Chapter 634: The Origin of the World of Refining Fighting Qi! Complete all the conditions for attacking the fifth-tier powerhouse!

After hearing the words of the Soul Heavenly Emperor.

The powerhouses of the grudge world present were all furious.

A pair of eyes glared at him fiercely at the Heavenly Emperor.

If the eyes can kill people.

Then the soul Heavenly Emperor did not know how many times he died.

Similarly, the words of the Soul Heavenly Emperor also angered the ancient Emperor Tuoshe.

The ancient Emperor Tuoshe with a cold face, his eyes were cold and said: “Nie barrier, be punishable!”

After that, the ancient emperor Tuoshe, with his eyes burning with strange fire, burst out a terrifying strange fire attack.

This terrifying power has changed the world!

Not only that, but the Soul Heavenly Emperor felt that it was difficult to move, even trying to avoid it.

This feeling is like being pressed on a cutting board, waiting for slaughter!

In panic, the Soul Heavenly Emperor couldn’t help being horrified and shouted, “Senior, help me!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang, who had already slowly put on the mask of the Immortal Emperor, blasted the horror away with the breath between his hands.

This also made Dehun Heavenly Emperor sweating on his forehead, looking at ancient Emperor Tuoshe with horror on his face.

Too strong, this ancient Emperor Tuoshe Realm has far surpassed Emperor Dou!

Realm is so powerful that he is incomprehensible!

At this moment, the Soul Heavenly Emperor realized it.

How terrible is the legendary Tuoshe ancient emperor.

He can’t resist even a single blow!

If it weren’t for Wang Mang’s previous shot.

He might have fallen under the eyes of Emperor Tuoshe on the spot.

In panic, the soul, Heavenly Emperor, with a lingering heart, immediately retreated to Wang Mang’s back.

He didn’t dare to continue pretending, for fear that he would be killed by Tuoshe’s eyes again.

Similarly, the existence of the fighting saints of the soul race also retreated in fear.

At the same time, Wang Mang was reluctant to talk nonsense with these guys.

The next moment, Wang Mang raised his mouth, beckoned to Emperor Tuoshe, and said indifferently:

“Come on! Let me see, how long can you stop me!”

Upon hearing this, the ancient Emperor Tuoshe laughed anxiously, then waved his hand and said, “Wait, get out of the way!”

Hearing that, a group of fighting sage powerhouses in the fighting spirit world are flying back madly!

Afterwards, the ancient Emperor Tuoshe smiled indifferently at Wang Mang: “If you are not afraid of death, come to fight outside the territory!”

After finishing speaking, Tuoshe ancient emperor soared into the sky and flew towards the outside world.

Obviously, he didn’t want to fight against Wang Mang in the vindictive world!

Otherwise, his fight with Wang Mang alone would be enough to knock the entire world of fighting spirit into ruins!

This is not empty talk.

For example, Wang Mang now wants to destroy the earth world, or a world, it will definitely not be too difficult.

Once the Tier 5 powerhouse started, it was even more shocking.

It is estimated that only the top world like Saint Emperor Continent will not be affected at all.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang sneered, and between raising his hands, tens of thousands of Emperor Shadow Corps emerged.

Subsequently, Wang Mang indifferently ordered: “Kill all those who disobey this seat!”

The next moment, tens of thousands of Emperor Shadow Corps swept out.

Seeing this scene, all the powerhouses in the entire fighting spirit world were desperate.

Especially when they felt the strength of these Emperor Shadow Corps figures.

After all reached the peak of Fighting Emperor, they were even more desperate.

Because, they never dreamed that the intruder would be so powerful this time!

With a wave of his hand, he summoned ten thousand Doudi peak powerhouses!

All of a sudden, the powerhouses of the entire fighting spirit world screamed endlessly!

Similarly, the Soul Heavenly Emperor was completely frightened.

He thought that Wang Mang might be very powerful.

However, he never expected that between Wang Mang’s wave of his hand, he summoned tens of thousands of terrifying powerhouses at the peak of the Dou Qi Emperor!

This is Doudi! It’s not Chinese cabbage!

The Realm they dream of!

But how about Wang Mang?

With a wave of your hand, 10,000 statues came out!

It can be said that all the powerhouses in the entire fighting spirit world are frightened.

The battle began as a massacre that was completely crushed.

At the same time, Wang Mang directly ignored these ants.

Wang Mang, who soared into the sky, soon flew out of the world of vindictiveness.

The ancient Emperor Tuoshe, who had been preparing for a long time, was even more angry and shot directly at Wang Mang.

He didn’t expect Wang Mang to be so powerful, he was obviously only the pinnacle of Tier 4.

But it was able to summon tens of thousands of existences of the same Tier 4 peak!

To be honest, it was just the hand that Wang Mang showed.

Even the fifth-order Tuoshe ancient emperor was a little frightened!

Although, the fifth-order strong can not be compensated by the number.

But if there are tens of thousands of Tier 4 powerhouses, he really doesn’t have the confidence to be able to kill!

Because this is the existence of tens of thousands of Tier 4 peaks!

At this moment.

Facing the giant palm of golden flame condensed from the hand seals of the ancient Emperor Tuoshe.

Wang Mang sneered: “Things that are beyond your ability!”

Afterwards, Wang Mang immediately used his own supernatural power, the hand of the void!

I saw that a giant hand protruded from the space and grabbed the ancient emperor Tuoshe!

Even the ancient emperor Tuoshe didn’t have time to react!

Because Wang Mang’s magical powers were too fast!

In addition, Wang Ni’s own strength has reached the peak of the Celestial Emperor Second Stage.

After a comparison between the two sides, the judgement was made!

Just a trick!

Emperor Tuoshe was captured on the spot by Wang Mang.

No matter how Emperor Tuoshe struggled, he still couldn’t get rid of this giant palm.

After that, Wang Mang even controlled the hand of the void and kept clasping it tightly.

The next moment, originally Emperor Tuoshe, let out a painful scream:

“Ah~! Damn! Let go of this seat! The emperor is going to kill you!”

But his voice contained the meaning of fear.

Obviously, Wang Mang’s strength is more terrifying than he thought!

What is the pinnacle of Tier 4!

It is simply a proper Tier 5 powerhouse!

Moreover, Wang Mang’s strength is even stronger than he imagined!

“Die to me!”

Wang Mang sneered and shook it with all his strength!


Accompanied by a loud noise!

The next moment, Tuoshe Gudi suddenly turned into a bloody mist!

But when the ancient Emperor Tuoshe wanted to reunite with his body, Wang Mang opened his mouth and sucked.

This blood mist was inhaled by Wang Mang.

In panic.

The primordial spirit of the ancient emperor Tuoshe flew away towards the distance.

Obviously, the ancient Emperor Tuoshe had been killed by Wang Mang!

Because Wang Mang does have the strength to kill him!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang smiled disdainfully:

“That’s it? The vulnerable ants!”

Afterwards, Wang Mang moved back to the world of vindictiveness.

When Wang Mang returned to the world of fighting spirit.

A group of strong men in the grudge world present.

Basically, it was almost killed by the town.

It’s just that Xiao Yan’s figure is missing!

Moreover, Wang Mang could feel that the breath of a Tier 5 powerhouse lingered near here!

This immediately caused Wang Mang to frown slightly.

“Where is Xiao Yan?” Wang Mang looked at the Heavenly Emperor with indifferent eyes.

Hearing this, the Heavenly Emperor was in shock, and trembled in horror:

“Senior, Xiao Yan was rescued by a mysterious strong man!”

“When I want to kill Xiao Yan Hun and Po.”

“The mysterious person tore through the space and rescued Xiao Yan.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang frowned slightly and began to deduction.

But no matter how much he deduced, he could not deduct the trace of Xiao Yan.

In desperation, Wang Mang simply didn’t bother to deduct it anymore.

If Xiao Yan escaped, let’s escape, anyway, there is no threat.

Wang Mang didn’t think that the other party could surpass himself.

So, he didn’t take this guy too seriously.

Subsequently, Wang Mang Divine Sense began to scan the entire world of vindictiveness.

Just a moment of effort.

Wang Mang searched for the strange fire scattered everywhere.

At The next moment, Wang Mang shouted angrily: “Come over to this seat!”

While speaking, Wang Mang’s breath swept the entire world of fighting spirit.

In the end, fires of different colors rose into the sky.

These strange fires flew towards Wang Mang from all directions.

Similarly, even the emptiness of swallowing flames hidden in the soul Heavenly Emperor instantly burst out of the soul Heavenly Emperor.

I saw that the flames finally poured into Wang Mang’s body frantically.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Mang burned all kinds of flames all over his body.

After a while, these terrifying fires were easily refined by Wang Mang.

At the same time, deep in the sky of the world of vindictiveness, there was also a cry of sorrow.

At the same time, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully refining the vindictive world! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 60 million energy value! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Satisfy the conditions of advanced level 5 2/2! 】

【Ding! Accumulation has met the conditions for evolution, does it begin to evolve? 】

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