"The prince of the king of Xishu?" Baili Cangshen looked back at Mu Chen on the ground in surprise.

He is actually this identity!

Shen Yuan, the king of Western Shu, was the vassal king who guarded the western part of the Great Xia Dynasty for generations, and according to legend, their family has produced military generals in all dynasties, and each generation of Western Shu kings is brave and good at fighting. Only in this generation, there is a son who walks the path of studying, and that is Shen Muchen.

It turned out that his real name was Shen Muchen!

"Shen Muchen... White wood... Their names, if they are really destined..."Baili Cang muttered a sigh.

The king was furious, "What's fate?!" Bah! It's a bad fate! Phew! It's not a fate, I'd rather Bai Muxiang never met him!

Shen Muchen, who had been stunned for half the day, suddenly muttered:

"Yes... It would be nice if she had never met me..."

Shen Muchen looked up at the starry sky in the hole in the roof, "It turns out that she has always been so good... I said she was kind, but she always said that I taught her to be kind, it turned out... It turns out that five hundred years ago, our fate was doomed..."Probably

Mu Xiang's name was a strong stimulus for him, and he slowly recovered his consciousness from the king's narration.

"Shut up! You dead scumbag, you are destined to be with Mu Xiang! The two of us grew up in the same place! If it weren't for the king's hands and feet still frozen in the ice, it is estimated that she would have pounced on her and punched and kicked her!

Shen Muchen ignored her, just trapped in his own memories

, "Three years ago, I met Mu Xiang at the Flower God Festival in Xishu, at that time, she was standing on the float, playing the role of the flower god Niangniang, the wind blew through her veil, I saw her gentle face like water, the moment the four eyes met, I knew that I met someone who wanted to spend my life together in this life..."

Baili Cangshen explained to her:

"The customs are different in different places, and some places are dressed up by real people."


"Click, click," Yu continued to chew and listen to the story.

The king watched others chew on a part of his body like this, and his teeth ached.

The immersive memories over there continue.

"I took her directly back to my home and brought her to my parents, fortunately, we are a minority in Xishu, and we don't pay so much attention to the right people, and we are a vassal king with a different surname, and political marriage is a curse or a blessing... So my parents didn't object much and agreed to our marriage. As he

spoke, Shen Muchen faintly glanced at Baili Cangshen, a "noble" person who was "an orthodox royal family with the same surname".

Baili Cang's face was expressionless, and he straightened his chest with his negative hands, as if he hadn't heard.

"After getting married, we had the best time in our lives, Mu Xiang was gentle and virtuous, thinking about me everywhere, she was the most beautiful and kindest woman in the world... I, Shen Muchen, how can I meet her..."

The king is even more sore.

Baili Cangshen also frowned, how could this person come with his mouth open, and he couldn't help but look at Yu Yu, afraid that the child would be taken badly.

Mao Yu's big black eyes looked back, and suddenly nodded at him, "I understand, human love, you just talked about it." "

Hundred miles of sunken: ...

He also had a sore tooth.

"It didn't last long, and two years later, we didn't have any children. I am the only son in the family, and I am shouldering the mission of

whether the vassal king's mansion can be passed on, and my parents are anxious..."Baili Cangshen nodded, indicating that he could understand whether the vassal king's mansion was continued or reduced, not only his Shen family's family, but also the entire Xishu and even the entire southwest region of the Great Xia Dynasty, so this is not a family matter, but a half state affair.

"Mu Xiang is a very smart woman, although I have been hiding from her, but she still slowly knows these things and these stakes, she also began to be anxious, she began to look through some ancient books and some legends from thousands of years ago, I asked her what she was looking for these, she just shook her head and said nothing..."

Baili Cang sighed heavily,

"I'm afraid I want to find some records of whether the combination of humans and demons thousands of years ago can give birth to offspring, right?"

Shen Muchen nodded,

"Yes, I've figured it out now."

He continued:

"However, no matter how hard we tried, Mu Xiang always couldn't conceive..., and she also became a little depressed, sometimes sitting there for a long time without speaking, sometimes flipping through ancient books, muttering... There are obviously any, there are obviously successes... The dragon gave birth to nine sons, and it is obvious that he can cross races..."A

wry smile tugged at the corner of Shen Muchen's mouth

, "Actually, at that time, I already had a faint guess about Mu Xiang's identity in my heart, and she was too obvious during that time... It's just that I love her, and it has nothing to do with who she is.

The disgust in Baili Cangshen's eyes subsided slightly, and he turned his head to look at Yu Yu, and the temperature in his eyes was warmer.

Yu Yu noticed this gaze and thought that she was going to test her again, so she nodded to him, "This is normal, the emotions between living beings have nothing to do with race, just like me and the county lord's sister, we are true love for each other." "

God's special true love, a hundred miles of darkness is full of black lines.

And, child, you are human! Even if they are raised by animals, they are people!

Let's go back and slowly straighten her out, listen first.

"That day, Mu Xiang and I came back from the incense of the Cizi Niangniang Temple, and when we saw the excitement on the street, we pulled her to walk on the street, and she hadn't laughed for a long time. But as he walked, he collided head-on with a middle-aged woman, and Neiko was kind and helped the woman up. "

The woman looked at my wife for a long time, and suddenly took out two pills from her body, and said to us, she is a goddess, and we are trapped by the matter of the heir, and if we eat these two pills in her hand, we can have children..."

How could he casually eat something from a goddess who suddenly appeared on the street, so he said politely, "Thank you, no need." And

he took his wife by the hand, and turned away.

The hoarse and strange accent of the goddess came from behind

her, "This lady, have you ever heard a proverb in the world, called, sow beans and get beans and get melons?" If you plant beans, how can you produce melons?

By holding his wife's arm, he could feel that her whole body was shaken, and then froze,

Shen Muchen turned his head and glanced at the goddess coldly, then turned back to his wife and said gently

, "Don't pay attention to her, let's go home."

"Hmm." His wife clenched his hand tightly.

When he returned that day, his wife would be restless, and when she woke up in the middle of the night, she would see her sitting beside him and weeping silently.

During the day, his wife is either cooking some of his favorite meals for him, or sewing some clothes, shoes and socks for him to wear in the future, which is enough for him to wear in the next three to five years!

He always felt that if he didn't do something, his wife would leave him.

It was at this time that the goddess came to the door.

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