"Oops, you must have just tried to blow yourself up, using too much force, triggering the Transfiguration Tribulation in advance!"

Bai Muxiang kept standing up, returned to her root system, and in a flash, her body stood at the original soil pit.

Bai Muxiang's human form came out of his body the next moment, stretched out his hand, and pulled a leaf from his body without hesitation!

"Shirakuka, what are you doing?! I don't want it, I don't want it! You're going bald! As

soon as the king saw Bai Muxiang's movements, he instantly exploded again.

However, no matter how much she shouted, Shirakuka still walked up to her and threw the leaf into her main flower hole.

"Don't make a fuss! This is the Transformation Tribulation, external forces can't help you, you have to rely on yourself to get through! Hurry up and digest it and fight against the thunderstorm with all your might! Bai Muxiang's tone was rare and stern.

The king stood on the petals and stomped his feet violently, knowing that Bai Muxiang was right, and if she didn't act again, Bai Muxiang's leaves would be in vain.

She sat down cross-legged on the petals, speeding up to digest the white-woody leaf.

Plant creatures are more difficult to cultivate than flesh and blood creatures, they can't move, and they suffer a lot of natural disasters in the process of growing up, and even unlike animals, they can also eat some heavenly and earthly treasures, or swallow something too yin and moon, and the Heavenly Dao is particularly harsh on the cultivation path of plant creatures.

However, they are taken care of in the transformation calamity, after all, most of them are not good at attacking, and the natural disasters they endure in the process of growing up are also calamities themselves.

Flesh and blood creatures are all ninefold thunder tribulations, and plants are only sevenfold.

After all, the king has a shallow foundation, and after surviving the fivefold thunder tribulation, he is already delirious, the defense system has completely collapsed, and the entire flower body is directly exposed to the heavenly tribulation!

"Wake up, Lord, hold on! And twofold! Bai Muxiang's sharp cry barely woke her up.

"Boom" is another thunderbolt head-on, oh, dead God, before our plant creatures transformed, we couldn't even move and dodge, how unfair!

"Ahh Thief God! It's not fair! In the angry shout of the king, the sixth heavenly thunder was ushered in.

The sixth heavenly thunder returned the king's impolite greeting for a full minute before dispersing satisfactorily.

"King, are you okay? You—" Bai Muxiang's voice was full of anxiety.

In a cloud of smoke and dust, the figure of Rafflesia was revealed, and her petals were struck by lightning to only two pieces, and they were all scorched black, and they could disintegrate at any time.

The original complete humanoid form was only a head, half-dead rolling next to her flower hole.

There is only the last heavenly tribulation left, Bai Muxiang looked up at the pitch-black tribulation clouds, this last thunder tribulation seems to have been brewing for a long time, and when it falls, it must be the most powerful, and the king is afraid that this situation will not be able to pass.

If you can't get by, you're dead!

Bai Muxiang almost bit her lower lip, she watched the child grow from a young shoot to the present, although she was not from a good background and was a man-eating flower, but under her own interference, how much hardship she had suffered before she had any karma, and she embarked on the road of a flower spirit instead of a flower demon.

She can't fall here!

Bai Muxiang turned her head suddenly, staring at her own body, she silently calculated, resolutely flew into the air, and stretched out her hand to the only flower in her body!

The flower has nine petals, the flower color is white, and her natal essence is located!

She gritted her teeth and quickly pinched off a petal, and when she was empty, she fell straight down and fell to the ground, it hurt too much, it hurt too much, and she pulled off a petal, which hurt dozens of times more than picking leaves!

It felt like her humanoid body and heart part had suddenly been pulled out!

Her body, too, shrank in a circle at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming only three feet tall!

Ignoring this, she took the petal, stumbled to Dawanghua's body, and shook her hand to put the petal into Dawang's flower hole.

The king's remaining head, opened one right eye, and said weakly:

"Silly lack of wood incense... Don't let it go... You're going to regress to the point where you can't maintain your human form... How to repay the favor. Let's go...... Let's go! Get lost! "

No," Shirakuka tried to keep a smile to comfort her, "I've calculated, it's okay, at most it's shorter, the humanoid form is younger, it's okay, on the human side, younger girls are more popular." "


"Don't ink, hurry up and refine, my natal essence can live and die human flesh and bones, if you don't eat it, I can use it to repay the favor!"

When she said this, she definitely didn't think that she would become a prophecy!

"You dare, you're mine, what is that stinky man, don't give it to him!" The king barely bred up his spirits and refined it.

In a few breaths, the huge red Rafflesia regained its petals at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the two petals that were previously scorched black also regained their luster.

The king's new human form appeared completely under the Heavenly Tribulation, and she looked up to the sky and let out a long roar

, "Come on, thief God!"

With a "boom", the last thunderstorm slashed down, the thickness of a bucket, and the intense thunder shrouded the place for a full three minutes!

Three minutes later, everything was over, and in the smoke and dust that dispersed, the dark figure of Dawanghua was revealed. The flower is also scorched, and the humanoid is also scorched, but to the demon's surprise, the humanoid is physical, no longer a phantom!

"King!" This is the sound of Shiramu's surprise.

"Silly lack of woody fragrance... I've passed... Hahaha, thief god I win... Uh..."

Before the king finished his sentence, he ushered in the baptism given by the Heavenly Dao after the thunder tribulation.

A pillar of light fell, and she was forced to close her eyes, and began the stage of stabilization after the transformation.

I don't know how long it took, she woke up from the darkness, opened her eyes and looked across as soon as she opened them.

There is a big pit on the other side, and the stupid lack of Bai Muxiang will definitely repay the favor!

Sending a treasure of heaven and earth, it should be back soon, right?

However, day after day, she waited left and right, did not wait for Bai Muxiang, but waited for it...

That day, the ontological roots left by Bai Muxiang in the big pit opposite, in an instant, all vitality was cut off, she! Die! Finish!

A wild roar sounded from the depths of the 100,000 mountains in the south,

"Xishu! Mankind! You wait for me! "

— — — —

"I only know the name of Xishu, I spent a long time to find the traces left by Bai Muxiang, heh, she still doesn't change, and she has to save any garbage when she encounters it," said, the king girl glanced at Mu Chen on the ground resentfully, "It is precisely because of this that along the way, I inquired about the people and spirits she saved and chased them to the county town of Xishu, where there are rumors of what His Royal Highness the Prince of Xishu met the reincarnation of the flower god Niangniang at the Flower God Festival, The beautiful talk of becoming a husband and wife, hum, as soon as I heard it, I knew that it must be Muxiang, except for her, who else can have a temperament like the goddess of flowers! "

I found the residence of the king of Xishu, and sure enough, I heard from the people inside that the princess who was reincarnated by the flower god Niangniang died, and His Royal Highness the prince did not know where to go..."

After that, I followed it all the way, the smell of woody fragrance appeared and disappeared, and that day, I finally found this human at the flower festival in Qingshan City! The

king stared at Mu Chen viciously, "His body and his flesh and blood are full of the smell of white wood!" I've eaten so many leaves and petals of white wood, and the taste on my body is not as strong as his! This son of a bitch! This bastard, he must have eaten the whole woody fragrance! Destroy her body and mind! "

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