Xiao Ergongzi sighed, he really couldn't stand the messy and disorganized conversation between the two women.

If they continue to talk like this, they probably won't be able to figure out the whole story tomorrow.

So he stretched out his hand and pulled the county lord of Jinning back into his arms, patted her comfortingly, signaled her not to struggle, and then said, "Let me ask."

The county lord of Jinning took a deep breath and knew that Fujun was known as the "Zhihu" and was a hundred times stronger than himself in this regard, so he quieted down and listened to the communication between Fujun and Yu Yu.

Xiao Ergongzi sorted out his thoughts, and asked from the beginning in an orderly manner, "Sister Yu Yu just said that it was when she was outside the city yesterday..."

At this time, the county lord of Jinning already knew that Xiao Ergongzi would not worry about his life, and his wisdom returned to her, "In this way, that black qi only eats the qi of new life... That what night to germinate, that is, that's..."

Xiao Ergongzi nodded, "There is such a saying among the people, women are fields, men are seeds, what seeds are sown, what crops grow in the ground, give birth to boys and girls, depending on what kind of sprouts." The

county lord of Jinning looked down at his stomach and muttered

, "Only eat the breath of new life, only eat the sprouts... My child, my child, over the years, I don't know how many times they sprouted, and they were all eaten... They were all eaten by black gas..."

The county lord of Jinning couldn't help trembling, covering his stomach with one hand and his heart with the other, and the big tears fell down, screaming sadly

"Husband, my heart hurts so much, our child, our child, has not grown up and been eaten..., husband, I hurt so much!" The county lord of Jinning felt that his heart was about to suffocate, and he couldn't help but start beating his heart with his hand, panting heavily, "For so many years, for so many years, I always thought it was my own problem..., I felt guilty, I wronged myself, and endured the cynicism of those people..., I, I..."

Frightened, Xiao Ergongzi hurriedly slapped his palm on the heart of the county lord of Jinning, and entered the internal force to help the county lord of Jinning smooth his qi and dredge his qi and blood.

After half a sound, the county lord of Jinning calmed down, and his body leaned softly into Xiao Ergongzi's arms, silently shedding tears.

Yu Yu also breathed a sigh of relief, she was also scared just now, and she thought about it for a long time and didn't come up with any skills that could save people, alas, walking in the human world, don't you have to learn even medical skills?

Mama Yin was also frightened, and when the county lord of Jinning eased up, she reversed her taste, she is a person who has been in the courtyard of the deep mansion for a lifetime, this matter is about the heirs, and it is obviously the privacy means in the mansion!

If this black gas falls on the county lord, it means that he just doesn't want the county lord to have a son, and Xiao Ergongzi can also have other women, and sooner or later he will have a child. But this black gas is on Xiao Ergongzi, and it is impossible for all women to get pregnant, this is to kill Xiao Ergongzi's heir!

The person who laid down this black hand must be someone from the Xiao family's side!

Thinking that the county lord of her family was tired by the Xiao family, and for so many years, in the name of not being able to conceive, she was wronged, and she had to be careful, so she gritted her teeth with hatred.

Mama Yin's expression flashed with a hint of determination, and she suddenly popped, knelt on the ground, and howled sadly at Xiao Ergongzi: "Uncle, our county lord is bitter~~!" has been staying in the Xiao family's old mansion all these years, obviously the county lord, but he has been bullied because he is not pregnant, and he has been careful, these... The county lord didn't let us tell my uncle about these things, and I only wanted to let my uncle be on an errand with peace of mind. Whining...... Our county lord is bitter, this black gas, this black gas is on my uncle, and it is clear that I want to kill my uncle's heir! The only one who can do this must be someone from the Xiao family, this person is really vicious, this is to let the uncle and the county lord work hard for their Xiao family, and they will feel ashamed, and finally lose the right to inherit the family because they have no heir! Whining...... Uncle wants to be the master of our county! Xiao

Ergongzi's face was pale, if he hadn't been holding the county lord of Jinning in his arms, he would have been furious, but now because of his wife in his arms, he didn't even dare to clench his fists.

These things, he had thought of it just now, this black gas did not take his life, but only took the life of his heirs, heh, this is to keep his life for the incompetent people of the old Xiao family, but they enjoy the glory and wealth he brings, and continue their days of lustful dogs and horses, hehe, it's really calculating, wow, he wants to see if these people take advantage of him, and whether they have the life to enjoy!

It's just that Ning Ning has suffered all these years, and he is called "Zhihu" in vain, but he is planted in these private affairs of the back house! He was on an errand outside, but Ning Ning suffered so many grievances in the old mansion... This stupid girl, still don't tell yourself, alas, this stupid girl...

While thinking about it, Xiao Ergongzi's heart also hurt, her Ning Ning has suffered for so many years!

"Ning Ning Ning Ning, it's all her husband's fault, it's because your husband didn't check that you suffered so much, and you won't be in the future! Ning Ning, let's move out of the old house in the future, the term of office for the husband is coming soon, don't go back, just follow me in office, and then we will go back to Beijing together! Doesn't my mother-in-law have a county lord's mansion? Let's move out of the old house and live in the county lord's mansion, where there are mother-in-law and our people, Ning Ning won't be wronged anymore, okay? Good no good? Xiao Ergongzi coaxed in a panic while giving the county lord of Jinning a smooth heart.

Mama Yin was overjoyed to hear this, with her uncle's words, she was relieved, if she could really move out of the Xiao family's old mansion at that time, her county lord would no longer have to be angry.

Hurriedly kowtowed, and sat down on the matter, "Aunt Xie thinks about our county lord, Aunt Xie!" "

Get up, pour Ning Ning a cup of warm tea." Xiao Ergongzi motioned for Mama Yin to get up.

Bai Ci hurriedly stepped forward, poured a cup of warm tea from the warm nest on the table, Xiao Ergongzi took it with one hand, hugged the county lord of Jinning with the other hand, and slowly fed her tea, and then coaxed gently while feeding:

"Ningning, don't worry, we know what the problem is now, and we will be able to solve it sooner or later. We guarantee that you will give birth to our first child safely and comfortably.

The county lord of Jinning slowly drank tea, and then listened to her husband's gentle nagging, and gradually recovered her mood, listening to her husband's nagging, "I gave birth to my first child, let's work hard, and the next child will have twins, not triplets, so that we can have four children at once, this must be enough, I would rather not be able to get pregnant and have children many times, it hurts the body too much, let's give birth twice, two times four, just right!"

Hearing this, the county lord of Jinning finally couldn't help but laugh out loud. glanced at her husband:

"How can you live in your mother-in-law's house, you still want to get pregnant and give birth to a child at your mother-in-law's house, and you are not afraid that others will laugh at you for eating soft rice?"

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