What is the original world like?

The North 14th District Report of Baihu City Daily described it this way.

A world whose known area is already ten times larger than the earth!

Its gravity is even greater than that of Earth, it has grand canyons that can hold ten Mount Everests, and it has mountains that no one has ever climbed.

The huge area and more suitable living environment have created more than one intelligent race.

In addition to humanoid aliens, there are also rugged orcs, elegant elves, night demons, cunning goblins, etc.

However, this world has always been dominated by noble magicians, with the Magician Association, the Twelve Elements Cult, and various empires taking the lead.

Oh, noble magician, I am also a noble magician!

Lin Tian chanted words of praise in his mouth and created a breeze.

It can reduce the hot weather just a little bit, really just a little bit, nothing more.

Stop playing, stop playing.

The White Mist Passage is not often visited by people, that is, people from Ed Town occasionally come to take a look.

No noble magician would be willing to travel so far to feed mosquitoes before the time agreed upon with him.

For the earth, a space channel is enough to mobilize troops, but for the original world, it is just a common phenomenon.

This dress is really hard to wear.

Zhang Xiaoyu pulled at his chest and panicked.

They were wearing original clothing, which was obtained by Lin Tian.

He has been around for a long time.

Even though your clothes are difficult to wear, you are now a down-and-out noble, Miss Christina An Gina Zhang.

Lin Tian smoothly revealed Zhang Xiaoyu’s identity.

What can you do, Miss Zhang? Zhang Xiaoyu thought for a while and gave up.

She really couldn't remember.

You probably won't remember it if I repeat it. All you need to know is that your name is Christina.


What a nice name.

Zhang Debai came up and said, Brother Lin, Brother Lin! What about me? What's my name?

Your name is Hans. Lin Tianyan said concisely.

Hans? What next? Zhang Debai looked forward to how long his name was.

Just call me Hans, no surname. You are Miss Christina's slave. Don't you realize that your clothes are very ordinary?

Zhang Debai:...

Lin Tian laughed, and Zhang Debai's expression was just as he expected.

Brother Lin, you have such a bad taste. Zhang Debai was speechless. He turned to look at Chen Banxian: Where's the boss? Does the boss have a name?

Chen Banxian looked calmly and glanced at Lin Tian's chest.

The latter suddenly broke out in a cold sweat: Of course the boss has a name, he is also a noble nobleman, and he is a famous family in Aide Town.

What's your name? The three of them asked him curiously.

Lin Tian subconsciously glanced at the writing embroidered on Chen Banxian's clothes and looked away.

Master Alexander Lord Bass.

Alexander, this is a noble name. Zhang Debai nodded repeatedly, and he fit the name of Mr. Chen Banxian very well.

Only Chen Banxian patted Lin Tian's shoulder meaningfully and whispered in his ear:

I can understand the text of Seballet in the original world.

What was clearly embroidered on his clothes was: Vogel Da Law Lyon.

If this shit spreads to Baihu City, he won't have to mess around anymore.

I don't care what method you use, my name is Alexander now, do you understand?

Lin Tian nodded obediently. By mistake, Chen Banxian actually knew Sebale's writing.

Sabale is the name of this country. The Sabale royal family rules the northern border of the mountains, the windy valley, the plains of the gods, the magical auspicious land and the forest of the fertile plains.

The one that can hold ten Mount Everests is Sebale's excessive wind canyon. Regardless of how powerful Sebale is, it is only a small place in the original world and cannot make it to the top.

Let's go to Ward Town first, and then buy a carriage to go to the Fairy Forest, otherwise your feet will be broken.

Lin Tian was familiar with the road and came to the small town of Aide. He saw that the town was almost all in medieval style, but glass was very common, and the pedestrians coming and going in simple clothes.

There are various hair colors, and there is no such thing as the idea in novels that black hair and black eyes are demons.

Yes, otherwise Lin Tian would not blend in so perfectly.

Everyone try not to talk too much and follow me to avoid exposure.

Lin Tian warned Zhang Debai and Zhang Xiaoyu and turned around and said to Chen Banxian: Master Chen, I'll tell you your name right now...

Press? Master Chen? Boss? Damn it, where are you!

He was shocked. He turned around suddenly but couldn't find the familiar figure!

It's over, I lost the boss as soon as I arrived in the other world!

The three of them were visibly panicking, not because they were afraid that something would happen to the boss, but because they were afraid that he would cause trouble.

But at this moment, a familiar voice came from the shop next to him, but he spoke with a very fluent Ed town accent.

Sebalie said: Let me tell you, I am a local and know the market. This broken magic scroll is not even an apprentice level. Even if it is drawn by a junior magician, it cannot be sold for a single silver coin!

Chen Banxian slapped the table, put one hand on his hips, and shouted loudly:

Come and see, come and see, the boss is ripping off customers. He wants to sell me half a silver coin for a silver coin! Black! It's too dark!

Lin Tian and others turned around and saw that the boss they called was bargaining. Finally, under the aggrieved eyes of the boss, they got a magic scroll for half a silver coin.

Taking a closer look, it was the fireball technique.

Whether it is in novels or games, etc., they are all bad.

Why did you buy this thing? Lin Tian was speechless, and then carefully weighed his tone: Master Chen, boss, let me know if you have any plans. It's really scary to flash like this.

Boss... Damn it, where have they gone?

When they found Chen Banxian, the latter was already holding many scrolls and opening them one by one.

It is impossible to activate these Fireball Technique, Wind Bullet Technique, Xiao Liang Technique and Healing Technique without using mental power.

Chen Banxian studied each piece one by one. He copied the memories of some magicians and then pondered based on the memories.

The resonance of memory and magic is completely different.

It's like watching a craft master online tell you how to make this mecha, but you can't make it yourself.

He studied on his own and thought about it slowly.

But he really couldn't find the so-called spiritual resonance.

He had no choice but to pull out the sword spirit and ask for help.

You bastard, if you put the sword in the sheath again, I will chop you to death!

The sword spirit cursed loudly, and when Chen Banxian encountered a problem, he snorted: I won't help, unless you lose the scabbard!

Chen Banxian persuaded him nicely: Brother, didn't you say that the scabbard is beautiful?

It looks so good, but it can't be sealed in there every day!

The sword spirit warned Chen Banxian because the latter forgot to pull out the sword after locking him in. During this time, he almost choked the sword to death.

Let Mr. Jian see what the problem is.

He levitated and looked at the scroll, telling the essence of this magic scroll in one sentence.

Write the praises of the elements in advance through painting, and leave spiritual resonance lines. As long as you infuse spiritual power, you can directly connect with the resonance lines, thereby stimulating magic.

It's really trivial to let this sword master see this thing. Let me tell you, kid, if you can get something at the level of the Immortal Formation, you might be able to stump me a little bit. That's it? There's no use in killing a chicken with a dragon-slaying knife.

The sword spirit was very crazy, but Chen Banxian didn't believe a word of it: Then tell me, how does the spirit resonate? I don't think I can grasp the so-called spiritual power even if I break my head.

Lin Tian could fan the wind, but he couldn't even let out wind farts.

Psychic power? You kid, it's better not to think about it.

The sword spirit struck him mercilessly: Others may have this thing, but you... you better forget it.

Why? Chen Banxian said angrily: Why can't I think about it?

The sword spirit asked him: Can you practice the foundation-building elixir?

Chen Banxian shook his head: No.

The sword spirit asked again: Can you cultivate to the realm of cooking life?

Chen Banxian tried it. After flesh and blood give birth to spirituality, he needs to refine his essence with blood to achieve the unity of body and spirit. This stage requires the unification of energy in the body, and he can't do it.

It doesn't seem possible.

The sword spirit then asked him: Not to mention the demon clan's demon elixir method, which is the basic cultivation method of Baihu City, can you reach the third realm?

Stop scolding, stop scolding!

Chen Banxian's face darkened, he regretted pulling out the sword.

By the way, if you can't do it, how can you cultivate your spiritual power?

The sword spirit struck him: Strictly speaking, you are still in the first realm, and you are still accumulating knowledge. It's just that your combat power is a bit beyond the standard. It's just like playing in the third realm.

A certain sword's tone gradually became gloating:

Hey, now you know the difficulty of creating your own practice, right? This is just a small bump in the road. Later, the yin and yang gods will be more troublesome. If I were you, I would practice other techniques first and then talk about creation.

Chen Banxian's face turned darker and darker. If he could practice other methods, would he still be accumulating experience points here?

The energy of the Demon Summoning Sutra has become an ocean, and the flying immortal body has become a continent. He is still in the first realm.

Then this magic cannot be repaired by labor?

He cursed and threw the magic scroll to the ground:

TMD, what a broken magic, what a broken element, it's really useless, it's useless!

The dozen magic elements were mixed together, and when they heard his curse, they all trembled, and then...


Explosion, big explosion, the whole town of Ed shook.

What's going on? Is there a magician casting magic?

People on the street are in panic, fearing that they will be accidentally harmed.

Lin Tian came over immediately. He was in a daze, thinking that the boss had offended the noble local magician.

As a result, he only saw the big boss with his face covered in black smoke and his clothes in pieces.

Chen Banxian froze on the spot with his eyes wide open, in disbelief.

Didn't you say that this thing requires mental resonance to explode?

He swore that he just threw it, not even hard.

If you use force, the movement may be greater.

But the sudden explosion of magic scrolls still caught him off guard.

Sword Master, are you kidding me? Chen Banxian raised his eyebrows: Tell me, are you kidding me?

How the hell do I know that?

The sword spirit didn't know either: I am old, how can I still deceive you, a young swordsman?

Something is wrong, something is going on.

This pile is all apprentice-level magic scrolls, some of which are broken and cannot be so powerful.

It's better than a senior magician tickling him.

He was thinking about something, then went into the nearby store with a dark face, and took out another magic scroll.

This scroll was drawn by a junior magician and contains a complete spell and spiritual resonance circuit.

What it says on the label is - Illumination.

It can bring long-lasting brightness to people after use.

The boss smiled and handed him two silver coins and walked out of the store.

Thank you, boss.

Go slowly, go slowly. Chen Banxian smiled broadly, picked up a few more scrolls, and then left.

Boss, don't run away, I'm afraid. Lin Tian found that Chen Banxian appeared again at an unknown time and had no energy to persuade him anymore.

They had rented a carriage.

Zhang Debai reminded: There was a big explosion just now, let's get out of here quickly.

After all, this is other people's world, and there are stronger people than they know.

He didn't guarantee whether his extraordinary abilities would be discovered by these powerful people.

Let's go to the Fairy Forest. Lin Tian drove the horse and pulled the reins: I hope the conditions for the fairies are not too harsh.

He couldn't help but look at Chen Banxian: Boss, please be quiet.

Okay, okay. Chen Banxian agreed. He was still studying the magic scroll.

I took a sip on the ground and had no reaction.

I shook my hand vigorously, but there was still no reaction.

He recalled all the previous experiences. Is there anything wrong?

The sword spirit suggested: Boy, try to focus your anger on it?

By the way, angry, he was very angry before.

Then Chen Banxian was angry all day long.

It's no use!

He threw the magic scroll to the ground and said, MD, I won't play anymore.

However, the magic scroll suddenly flickered.


He picked up the scroll and threw it on the ground.

no response.

He repeated the action again and added:

Is it useless?

The magic scroll lit up.

He didn't throw away the scroll, held it in his hand, and cursed again: Is it useless?


A dazzling light lit up and exploded, burning the forest as bright as day!

Ah! My eyes!

Zhang Debai covered his eyes and cried bitterly: Who the hell set off the flash bomb? Lin Tian, ​​Brother Lin, take my sister and leave first!

He thought their identity was exposed and they were besieged by magicians.

Calm down, calm down. Lin Tian grabbed Zhang Debai who was yelling and looked to one side.

The place where the explosion occurred was where the boss was.

Sure enough, the next second Chen Banxian appeared again with a dark face.

An explosion occurred in his hand, caught off guard.

However, he was not unhappy at all, but instead grinned with big white teeth.

He brushes his teeth well every day.

Haha, that's it, that's it!

He realized.

The sword spirit had been watching the battle, and now he realized: The magic element in this original world has a glass heart!

Wasn't it just a few curse words? He actually blew it up directly for them to see.

Try again!

In order to verify the glass heart of the magic element, Chen Banxian was so happy that he took out another scroll - Water Impact.

Ahem. He cleared his throat, and then cursed: Water element, you are just a Bichi, # %*^ # ! @%! (Everyone needs to be civilized)

The more he cursed, the scroll in his hand began to glow, which was a symbol of the gathering of a large number of water elements.

Then, Crash!

A huge river burst out of thin air, and Chen Banxian was washed into the river. The waves were really turbulent!

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