There is no technical content in pure beating, and Lucario is not the kind of elf who would feel pleasure in beating an elf weaker than himself, so this battle only lasted less than five minutes and ended in less than five minutes. .

Looking at Aibi Lang who fainted after being beaten, Gu Song twitched the corner of his mouth.

As early as three minutes, he wanted to give up, but there were too many students around him. After all, he was also a chief fighting coach, and he was also the class teacher of the first trainer class of Liuli No. 1 High School. He could be defeated by a student. Accept it, after all, the person in front of you is the son of the gym leader and the grandson of the King of Heaven.

However, if he chooses to admit defeat, he will have no way to manage his students.

After Gu Song took the elf back, Fang Che also breathed a sigh of relief. There would definitely be no problem in asking for leave now.

He will not make things difficult for Gu Song and Xu Yanyan. He will not miss any of the competitions that he should participate in, but he does not plan to come for some basic teaching on weekdays.

Instead of learning here the knowledge points that he has long been familiar with, he might as well go to the Liuli Secret Realm to explore more.

Ahem, classmate Fang Che, your Lucario has been raised really well. Teacher is willing to admit defeat. As soon as your leave request is ready, I will sign it as soon as possible.

Gu Song was not a person who could not afford to lose. After he took back Aibi Lang and injected some wound medicine into Aibi Lang, he came to Fang Che. He would not stop Fang Che from asking for leave.

An elite trainer was studying with a group of students with growth-stage elves in the school, and he felt something was wrong.

Although being with a strong person can stimulate the Gyarados effect, is Fang Che a Gyarados?

He is a genuine kyogre!

With Fang Che's Kyogre around, the trainer class might not have much energy left.

Thank you, Teacher Gu, for your understanding. Please rest assured, Teacher Gu, I will not be absent from the games that I am supposed to participate in. After all, I want to meet the proud people of the Imperial City in this year's U18 Poké Ball Cup.

Fang Che nodded to Gu Song with a smile, and then his smile became slightly stiff.

[Ding, it is detected that the owner has completed the only task: Deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestor, the Little Penguin Mall refreshes the goods for the owner. This refresh does not occupy the basic refresh time! 】

Wait a minute, your mall still has a mission system?

Fang Che began to communicate with Little Penguin Mall in his mind, but Little Penguin Mall only sent a bunch of messages.

After receiving that string of information, Fang Che looked at Gu Song with something wrong.

As Fang Che's golden finger, the role of the Little Penguin Mall is to allow Fang Che to obtain more sophisticated props on his way to becoming the strongest trainer. It is just a mall, and there is no task or task system.

However, when bound to Fang Che, Little Penguin Mall did have a novice task that could be completed by choosing one of three options. This task was also the only task recognized by Little Penguin Mall.

They are [disrespecting one's luck], [deceiving one's teacher and destroying one's ancestors], and [killing Shura].

The condition for completion of [Reluctant Heart and Fortune] is that Fang Che accepts three women as partners within a month after becoming a new trainer, and then dumps them before the start of school, betraying their beautiful relationship.

The condition for completing [Deceiving the Master and Destroying the Ancestor] is that after becoming a new trainer, Fang Che must defeat his teacher within the first week of school, and win with a complete victory.

The condition for completion of [Shura Slaughter] is that Fang Che must kill more than ten elves when he enters the secret realm for the first time after becoming a new trainer, and use his blood to start the field battle.

After reading the introductions to these three tasks, Fang Che felt speechless inside.

Bi Qiniang, each of these three tasks is more outrageous than the last. Just looking at the names, he would think that his golden finger changed his life to be called the Villain System.

The first task made him act like a scumbag, the second task made him contradict the teacher in public, and the third task made him see blood directly, none of them were easy.

The key is, there are no prompts for this task!

After Fang Che became a new trainer, the only leading women he had contact with were Xia Li and Zhao Wanxi. Xia Li had nothing to do with him, and Zhao Wanxi had a closer relationship with him, but he made Fang Che a scumbag. It is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, this task can only be given up.

The third mission was impossible for Fang Che to complete. The first time he entered the secret realm was the Liuli Secret Realm with Fang Xuan. At that time, he had Riolu defeat many elves, but he did not kill anyone. Hand, it is impossible to complete it now.

Moreover, Fang Che loves elves very much. Unless he is similar to the Abo monster that attacked him more than two years ago, he cannot kill him, and this task can only be ignored.

The only task he can possibly complete is the so-called deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor. It seems that this task is very heavy, but in fact the content has nothing to do with the title.

As a student, if he can defeat his teacher at the beginning of school, the teacher may feel a little aggrieved, but he is more ecstatic.

After all, the performance of a teacher is the performance of students. The better Fang Che performs, the better treatment Gu Song can get. As long as he is not a narrow-minded teacher, he will not mind becoming a stepping stone for students.

Tsk, I don't know what kind of props this only special refresh will give me. I'm really looking forward to it.

Fang Che rubbed his hands, and after greeting Gu Song and Xu Yanyan, he took back Lucario and returned to the group of trainers.

Lu Hui helped him block the congratulations from the classmates around him. He knew that his best friend didn't like this kind of scene.

After returning to class, Gu Song began to explain some things to pay attention to when starting school, while Fang Che focused on the specially refreshed shopping mall interface.

Like the normal refresh, the special refresh mall only has five grids, but the things placed in these five grids make Fang Che feel a little baffled.

[Unlimited move learning machine - Blue Silver Coil. After use, an elf can upgrade the skill Grass Knot to Blue Silver Coil. The effect is changed to forcibly control the target for three seconds, interrupting the current charged move. , and comes with a 10% poisoning effect. Selling price - 10,000 ball coins! 】

Fang Che: ?

[Perfect Secret Treasure·Xuantian Treasure Record, after elves learn it, they can increase their special attack racial value by 10%, and after humans learn it, they can obtain the effect of deep sleep. Selling price - 10,000 ball coins! 】

Fang Che: ??

[Perfect Secret Treasure·Twenty-Four Bridges on a Bright Moon Night, contains twenty-four independent spaces of one thousand cubic meters, and cannot store living things. Selling price - 10,000 ball coins! 】

Fang Che: ???

[Perfect secret treasure: Seeing through the autumn dew can improve eyesight and increase the original vision talent by 100%. Selling price - 10,000 ball coins! 】

Fang Che: ????

[Perfect Secret Treasure - Purple Demon Eye. After fusion with elves, you can gain the ability to see through illusions and automatically comprehend the skill See Through. After fusion with humans, you can gain one of the three abilities of farsightedness, clairvoyance, and spiritual penetration, which can be improved through the secret treasure. . Selling price - 10,000 ball coins! 】

Fang Che: ??????



To be honest, Throne of the Divine Seal was my favorite work when I was in high school, and I think Long Haochen is a pretty good protagonist, but now...


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