Xiao Ergongzi saw that the county lord of Jinning finally smiled, and couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief, his wife was so angry just now that she almost vomited blood, and now that she can laugh, it will be much better, at least it won't be bruised at all.

"What's a good joke about me eating soft rice with my ability, they want to say that they are also jealous of me, really when everyone has the good luck of me, can marry a capable daughter-in-law, and meet a capable mother-in-law!" Xiao Ergongzi was proud.

Everyone laughed along, and the gloomy and sad atmosphere just now was swept away.

The county lord of Jinning looked at Yu Yu gently and touched her head

, "Yu'er, you saved my sister again, you must be my sister's little lucky star." The county lord of Jinning sighed with a smile, "No wonder Steward Chen always said that you are a little koi, and you can really bring good luck to people." "

Pouting, little koi? That gadget wasn't enough to stuff her teeth!

"Sister, I'm not a little koi, I'm a big, big fish!" As he spoke, he opened his arms and made a very big gesture.

The county lord of Jinning and the second son of Xiao couldn't help laughing, "Okay, Yu'er is a big fish!" Big Koi! "

Alas, why doesn't anyone believe the truth, Yu Yu thought worriedly.

After joking for a while, Xiao Ergongzi brought up the matter, "Sister Yu Yu, you can see this black gas, can you solve it?" "

Yu Yu scratched his head, this... To be honest, she doesn't know anything about magic, except for natural skills.

And her natural skills, in addition to water control, other... Don't mention it.

Anyway, if you don't save people, you are fighting.

The only thing in her body that can be called at any time is the power of merit, just like the internal power of human aura, but how can this thing be used on this black qi..., Yu Yu scratched her head in distress.

When everyone looked at it, Yu Yu didn't speak, only scratched his head, and his heart suddenly felt cold, this kid went down the mountain at such a young age, it can't be that he is not good at learning, right?

The county lord of Jinning smiled reluctantly, "It's okay, if Yu'er doesn't know how to solve it, it doesn't matter, the coming day is long, let's go find the master again." Yu'er don't scratch her head, scratch carefully.

Yu Yu felt a little embarrassed, she was a big beast, she didn't know anything, this was too bad, and he said: "It's not it, I'm that, I don't know magic, those complicated and messy things, I can't solve them... Yes! No, it's too lazy to understand, that's it, yes, I'm all going to drop ten times with one force, and I'll blow it up directly! He clenched his fists and shook them.

Xiao Ergongzi's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "One force will drop ten, Sister Yu is simply fine, just have this trick, and you will definitely be able to go all over the world." "

Yu Yu listened to the silly happy straight music.

Xiao Ergongzi's words changed again, "Sister Yu Yu, look at this black gas, can you not solve it, and use the method of reducing ten meetings with one force to directly disperse it?" "

Those masters cast spells, they really have to ask for names, find out the place, watch the doorway, talk about yin and yang, and then fight against each other, troublesome and verbose, and he doesn't like this.

On the contrary, Sister Yuyu's violent solution to the Ten Meetings with one force is very much in line with his heart.

"Break it up?" Yu Yu looked at the black gas on the two of them, and then looked at the merit purple qi on her body, she remembered that when the county lord of Jinning approached her just now, the black gas was partially dissolved, but unfortunately the source of the black gas was Xiao Ergongzi, and after a while, the black gas that was melted was continuously filled by the black gas in Xiao Ergongzi's body.

In this way, this thing can't be killed all at once, and if you want to restrain it, you need to stay by the two of them like a mascot all the time? This....

Yu Yu was a little embarrassed, "Sister, do you remember when I went to Old Man Liu, I said purple?" I have it, as long as I get close to you, I can slowly melt that black gas, but it takes a little longer, and I have to stay an inch, but... But my sister doesn't like to go shopping, and stays in the house all day, so I can't suffocate? Yu Yu frowned, "At night, I have to sleep between the two of you like a mascot, suffocated, sister, don't, I like to sleep by myself..."

Although this girl is still a child, she is also in her teens, what is it like to sleep among them, and besides, he and Ning Ning's two-person world can't add such a bright light, I'd rather be incomprehensible!

Xiao Ergongzi raised his hand into a fist and put it to his mouth, coughing twice, "Cough, that... Is this purple qi only human? But there are also items with purple gas, so we can just hang them on our bodies. "

Huh? Purple-tinged items? Yu Yu clapped his hands violently, and shouted happily:

"My crystal little fish eagle, I have been by my side for a long time, and it has already been stained with my purple qi, this can be used!" As he spoke, he touched the crystal fish carving and shouted, "Hurry up, Mama Yin, what are you doing for the little fish carving?" Quickly take it out and tie it up, and hang it on my sister's husband!

Bai Porcelain cleverly shouted, "I'll get it!" "Turned around and went.

"Haha, I'm a merit purple qi, and there are no taboos on my body, and all evils are inviolable~~!" The feather swaggered proudly. "It's a pity that I condensed this little fish carving... Hey, sister's husband, remember to return me when you run out! Yu Yu was very reluctant, and he had to hand the small fish carving to Mama Yin, "Alas, it's a pity that this one will have to wait for the right time, otherwise if you raise it by your side for a few days, you will have it again."

Xiao Ergongzi's heart moved slightly, "What did Sister Yu mean just now that as long as you raise it by your side for a few days, you can be contaminated with purple gas?" I wonder if this purple gas can only be stained with this crystal, or if other objects can also be used?

"Something else is okay, right? Just any kind of wood, jade, magic weapons, anything you humans can do. "As long as it can be a carrier, it's fine.

Xiao Ergongzi's eyes lit up, "Can Sister Yu Yu raise another one with other objects?" This crystal fish carving is just one, I want to give this to Ning Ning to use, and you can raise another one in a few days, and I will use it again.

Yu Yu glanced at Xiao Ergongzi with appreciation, knowing that with the county lord's sister, this person was not bad.

The county lord of Jinning was in a hurry, and opened his mouth to speak, "Husband, the source of this is on you, you..." Before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Xiao Ergongzi, "You are safe, I can rest assured." Xiao Ergongzi looked at the county lord of Jinning gently, "Besides, it's been so long, and I don't have to worry about my life, it's not bad for a few days, Ning Ning, let me feel at ease, okay?"

The county lord of Jinning softened his heart and nodded softly.

Seeing this, Xiao Ergongzi breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly shouted: "Leping, come in!" "

This Leping is Xiao Ergongzi's personal servant, and he hurriedly entered the door and listened to his orders.

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