Chapter 635 Return to Journey to the West! Before starting to hit the fairyland!

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was finally exasperated.

Finally completed the conditions for attacking the fifth-order powerhouse!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt very happy in his heart.

In order to be able to attack Tier 5, he first entered the Supreme Tomb and ventured.

In the end, he tried to rob the house and ran around desperately for so long.

He finally met all the requirements for promotion to Tier 5.

After that, even in the heavens and ten thousand realms, he was regarded as the upper-class character on the number one.

After all, the heavens and ten thousand realms are so big, but the significance of the fifth rank is extraordinary.

Rumor has it that Realm only has the highest level of ninth.

Once Tier 5 entered, it was equivalent to stepping into the upper passage of the heavens and the world.

If the 1~4 level is inferior.

Tier 5 is absolutely mid-stream.

Levels 6 to 9 belong to the upper class.

Therefore, Wang Mang was in a good mood.

Moreover, after refining all the different fires, Wang Mang could feel it.

His control of the world has reached an unprecedented high.

It’s as if he exists in the entire world, he wants to know what’s going on in any corner.

This feeling is like the god who controls everything in this world, and is the supreme ruler of this world.

“From now on, this world of fighting and breaking belongs to me!”

“I didn’t expect that I could create and master the world without knowing it.”

Wang Mang couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

He used to be just ants.

Now, he has reached the fifth rank.

Even in Journey to the West, or Saint Emperor Continent, it can be regarded as a great power.

Because Journey to the West or Saint Emperor Continent, even the strongest.

In Wang Mang’s view, the highest limit was below Tier Six.

As for Tier 6 and above, neither of these two worlds should have reached the standard.

Oh, no, it should be said that he is the owner of the Supreme Tomb.

Juvenile Supreme may have the strength of Tier 6 now.

Of course, this is just Wang Mang’s guess.

Speaking of Juvenile Supreme, Wang Mang couldn’t help but wonder.

What is this guy’s name?

It can be said that Wang Mang who participated in the Supreme Cemetery.

But he still didn’t know what was the name of this young supreme.

Moreover, not only Wang Mang didn’t know, it seemed that the people of Saint Emperor Continent didn’t know.

This also made Wang Mang very puzzled, but he didn’t think too much.

After regaining his senses, Wang Mang was now ready to leave the world of vindictiveness.

Because now he has control of the world of fighting spirit.

In other words, the grudge world already belongs to him.

It doesn’t make much sense for him to stay.

Moreover, it is not suitable for attacking Tier 5 here.

Because here is too far behind Journey to the West and Saint Emperor Continent.

The energy level in the heavens and the earth is not as high as these two worlds.

Although I don’t know what environmental requirements are needed for breakthrough five.

But in Wang Mang’s view, it is better to make breakthrough in the Saint Emperor Continent or Journey to the West.

No, it should be better to breakthrough Realm in the Saint Emperor Continent.

Because all Tier 5 powerhouses in Journey to the West have factions.

In contrast, the Saint Emperor Continent is like a big pot of rice, scattered but extremely powerful.

Even if he hits Tier 5 in the Saint Emperor Continent Closed Door Training, it won’t cause much repercussions.

Because Wang Mang guessed that the number of Tier 5 powerhouses in Saint Emperor Continent is more than that of Journey to the West!

Wang Mang also doesn’t know whether the two worlds are strong or weak.

“Senior… Are you going to rule the world next?”

“If the senior wants to rule the vindictive continent.”

“The Soul Race is willing to remove all obstacles for the senior, and is willing to lead the way for the senior!”

At this time, the Soul Heavenly Emperor looked at Wang Mang cautiously, smiling to please him.

Obviously, while Wang Mang waved his hand, summoning tens of thousands of Doudi peak-level experts, this method almost didn’t scare him to pee.

Therefore, the Soul Heavenly Emperor truly bowed his head to Wang Mang and did not dare to have the slightest double heart.

Hearing this, Wang Mang looked at it with a pair of eyes, the Soul Heavenly Emperor suddenly screamed, and he was instantly enslaved by Wang Mang.

Because the strength gap between the two is too big.

Wang Mang wanted to enslave an ant, it was easy.

The next moment, the Soul Heavenly Emperor respectfully said: “The slave has seen the Lord.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang said indifferently: “Well, I won’t stay in the vindictive world for too long.”

“After I leave the world of fighting spirit, you will take care of the world of fighting spirit.”

“Well, if someone dies, just continue to take Hun and Po away!”

“Now there is no underworld system in the Douqi Continent, so your soul race will become a new underworld!”

In fact, Wang Mang didn’t have much dislike for the soul clan.

Isn’t it normal for people to die?

There are underworlds on the earth, and there are underworlds on the westward journey.

In Wang Mang’s view, existence is reasonable!

Later, Wang Mang instilled something about the underworld to the other party.

After listening to it, the Soul Heavenly Emperor suddenly said with excitement: “Don’t worry, the Soul Race will definitely live up to the Lord’s trust! The Soul Race will be taken care of in an orderly manner!”

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction and said, “Very well, don’t let me down.”

After speaking, Wang Mang was about to leave.

At this time, the Soul Heavenly Emperor hesitated and asked:

“Lord, how do you deal with the remnants of your remnants who participated in the opposition to the Lord?”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang’s expression was indifferent and said, “Kill all the towns!”

“From now on, you are solely responsible for taking care of this seat.”

“With the resources of the Douqi Continent, it is easy for you to advance to Doudi.”

“As long as you take care of the fighting spirit continent, this seat will also give you a chance.”

After finishing speaking, under the gaze of the Soul Heavenly Emperor, and a group of Soul Race people respectful as gods.

Wang Mang broke through the air and disappeared.

Obviously, Wang Mang had already left the world of grudge.

At this moment, when Wang Mang appeared again.

He has already come to the Westward Journey World, Xihai Dragon Palace.

As for why you came to Journey to the West.

The main thing is that although Wang Mang knew that there was still a long time before he traveled to the west.

But the problem is that Wang Mang must also come and see it occasionally.

Where is the timeline of Journey to the West?

Moreover, this time I came to Journey to the West.

Wang Mang will never be like the last time.

He was chased and killed by a dragon Elder and escaped.

Because Wang Mang himself also has a fifth-order random strong summoning card!

In addition, Wang Mang himself is about to break through to the fifth stage.

At that time, even in Journey to the West.

Wang Mang can also stand firm.

When Wang Mang appeared again out of thin air in the Xihai Dragon Palace.

Xihai’s Dragon King, several princesses in the Great Hall of the Dragon Palace, as well as the Dragon Palace girls who danced for fun, were all stunned.

“Er wait to retreat!” Xihai Dragon King hurriedly stood up and waved his hand to signal the concubine and the court ladies to retreat.

Hearing this, a group of court ladies retreated one after another.

Similarly, even the concubines of Xihai Dragon King retreated one after another.

These Xihai Dragon King concubines also know.

Now the West Sea Dragon Palace has long changed.

This former Longwei general is the real boss.

Seeing a crowd of people and stepping back, Xihai Dragon King came up with a smile, cupped hands said:

“Xihai Dragon King, I have seen the Lord.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang nodded indifferently, “Well, let me go to Closed Door Training first.”

“Zhu Ling!” After speaking, under Xihai Dragon King’s respectful gaze.

Wang Mang left the Crystal Palace and returned to his Longwei Palace.

After returning to Longwei Palace, Wang Mang came to the place of Closed Door Training for the first time.

Afterwards, Wang Mang couldn’t wait to mute in his heart:

“System! Open your personal information!”

The next moment, personal information emerges.

Wang Mang: The quasi-saint (General Longwei).

Species: Void Python (up to 700 meters).

Taoism: 33,000 years (Xianzun Ninth Stage days).

Posture: 5900 blood volume, 5900 energy, 636 meters long, 31 meters wide, and weighs 8 million tons.

Ordinary supernatural powers: Control God Seal, Hand of Void, Blade of Void, Escape of Void, One Step at the End of the World, Myriad Changes.

Top supernatural powers: Three Lives Buddha (Xiaocheng), Hongjun Three Corpse Method (None), Wrath of Gods and Demons (Consummation).

Space: Tier 5 pill recipeX1, one-time top bad luck card X1, Tier 5 powerhouse summoning card X1, a bottle of blood-returning pill, a bottle of blood-returning pill, and a bottle of emotionless water.

Equipment: Top World Colorful Stone X1, Shenwu Sword, Immortal Emperor Mask.

Lucky value: 299 (Hongfu Qitian).

Energy value: 250 million / 200 million (advanced conditions have been completed).

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