There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 101 A-099 Lucario’s Showtime!

It's actually Lucario?

Gu Song was quite surprised when he saw the elf released by Fang Che. He did not expect that when he became a teacher for the first time, he would meet a student holding the elf he had dreamed of.

As a fighting coach and fighting enthusiast, the most perfect elf in Gu Song's heart is the loyal and powerful Lucario. However, when he was young, he couldn't afford Riolu. Now he has achieved a little but has no experience. He went to cultivate a Riolu alone, which was also the biggest regret in his heart.

Now seeing his student and opponent taking out Lucario, Gu Song only felt a sense of change!

However, even if it is Lucario, a new trainer is still a new trainer. Even if Lucario breaks through the elite level, can your command keep up? Aibi Lang, strike first, Sonic Punch!

Gu Song calmed down, and then issued an attack order to Aibi Lang.

Aibilang transformed into a flash of light and rushed towards Lucario. Its gloves were covered with a rich white light. This light made the surrounding student audience breathe a little faster.

Elfs above the elite level will mobilize the surrounding elven energy when releasing their skills. Although humans cannot sense the elven energy, they will also feel a sense of spiritual oppression.

This is why many wild fighting factions who like to explore secret realms look down on academics who study orthodoxly. They believe that academics who have been playing fighting games like drinking at home cannot appreciate the true charm of elf fighting at all.

The joy of cooperating with one's elves to win under extreme pressure is something that academics cannot experience.

Zhao Longhu and Fang Xuan wanted Fang Che to join the shadow group. One of the reasons was to change Fang Che from the orthodox academic school to the direction of academy and wild fighting dual cultivation.

It seems that Teacher Gu is a fan of the Wild Fighting Sect?

Fang Che did not give instructions to Lucario immediately. In a battle of this level, he did not need to command Lucario.

Feeling the pressure exerted by Aibi Lang subconsciously on himself, this is the favorite trick of the Wild Fighting Faction, allowing the elf to release the pressure and interfere with the opponent's trainer, thus achieving the effect of affecting the opponent's thoughts.

It's a pity that Aibi Lang is only at the elite level, but Fang Che has experienced the momentum of the champion level firsthand, so this little pressure can't make him show a moved expression.

Just as Fang Che was sighing, Aibi Lang's fist was already close to Lucario's face. Gusong felt a little uncomfortable looking at the huge Oh, why are you blind?


Before Honoka's inner sadness could end, Lucario struck Abirou in the chest with a preemptive move of metal claws.

At this time, Aibi Lang's fist was less than five centimeters away from Lucario's head.

However, these five centimeters, it can't get any closer!

Lucario, wave missiles, and bone sticks.

Fang Che snapped his fingers and put his hand on Aibi Lang's chest to Lucario on the platform. A wave missile condensed with a waveguide was directly pressed onto Aibi Lang's body by Lucario. .

With the explosion of the wave missile, Aibi Lang's body flew out uncontrollably, and then Lucario appeared behind Aibi Lang as if teleporting, with the blue bone stick condensed in its hand. It hit Aibi Lang mercilessly.

After blasting Aibi Lang away again, Lucario followed the same pattern and hit Aibi Lang multiple times. Honamatsu was stunned and helpless.

Abiro, who was unable to use any force in the air, had no way to resist Lucario's attack. Even if he used guard, it could only suspend Lucario's attack for a moment.

If he can't return to the ground, or if he can't break Lucario's teleportation, Honamatsu's Aibirou will only get beaten!

Something's wrong, why is Lucario teleporting?

Gu Song was stunned, and the audience outside the court was also stunned. They were all the top students of No. 1 High School. Even if their grades were not as good as those of Fang Che, who was almost perfect, they were still the geniuses of this generation in Liuli City.

After years of elf education, they couldn't understand how a Lucario learned to teleport.

No, it's not teleportation!

Among the crowd, a girl holding Larulas suddenly called out. Lalulas in her arms lowered her head shyly.

Everyone's eyes fell on the girl, and the girl was not timid and directly expressed her thoughts, If I read it correctly, Lucario used a wave missile on Aibi Lang just now. The waveguide mark, and then the move Lucario used was [Swap Site]! The target it chose was the waveguide mark on Aibi Lang!

As the deputy squad leader of the second class of trainers who are preparing to specialize in the super power system, Lin Jing is quite familiar with the super power system's moves. Coupled with the powerful super power fluctuation that Larulas sensed just now, she immediately reacted Come on, Lucario doesn't master teleportation.

Because teleportation, as the most powerful and practical space transfer skill in the super power system, will not cause the kind of unstable super power fluctuations.

Only the exchange venue where the target is exchanged will leave such super fluctuations.

Although it was also puzzling to learn Lucario's exchange of venues, Lin Jing's words still made the people around him breathe a sigh of relief.

It’s not just about teleportation!

An elf like Lucario can be called a perfect warrior, but it still seems a little uncomfortable when facing super-fast opponents or opponents that can fly. If Fang Che's Lucario masters unlimited moments, If it moves, are there any enemies it can't deal with?

Now that they knew that Lucario could move through space by being marked with a waveguide, they immediately began to figure out how to deal with this move.

The audience off the field can think about it from a God's perspective, but Gu Song on the field can't hold it tight.

It's very simple. Even if he knows the truth about Lucario's teleportation, what can he do? Aibi Lang has no way to target Lucario.

When Aibi Lang was hit head-on by Lucario's wave missile, it meant that Aibi Lang had lost the ability to compete with Lucario.

By switching places, this move is enough to make Lucario invincible among his peers.

Unless it is a heavyweight elf like the grown-up Boss Cordora who remains immobile and adapts to all changes, any lightweight player will become meat on Lucario's plate and be slaughtered by him!

This is a Lucario personal performance show!



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