He came to the huge park in the royal capital, found a bench where there were not many people, and sat down on it.

Then he started flipping through the book in his hand as if to pass the time.

He is waiting for someone.

Waiting for a big shot that you don’t usually see.

Astrologer Sheen's real body is said to be rarely seen by the senior officials of the Kingdom Federation.

As soon as Dekan came to the Philoven Kingdom, he conveyed his intention to see Xion.

However, it was only conveyed.

No reply yet.

But today, I finally received a reply from Sheen.

When Durkan woke up early in the morning, he saw a blue crystal on the windowsill. After analyzing it, he saw the message Sheen wanted to convey and her signature.

Sheen asked Durkan to wait for her at a bench at Philowen Memorial Park.

Dekan was not told the specific location to go to.

This means that all Dekan needs to do is go there and find a bench, and Astrologer Sheen will find him naturally.

Surprisingly informal.

So today.

Dekan had been waiting in the park early.

"Have we met again?"

At some point, a figure appeared next to Dekan.

Naturally, he sat on the other side of the bench.

Dekan was slightly dazed.

Because he remembered this voice.

His fists clenched unconsciously.

At that time, after he left the endless pursuit of purgatory in the shadow world, he met a young reporter with light blue hair in the academy.

Then he asked some questions that left him speechless.

Later Durkan read the report.

He finally determined that this reporter named Ludwig was a super anti-fan.

Her reputation is so bad, at least 10% of the blame lies with her!


Dekan had thought about it.

If one day I meet this little reporter again, I must let her know what the Bishop of Pain is.

But now, Dekan didn't know how to evaluate her.

Co-author You are a ninth-level astrologer, and your usual hobby is to open a small account and fry fish?

Dekan turned his head and looked at this playful girl wearing overalls. No one knew how old this guy was.

He is completely different from the dignified and elegant astrologer in the records.

What a weirdo.

"Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend."

Durkan sighed.

Even if this guy is an assistant, he may not be the real person.

But she was at the ninth level, and there was nothing Dekan could do.

"Your performance is indeed wonderful. Now even if you win the championship, you don't need to ask about the identity of the Lord of Disaster."

Ludwig said with a smile.

She seemed to know a lot of things, but she always had this joking attitude.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore, I hate you. I just want to give this to you this time."

Durkan handed a document to Ludwig, and then sat a little further away from Ludwig with disgust.

Ludwig took the document and quietly deployed a barrier magic.

Open the file and read it quickly.

"Do you think the Resurrection Church will attack the Philovan Kingdom this time?"

Ludwig collected the information carefully like a reporter.

Durkan: "The possibility is close to zero, but I think it is right to be defensive. Even if it is not this time, it will make sense for one day in the future."

Ludwig: "Yes, I understand."

Durkan was slightly surprised by Ludwig's attitude.

She didn't seem to think Durkan's words sounded like a lunatic.

But seriously considered it.

Could it be that Ludwig was aware of other clues through some means? Or can this also be divined?

"Are you wondering why I take the outrageous situations you describe so easily into serious consideration?"

Ludwig observed Dekan's expression and asked with a smile.

Dekan: "I'm just curious whether this is magic, wisdom, or luck."

Ludwig: "Let me tell you secretly, I have some spies in the Church of Resurrection."


Durkan frowned.

If the resurrection church wants to cause trouble this time.

Those who have access to information must be the church's top brass.

And even those involved in the operation may have difficulty accessing the complete plan.

Therefore, if the astrologer can obtain some information, then her eyeliner must be at a very high level.

"which one?"

Durkan asked.

"I can't tell you! I have to protect the safety of our most senior spy."

Ludwig glared at Dekan and said.


Dekan smacked his tongue. He shouldn't have talked to this annoying astrologer any more.

"But if one day you encounter a desperate situation, call his code name 'Unicorn', maybe he will help you."

Ludwig closed his eyes and said with a smile.


Can you help me?

Is he really a bishop?

Think about it carefully.

Dekan suddenly began to feel that the organization of the Resurrection Church seemed a bit strange.

It is known that there is a money-making insider.

There is also a mole who secretly helped Dekan in the Landir Kingdom.

If Kingdom Union also has a mole in the Resurrection Church.

And if the above three are not the same person.

So how many insiders are there among the nine existing bishops of the Resurrection Church? !


## Author's Note:

It’s so hard to post every time. I don’t know if there are any problems with the writing. If you think there are problems with the plot, you can give me feedback in the group. The group number is 948957812. If the group is full, I will post the second group number in the new chapter. Recently It may be mainly to update 4000 (two-in-one chapters). There will be a large number of updates after the post is unblocked on the 26th.

Volume 5: Throne of Thorns and Snow: [Standing Painting - Ice and Snow Princess (Artemis)]

Picture: "[Standing Painting - Ice and Snow Princess]", location: "Images/1665068116-100315868-109439812.jpg"

This set of vertical paintings is for the Catgirl Encyclopedia and will be reproduced in the future.

In fact, this is also a request for leave... Xi Zhi apologizes...

Originally, Gouzi asked his friends to go out for dinner last night for his birthday, but everyone happened to have something to do at home, so yesterday, pitifully, I just stayed at home and studied and coded. What I didn't expect was that everyone was suddenly free again today! The collective wanted to make up for my birthday, so I was called out, confused and moved, so I didn’t finish coding...

Because two chapters are missing from regular updates, I owe chapters 127 → 129. I will pay off these debts... I will pay at least 15 chapters this month.

Volume 5: Throne of Snow and Thorns: 291 The Fate of Dekan and Talomati (4000 words)

"Please - wait a minute, the most senior spy you are talking about is not a bishop, is he?"

Dekan asked, looking at Ludwig in disbelief.

"Hmm, people don't know either."

Ludwig immediately started acting cute.


Resisting the urge to summon the ruined poet, Durkan frowned and began to think.

At least Ludwig was willing to share this information with him for free.

I'm afraid this is the biggest concession that can be made from Ludwig's position.

After all, a qualified boss.

It was impossible for him to hand over the life of his ace in the hands of Dekan so casually behind his back.

Dekan originally thought that he wanted to destroy the Church of Resurrection, to remove the bishops one by one, and then find a way to kill the pope.

It's a long-term plan.

Unexpectedly, this church was about to turn into a winery.

It wasn't that exaggerated originally.

As a result, Dekan removed two reliable bishops, Evans and Fahim, and then "strongly joined".

Now this church... I'm afraid insiders have taken over half of it!

The question now is.

Durkan is not sure whether the above three mole behaviors are operated by the same person.

Based on the information he knew, it was impossible to determine how many insiders there were.

And even if there are multiple moles, they may not all be in the same camp and work well together.

in this chaotic state.

When several forces collide with each other with their own agendas, dramatic situations often result.

It can only be said that no matter what the Resurrection Church does next, it may have a strange ending that no one can predict.

Dekan suddenly felt like playing a three-kill identity game.

And it’s the kind of situation where you don’t even know how many loyal ministers, traitors and rebels there are.

Whoever becomes the master will have blood pressure explode.

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