Because of Xiao Shizi's illness, Yu Yu was delayed on the mountain for seven days, and the divine doctor pulled Yu Yu Pharmaceutical to do experiments, if it weren't for the fact that Xiao Shizi had the strength to send a lot of strange snacks later, Yu Yu wanted to pick the son down the mountain to find Sister Xunyan!

Hehe, missing is one thing, the most important thing... It's the honeycomb that took out her house!

On this day, the county lord of Jinning ordered to pack his luggage and prepare for the return trip.

Xiao Shizi's illness was completely cured, and he returned to a calm and calm noble son.

Everyone gathered at the main gate of Leifeng Temple, and the abbot and Master Fawu in the temple also led the crowd to send them off. In the past few days, Master Fawu and Yu Yu have had a deep talk, and everyone doesn't know what they talked about, only that Master Fawu has become more and more respectful of Miss Yu.

At this time, Xiao Jinye was late, and while dismounting, he began to accuse again and again, "Oh, it's late, it's late, there are many things in the county, and I'm really tired of running these days." "

As the county warden of Chongshan County, it is true that everything is inseparable from him, especially the post-disaster reconstruction after the flood, and it is inseparable from people for a moment. Therefore, these days, Xiao Jinye is not on the mountain, only the county lord of Jinning takes Yu Yu and takes care of Xiao Shizi in the temple.

Xiao Jinye got off the horse, approached everyone, and saluted everyone one by one.

"I've seen Xiao Shizi, and I'm really happy to hear that Xiao Shizi's body has fully recovered!"

"Lord Xiao is polite, thanks to the help of Mr. and Mrs. Xiao and Miss Yu." At the mention of Yu Yu's name, Baili's heavy gaze couldn't help but soften a little.

Turning his gaze to Yu Yu, Yu Yu was boredly rummaging through his purse, probably because the girl's appetite had flare up again.

Xiao Jinye began to greet the abbot and others, and Baili Cangshen no longer paid attention to the matter here, and walked to the side of Yu Yu.

"Here you go." Baili Cangshen took out a small jar out of nowhere and handed it to Mao Yu.

Mao Yu looked down, only to see that the small jar was cyan, and there were a few small white flowers on it, which added a bit of interest to the white, and the mouth of the jar was sealed with a dark cyan cloth of the same color, which looked small and cute to the eye.

I liked it very much when I saw it.

Of course, what she liked was not the appearance of the little jar, but... She smelled a very special sweetness from the mouth of the jar!

Yu Yu reached out and took the small jar, "What's in this?" As he asked, he looked up and down, and came to the mouth of the jar and sniffed it.

Sure enough, it's a sweet taste! I didn't smell it wrong, and I liked it more and more.

Baili Cangshen looked at the little girl's unladylike movements, and did not feel vulgar, but felt that this picture was harmonious and cute.

"Open it and take a look." There was a bit of pampering in the cold voice.

"Hmm!" Yu Yu smiled brightly.

I couldn't wait to open the seal, and that special sweetness came to my nose!

Smell good!

Yu Yu took a deep breath in intoxication.

"Taste it." Baili Cangshen continued.

Yu Yu looked carefully at the can, this seems to be a soaked green dried fruit? The surface has a sparkling and attractive color.

Yu Yu curiously stretched out his white fingers, glued one and put it in his mouth.

After chewing twice, a sweet and sour sensation exploded on the taste buds, both the fruity aroma of the plant and the rich sweetness of honey, so sweet, it should have been a very greasy thing, but it was neutralized by the sourness!

Delicious! Mi Yu's eyes instantly brightened.

After studying with Liu Lao for a period of time, Yu Yu's appreciation of human food also went up.

The Cang Luo next to him looked at the appearance of the feather, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, this little aunt and grandmother are really difficult to please, and the people below are about to break their legs, so they can dig up one or two rare foods for this aunt and grandmother.

In this way, the master is still dissatisfied, and he has not given him a good face in the past few days.

Alas, these days, it's really hard to be a guard, and he who could only "follow things" one skill back then, was forced to become a decathlon.

Hey? Wait, his master will laugh? Will laugh!!

The decathlon was stunned.

"I heard you've been reading honey lately, so I've got people looking for this, do you like it?"

"Uh-huh, I like it!" Yu Yu smiled and narrowed his eyes, like a cat that saw a fish, "Although this honey is not as good as spiritual honey, its sweet and sour taste is so special, is this also a human delicacy?" What's your name? "

Spiritual honey? Mankind?

Baili Cangshen looked at the little girl's excited appearance, and temporarily suppressed the strangeness in his heart.

Seeing the little girl smiling sweetly, the corners of her lips unconsciously curved an arc.

"It's a green bamboo plum, marinated in honey and rock sugar, you can also call it a sour plum."

"Sour plum?"

"Well, there are many kinds of this kind of preserves, and I will slowly find them for you to eat in the future."

"Okay, Xiao Shizi, I will continue to cover you in the future!" Yu patted his chest heroically.

This little man is very good, he didn't save it in vain, and he will be included in his fins in the future!

"Yu'er, it's time to get in the car!"

At this time, Xiao Jinye's side finished greetings, and the county lord of Jinning beckoned Yu Yu to get into the car.

"Hey, here we go~!" Yu Yu turned his head and ran.

A deep voice came from behind him, "In the future... Call me brother, too, like the county lord of Jinning.

Yu Yu didn't care, waved his hand back, and shouted: "Okay~, Brother Shizi!" The

county lord of Jinning followed the prestige in surprise and looked at this side in unison.

Baili Cangshen's face did not change, but Cang Ling lowered his head in shame.

Master! It's only been a few days, and you've asked people to call your brother in front of other people's parents, is that really good?!

The county lord of Jinning and Xiao Jinye glanced at each other and didn't say anything, just stretched out their hands and pulled Yu Yu into the carriage.

Xiao Jinye, Baili Cangshen and Cangluo and others also got on the horse, got on the car, and the huge team began to move slowly.

At this time, suddenly a man in ragged clothes rushed to the gate of the Thunderwind Temple from the side, ignoring the abbot and the masters who were still standing at the door, and rushed inside.

knocked down a little monk and didn't care, only muttered something in his mouth.

Seeing that there are several elderly masters standing behind them, if they collide all the way, it is estimated that the little monks will have to lose a string of ancestors and uncles.

The welcoming monk at the door hurriedly stopped this person and said:

"Donor, please stay, I don't know if the donor is in a hurry, can you use the little monk to help?"

When the man saw that someone was stopping him, he became more and more anxious, and began to shout while struggling:

"Li Niang! Li Niang, where are you? I'm coming for you! Li Niang——" There

was chaos in front of the temple gate, but the convoy did not stop for a moment because of this chaos.

While the wheels were rolling, Steward Chen drove forward, went to the window of the county lord's car, and reported in a low voice:

"County lord, this person seems to be the somewhat weird talent that his subordinates and Miss Yu met last time."

The county lord of Jinning opened the curtain and said lightly, "Don't pay attention to it, keep going." "

Yes." Steward Chen knocked on the horse's belly, and chased after Xiao Jinye and the others in front of him with a bang.

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