Many spectators in the audience cursed Dekan and even wanted to personally go out and carry out justice.

This time, Durkan was really mean.

Even if he kills the Lord of Disaster, it will be a great achievement.

But this guy's last performance.

It really makes people think that he has surrendered!

He deceived the emotions of all viewers!

Why do you have to act so real! You're not an actor!

And many finally understood the pain of the Resurrected Church.

Most people get into trouble with the Resurrection Church and then have no peace.

The Church of Resurrection could never have peace after offending Dekan.

But since Dekan defeated Alger like this.

So in the final match between him and the Imperial Sword Master, he must win and not lose.

Once you lose, you become a clown.

It is equivalent to giving away the face of the entire Kingdom Federation.

Of course, it is also possible that Dekan can fully prove his strength in the finals.

Let everyone be convinced.

After all, many people have only heard about Dekan's strength and have never seen it with their own eyes.

Therefore, the understanding of Dekan's true combat power is at a very abstract stage.

No one is sure whether he can defeat the Imperial Sword Master.

In the arena, Dekan also retreated from the Phantom Canyon.

Although the artificial phantom world of Phantom Canyon can prevent players from being injured in continuous battles in the knockout rounds, which will seriously affect the next game.

After all, any injuries suffered will not be taken out of the Phantom Canyon.

However, Phantom Canyon has been figured out by researcher Dekan.

For him, Phantom Canyon is his home field.

And that [Painful Broken Heart] is actually his fraud card.

【Super Fake Card 5.0】

[Category: Equipment Card]

[Grade: Purple Rare]

[Level: 5]

[Effect: It can be disguised as a magic card of level 5 epic quality (Red Light Epic) or below. 】

[Note: In what age are you still playing traditional cards? 】

In theory, with this technology, as long as Dekan understands it, the highest level and level of cards he can make is the upper limit of the [fake card] series he can imitate.

So the moment people saw the [Super Fake Card] disguised as [Painful Broken Heart] appeared.

They were all convinced that Dekan had truly created the Red Light Epic.

It is impossible for a card maker who has not reached this level to imitate the Red Light Epic.

But they didn't expect it.

The Red Light Epic that Dekan truly possesses is a [Dekan Gospel] that they have never seen before and will never see.

From now on, he will always pretend to be [Painful and Broken Heart].

Not only can it cover up the existence of [Dekan Gospel].

It can also act as a deterrent to all enemies.

Not far from Dekan.


Alger clenched his hands into fists and lowered his head.

It seems that I have failed completely.

No matter in any aspect, he didn't win against Dekan at all.

Except for morals...

However, I always feel that there is something wrong with De Canbi's morality.

When Dekan walked past Alger, he paused slightly.

"Captain Paladin Alger, if there is a chance, I really want to have a fair fight with you. But I'm sorry, I have a reason to win the game, and it is a hundred times more important than asking about the identity of the 'Lord of Disaster'."

Alger looked at Dekan with a complicated expression.

In fact, Alger couldn't tell when Durkan was telling the truth and when he was acting.

This guy's acting skills are so flexible.

Now he only feels that eleven out of ten sentences this person said are false.

But Alger knew that for Dekan.

There is no reason to lie to him anymore.

Alger thought for a moment, as if he thought of something, and said doubtfully:

"Do you want to..."

"I want to raise a question about the tenth level shadow world."

Dekan looked at Alger seriously.


Originally, Alger thought that Dekan wanted to win the championship so much to raise a question that would be beneficial to him.

For example - questions related to making legendary cards, or some information that Dekan wants to know.

After all, the value of ninth-level divination is difficult to describe in words.

Of course, this divination is not omnipotent and cannot exceed its limits.

The more complex the problem, the more ambiguous the results will be, and they may even be useless.

The reason why many powerful people know about the tenth-level shadow world is precisely because the astrologer once used this ninth-level epic card to divine the next biggest crisis in this world.

No matter how many times of divination, one can only guess one-sidedly that it will be a tenth-level shadow world.

Due to the limitations of divination, no more accurate information can be obtained through divination.

Unless other accurate information can be added as a question stem condition, ask the question.

But in this world, I'm afraid no one can give out information about the tenth-level shadow world anymore.

"It doesn't matter if you want to ask something else, I won't hold a grudge against you for this."

Alger shook his head and said.

After all, astrologers have tried their best to divine information about the tenth-level shadow world, but it was all in vain to get repeated results.

So even she herself was unwilling to waste precious opportunities on unnecessary attempts.

Even if Dekan's intention is true, there is a high probability that it will be in vain.

"I swear to the goddess, even if I think of it as repaying her kindness, I will figure out the matter of the tenth level shadow world."

Durkan replied.

When Dekan mentioned the goddess, his usual relaxed tone became a lot more serious.

He knew about Delois and Clodia's dream.

It is inevitably related to the gem amulet he obtained at the temple of the Sun God Cult.

Whether it is the story of Delois, the history of the Holy Kingdom and the Demon Realm, or the memory of the master, they are all inseparably linked.

And the end point of all this is the Tenth-Level Shadow World's Heaven-Destroying Battlefield.

"...May the goddess bless you."

Alger said.

Although everything Durkan said and acted could be false.

But no matter what, Alger didn't think that Dekan's gratitude and piety when he swore just now were hypocritical.

He noticed the Sun Cult amulet on Dekan, and it was obvious that Dekan cherished it and took good care of it.

"And, I wish you can defeat the Imperial Sword Master."

Alger said again.

Regardless of his personal opinion of Durkan.

Everyone hopes that Dekan can win.

Dekan stared at Alger, and then smiled helplessly.

At the beginning, after the 16-to-8 game, Alger openly pointed his sword at him, and Dekan felt that he had to tease Alger well to be worthy of him.

It turns out this guy really has a good temper.

Too honest.

It all made Dekan feel boring.

It didn't even seem like he should be teased like this.

"You are really good... But if you want to defeat an enemy like Fahim, you should become more cunning. You must be able to deceive or sneak attack! If all the Holy Knight Commanders of the Goddess are like this To be honest, I believe she will also feel a headache."

Dekan extended his hand to Alger, but this time it was not deception, but sincerity.

Hearing this, Alger hesitated slightly.

Although Dekan seemed particularly sincere at this time, Alger also felt that Dekan's words were particularly unappreciative.

The honest and easy-to-deceive paladin captain that Dekan refers to seems to be not only Alger, but also Judith, who was deceived into becoming an idol.


So Alger held Dekan's hand.

With a little more force.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

Durkan shouted as he jerked his hand away.

Seeing Dekan's appearance, Alger showed a rare smile, let go of his hand, and cast a small healing spell on Dekan.

The two looked at each other and smiled, without further communication.

Leave it at that.

after one day.

The other semi-final ended without any suspense with the victory of the Imperial Sword Master Adair.

The final will take place two days later between Durkan and Adair.

Which of the two can win.

It has also become the most talked about topic in the entire royal capital.

But these two days of offseason.

Although Dekan was not going to waste time preparing any off-board moves and the Imperial Sword Master.

But he has other things going on right now.

So on the first day of the offseason, Dekan went out alone early.

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