The two thank-you boxes were still sent to the Jinning County Lord's room, the boxes were opened, and Mama Yin and Bai Porcelain were watching.

"Wow, pink, it's a pink pearl! It's still such a gorgeous pink! Bai Porcelain said with his cheeks full of stars.

The county lord of Jinning was also surprised to see such a rare pink pearl.

"The most precious thing about this pair of bright pink pearls is not its color, but that it is not a bead from a double shellfish seashell, but a conch. There are very few such conch conch beads, and there are almost no of them along the coast of our country, which is probably only found in the extremely distant seas. "

It's so precious, I don't know how Xiao Shizi got it, and gave it to Miss Yu." White porcelain is really enviable.

The silver grandmother next to her kept staring at the pair of flame pattern pearls, and said with some hesitation for a while:

"The old slave ancestor served the first queen mother, and I heard that once a very distant state of Fanbang once offered a bead with a flame pattern, could it be just planted?" I heard that this pearl is invaluable, and only that pearl has been handed down for a hundred years.

The county lord of Jinning nodded with a smile, "Yes, it is that kind of flame bead, it is rumored that this pearl needs to be in the royal family of the sea shell - the queen shell, in order to be conceived, and its preciousness is more than that of the conch bead." The two in the world this time are really rare. If this is brought back to the capital, I am afraid that the noblewomen in the capital and the concubines in the harem will break their heads. The

lord of Jinning County rolled his eyes and glared at Yu Yu, "I never thought about it, but I was sent to Yu Yatou, which shows that Xiao Shizi's intentions are not sincere." At

this time, the county lord of Jinning and Yu Yu have already gotten along quite well, and the daily life of the two sides has become like a family, with a lot less politeness, and their words and demeanors are all natural.

After these days of getting along, the county lord of Jinning has fully recognized the attributes of the child of the feather bear, and knows that it is not enough to be gentle and gentle, you should stare at it, you should be fierce, or the child will definitely be able to give you a crooked look!

Yu Yu was concentrating on dealing with his after-dinner fruit, and he didn't raise his head or sweep it.

The county lord of Jinning hated iron and pointed at Yu Yu's head, "You girl, my sister taught you in vain, why are you still so rude, how can you throw the guest's gift on the table and leave?" If this is a small-bellied chicken intestine, I will hold a grudge against you!

Yu Yu tilted his head, dodged this finger, and muttered dissatisfiedly:

"I'm not rare... It's all in the sea, and there's nothing in the dragon's treasury. Jinning

County's main qi knot, "What dragon clan is not a dragon clan, how can there be any dragon in this world!" Listen to my sister, next time I see Xiao Shizi and talk well, I can't turn around like this and leave, you know? Since your master let you go down the mountain, he should want you to enter the world to practice, and you always have to know some human accidents in the world to fit in.

Looking at the cute bun face that Yu Yu was eager to justify, his heart softened for a while, stroked her hair, and said slowly:

"Yu'er, this world... It's a place where human accidents are very complicated, and my sister is afraid that you will be hurt unintentionally, so she is a little anxious. But something you should understand, you have to understand..."

Yu Yu clenched his little fist and said:

"Sister, I won't be hurt, whoever dares to bully me, I will blow his head!"

Jinning County Lord: ....

Mama Silver: ....

White porcelain: ....

Yes, this is a white religion.

Mama Yin said:

"Forget it, county lord, with your protection, there will be no major incidents if you want to come to Miss Yu."

"Yes, county lord, take your time." Bai Porcelain also persuaded, "Maybe it's this time, it's just that the girl doesn't like things in the sea... Xiao Shizi is also strange, why are both pearls? The

lord of Jinning County supported his forehead, "It's about that I think Yu'er is young and cute, and every time I put pearl jewelry on her double bun... was noticed by the people on Xiao Shizi's side, and thought that Yu'er liked it.

Bai Porcelain smiled, "The maid also thinks that our girl is about the most suitable person in this world to match beads, and the maid not only wants to match the girl's hair bun with beads, but also wants to match the girl's neck, wrists, and clothes with beads!" "

Hahaha, the old slave also thinks so, so it's not wrong to say that Xiao Shizi's vision is not wrong." Mama Silver also smiled.

The county lord of Jinning also looked up and down with a smile for a while, and was already thinking about what to do with Yu Yu's next set of dress jewelry.

While laughing, suddenly Steward Chen came, and when he entered the room, he said to the county lord of Jinning and Yu Yu while saluting:

"When the subordinates passed through the front hall, they found that Lu Niangzi, who was good friends with our girl, was arguing and tearing with a man, and the subordinates hurriedly went over to stop the man, but the man claimed to be Lu Niangzi's husband, and scolded his subordinates not to meddle in their affairs. Of course, the subordinates refused to believe it, in this county town, who didn't know that Lu Niangzi and his wife were the most affectionate, how could they tear up, but they still pulled him and refused to let go. "

Well, you're doing the right thing." The county lord nodded in affirmation.

Instead, Yu Yu muttered,

"Maybe... It really is. Yu Yu thought for a moment and remembered what the sister of the Lu family said before.

"How does the girl know?" Steward Chen glanced at Yu Yu in surprise, "The man shouted to Lu Niangzi at that time, asking Lu Niangzi to prove that he was her husband, Lu Niangzi nodded with a complicated expression, and his subordinates were helpless, so he let him go at that time."

"Later, the subordinates didn't want to stay there longer, so they went out of the temple to do errands. When I just returned to the temple, I met Lu Niangzi's convoy at the door, and it should be her husband who was going to take her home. "

Ah, is Sister Xunyan going home? Didn't she say that she had to pray to the Buddha for seven days before she could get her wish? "Yu Yu was a little surprised, did Sister Xunyan give up her wish?

"Yes, at that time, a little girl came out of the convoy and handed over a small clay pot to her subordinates, saying that she asked her subordinates to hand it over to Miss Yu. And said... And said..."

"What else to say?" Yu Yu was a little anxious.

"I also said that the meeting may be indefinite, and I hope that this last bit of honey can make Miss Yu remember that she once met such a sister."

Everyone looked at each other, the Chen family in Chongshan County was a famous family, and they could find out after a little inquiry, how could it be indefinite?

This...... How can there be an ominous expression in these words?

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