There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 191 In fact, I cultivated his mind

Let's play, I didn't win the lottery.

Chen Banxian retorted, and then continued with a silly smile: It's more exciting than winning the lottery!

Then he went back to six seconds ago and pressed down the tablet that Jiaojiao had picked up.

Before she could read the message to him, she said in advance: I didn't win the lottery.

Banjiao's bright eyes blinked: How do you know what I want to ask?

By the way, it’s this look, this look of shock and confusion!

Chen Banxian said calmly: From today on, please call me the prophet of divination, master, Chen, no need to ask, half-immortal.

Jiaojiao quickly wrote on the tablet: It's over, are you sick? I know a turtle demon, he is an old Chinese medicine doctor!

Chen Banxian went back six seconds and pressed her tablet again: I'm not sick. I don't need to see an old Chinese doctor. I just accidentally took off.


Who knows, how good his mood is now!

Jiaojiao:! ! !

She discovered that Xianxian really seemed to be able to predict the future and knew what he was going to say every time.

Damn it, I have become an immortal in leisure!

By the way, why does the house feel so small today? Let's go out for a walk first.

He quickly walked towards the core area and quickly found Fang Ping who was practicing in seclusion.

Er smash, Ba Ba knows what you are thinking.

Before Fang Ping could speak, he read: Grandson, who is your son? Call me grandpa!

Fang Ping's eyes suddenly widened!

He then heard Chen Banxian read out the words on his lips: Fuck! Fuck, Fuck!

Seeing this expression, he was satisfied and went to find Ninth with his hands behind his back.

Ninth becomes more and more ethereal, and seems to have truly become a god. Faith Qingyun will show some pious scenes from time to time, and then feed back the faith and help some people achieve extraordinary things.

Chen Banxian spoke first before waiting for the ninth word: I have nothing to do here today.

Strangeness flashed across Ninth's eyes, and he wanted to speak again, but Chen Banxian heard something uncertain:

After eating it, I felt like I was jumping over the wall. Jiaojiao was making it a few days ago.

Ninth's eyes widened, and what he wanted to say flowed out of Chen Banxian's mouth:

Why are you so free today?

Chen Banxian patted him on the shoulder: Sorry, I seem to have gained access to his mind recently.

After walking around in a circle one by one, Chen Banxian finally slipped over to Lin Tian.

He rarely comes back for repairs, and it is said that he has been running around in the original world recently.

Hello, boss.

Zhang Xiaoyu said hello from one side, and she and Zhang Debai asked Lin Tian about life span.

If you ask this, you are asking the right person!

Lin Tian already has a lot of information that can increase life span.

Anyway, every time Chen Banxian saw Lin Tian, ​​his lifespan would fluctuate.

Maybe there was only one year left a few days ago, and a few days later it suddenly skyrocketed for decades.

Looking at it in a few days, there may be less than half a year left.

Oh my, why don't I come and see how you are doing with your advice? Do you have any clues?

a little bit.

Lin Tian answered for them: I learned in the original world that the goblins make all kinds of magic potions, including recovery potions that can restore people to the state they were in a month ago.

This was the information he got when he inquired about the longevity potion, and he paid a little attention to it.

So, you are planning to go to the original world?

Yes, we plan to leave early tomorrow morning. After all, time waits for no one.

Zhang Debai is still a little confident. He has special extraordinary abilities and may be able to get some magic potion.

Then... I wish you good luck.

Chen Banxian didn't say much. He didn't forget his original intention and looked at Lin Tian.

Both sides are speechless.

Lin Tian:? ? ?

After a moment of silence, the two said in unison: Chen Banxian, what can I do for you?

? ? ?

Lin Tian's mind was filled with questions. When he opened his mouth, Chen Banxian's voice came out at the same time, exactly the same as what he said:

How do you know what I'm going to ask?

(In unison) Damn it, Master, don't scare me. I was so deceived by you last time that I haven't recovered yet!

(In unison) Numb.

He was really numb. Seeing Lin Tian's expression getting darker and darker, he stopped looking back in time. After experimenting for so long, he was only a little tired.

Haha, just kidding, I recently learned how to read his mind.

He was panicking casually, and then saw Lin Tian's expression changing again and again, and then quickly returned to the back room and took off the special clothes that bound his chest.

Ahem, what's wrong? Chen Banxian keenly noticed the difference. Lin Tian hesitated and lied, taking out a magic book.

This is the magic from the original world. Master, you are just here. Let's study it.

He studied the language of the original world for many days, and took notes on three books in one book, all of which were explanations.

I have been studying for a long time. People in the original world can release magic by chanting magic spells to communicate with the elements.

His face gradually became serious: At first, I thought it was necessary to outline the magic circle while chanting the incantation, similar to a circuit board. After all, this is how it is described in novels.

However, as I checked the information and cracked the magic book, I found that I was wrong.

Lin Tian expressed his guess: The chanting of magic spells all praises the magic elements. Only when the spirit and praise resonate simultaneously can all kinds of magic be released.

So, the noble magicians in the original world are all a bunch of sycophants?

Chen Banxian cheered him up, and then kept curious glances at the back room where he had closed the door and locked it.

I'm still curious, what did you do just now?

Lin Tianlian blushed, but did not say anything. He continued to change the subject: So I tried to release a magic spell in our world. Guess what?

What's wrong?

Chen Banxian's curiosity was indeed aroused by him.

Lin Tian understood the magic elements according to the knowledge and spirit in the magic book, matched the magic elements, and sang on the spot.

Original boundary language: Noble spirit of the wind element, please listen to my call and show your grace in front of me~

After the chanting, a breeze blew in front of them.

Uh...what's the use? Chen Banxian waved with his palm, blowing out a wind stronger than the wind element.

That group of mages, who called themselves high-level magicians, were defeated by him in this way.

No, you didn't notice!

Lin Tian looked serious: This shows that we can also become noble magicians, and I can use this identity to abduct goblins' potions!

He was still thinking about the fairies from the original world and those magical potions.

Then what?

Chen Banxian looked at him eagerly, What's the use?

This shows that our Baihu City will add another powerful system.

Does it have anything to do with me? Chen Banxian spread his hands, making Lin Tian's face darken again.

It doesn't seem to matter. This person always crushes him.

“But it’s useful for everyone.”

Lin Tian said the gap between the earth and the original world.

People in the original world are rigid. The gambling in Cultural City is not high. They always praise the same two sentences. But we are different. We have rich knowledge of questions. Maybe a change in the form of praise can create a greater impact. Miracles are not guaranteed.”

Lin Tian reminded how this power is different from the power in other worlds.

Theoretically speaking, as long as I have enough mental strength and praise well enough, I can immediately have the power of the peak of the third realm even if I have just stepped into the third realm.

Have you entered the third realm?

Only then did Chen Banxian realize that Lin Tian's lifespan aura was very weak, and he only had about one year left.

Fortunately, he is the protagonist, the son of luck. If anyone else had played like this, he would have died countless times.

Oops, I was discovered accidentally. Lin Tian reluctantly waved his hand: It's a joke, it's a joke, the entire Baihu City's current third level should be no more than two hands.

After being modest, Lin Tian expressed his regrets again.

I only bought a general entry-level magic manual for apprentices, and there are still a lot of advanced magic books to test, so...

He blinked: Boss, do you want to make some fireballs? Do you want to make some ice cubes to play with in the summer?

You want to bring me along? Chen Banxian subconsciously thought of what little Yuri said.

In the original world, not only Ed Town is targeting him, but even Woyuan Forest is also looking for him.

If you go to the original world, you may not be able to come back so easily.


He now has time and space transcendence, a life of the second realm of the nine-tailed fox, and a third life of the sword spirit. Maybe he can try changing his appearance again.

If he really couldn't run... No, he had to prepare.

The road to cultivating immortality was deadlocked, and the Demon Summoning Sutra Qi and the Flying Immortal Body did not give her a chance to form elixirs.

Everything about flying swords, sword-controlling and elixir refining is in vain.

Perhaps, starting with magic can make up for his lack of long-range firepower.

Sure, I'll go with you. You wait for two days and I'll find a trump card.

He agreed to Lin Tian, ​​who immediately beamed.

With the boss here, he can let go a little more.

Did he know that Chen Banxian was also capable of transcending space and might be able to loot the books of the Magic Academy?

Two days later, Chen Banxian once again abandoned her in Jiaojiao's resentful eyes, and went on the road with him carrying a twenty-meter-long lead box.

He changed his appearance, no longer wearing a paper bag, but instead put on a metal mask.

The main one is not easy to drop.

Why are you wearing lead armor?

Lin Tian saw at a glance that Chen Banxian's clothes had traces of psychic technology, and they contained a lot of lead.

Huh? It's okay, just wear whatever you want. Chen Banxian laughed.

The latter educated him on the road. Lead armors were generally worn by personnel related to nuclear technology. Their defensive power was not high and they did not look good.

He suggested that Chen Banxian should choose the newly developed lightweight psionic armor, which is very cost-effective...

Oh oh oh, I must understand.

Lin Tian looked at the big box on Chen Banxian's shoulder again. It might be his belongings.

They came to the space passage in the original world.

The extraordinary beings and guard warriors of Baihu City are not close to the space passage. They mainly prevent magicians from coming to Baihu City to kidnap people, and usually ignore the extraordinary beings entering the original realm.

The magicians of the original world want experimental materials, so why don’t they want the resources of the original world?

Zhang Debai and Zhang Xiaoyu have been waiting here for a long time.

The two of them were at the front and the last, Lin Tian opened the way, Zhang Debai and Zhang Xiaoyu were mixed in the middle, and Chen Banxian was at the end.

The familiar sign Come Again Tomorrow was placed on the ground, and Chen Banxian changed the time without revealing anything.

I have something to do at home, please take half a month off.

It's always bad to let others go.

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