finishing the funeral of these businessmen, a voice sounded from his mind.

"You don't seem to be very stable. Would you like to calm down first?"

William frowned slightly , looked back at the direction of the [Destroyed Knights], and met a pair of slightly worried eyes, it was Maggie who didn't make much noise along the way.

Even because of the [Sleeping Coffin], the "Old Ancestors" had flesh and blood attached to their bodies, not just a pair of skeletons as before.

But no matter how "lifelike" they are, they are already not in being alive, so they silently followed at the end of the line along the way and never communicated with other people. Even between Maggie and William, the frequency of "private chats" was reduced to a minimum, and almost nothing was said in a tacit understanding.

However, she may have noticed William's abnormality. Maggie, through the connection between the two, took the initiative to comfort her and said:

"William, if you're sad or something because of these scenes, then you don't have to. Because this kind of thing happens in Falan almost every once in a while.

And when Falan was still called the Elon Empire, this kind of thing was as common as eating and drinking. The blood of the Elon family made them irritable and irritable, and the governance of the country was even better than the current Falan. It's many times worse."

William glanced at her, nodded signaled that he heard it, and then replied in his mind:


"Thank you, but I'm neither an emotional person nor familiar with these people to that extent, so I'm not really sad or even angry right now."

When he said this, he paused for a while, then put his hand into his pocket, touched the cold and hard lucky coin, and said calmly:

"I just feel like I have to do a few things until now."

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