Chapter 402 Surprise brought by little zombies! Twenty-meter-high magic fetus! Was actually despised by a demon womb?

Just when Wang Mang wanted to leave.

Suddenly, Wang Mang inadvertently found a magic fetus only three meters in size.

This is an unremarkable magic fetus that looks like a rock on its body surface.

Moreover, compared to the breath emitted by the rest of the demon fetus, this demon fetus condensed its breath very well.

Even if Wang Mang didn’t happen to see it, he would treat it as a stone.

“The big one is gone, but did you encounter a small demon tire?”

For a while, Wang Mang couldn’t help but speak in depression.

After speaking, Wang Mang swam towards this stone-like demon fetus.

At this moment, the little demon fetus shivered suddenly, and a panic pleading came out: “Senior let me go! I’m still very young!”

“Mosquito legs are also meat! Who let the big one run away?” Wang Mang replied with some helplessness.

At this time, the little demon fetus suddenly panicked and said:

“Senior, it went deep into the mud, but it didn’t actually run.”

“Senior, you can find him by digging into the mud!”

After hearing the information provided by Little Demon Tire, Wang Mang’s eyes lit up.

Afterwards, Wang Mang immediately plunged into the muddy ground without saying a word.

But to Wang Mang’s surprise, he found this yellow demon fetus at a depth of less than ten meters into the ground.

Not only that, but after seeing Wang Mang, the yellow demon fetus was subconsciously frightened and prepared to flee.

But he was immediately caught by Wang Mang, opened his blood basin and grabbed it with a big mouth, and finally got back into the water.

“Let me go, senior, let me go!”

“Senior! I’m still a child! Please spare my life!”

Looking at the devil’s tire that was struggling frantically in his mouth, Wang Mang was speechless.

However, Wang Mang didn’t take it seriously, instead swallowing it easily.

Because this magic tire is too cunning.

Had it not been for this little demon tire to remind him, he would have really let this demon tire escape!

The next moment, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Swallow a fake Earthly Celestial Yanhuang Tiger fetus, gaining 15 billion evolution points! 】

【Ding! Accumulate to meet the evolutionary conditions, does it begin to evolve? 】


Wang Mang said silently without hesitation.

At the same time, before leaving, Wang Mang also put this little demon tire into the storage space.

The next moment, Wang Mang quickly got out of the water.

Wang Mang was even more satisfied when he saw this little zombie girl but didn’t even run.

It seems this sea of ​​zombie girls is still keeping its promise!

At this time, after seeing Wang Mang, the zombie girl asked curiously:

“Oro, how about it? Are they the magic fetus you’re looking for?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang, who was in a very good mood, nodded and chuckled:

“Yes! This is the magic fetus I want to find, do you know where there is such a fetus?”

Hearing this, the little zombie girl nodded slightly, and after a while pondering, she whispered: “I have seen one.”

“But which devil tire, I dare not get close to it, the breath it exudes is terrible.”

Damn it! Really? and also?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly became excited.

He suddenly discovered that it was really a good thing to meet this little zombie girl!

Because, he didn’t expect that this zombie little girl sea unexpectedly knew the traces of a lot of demons!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang immediately held back his excitement and chuckled: “Okay! Can you take me there?”

“Don’t worry! Whether you find it or not, I won’t hurt you.”

Seeing Wang Mang’s kindness and soft voice, the little zombie girl said happily:

“Okay, I’ll take you there now!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded happily and continued to follow the zombie girl.

After half an hour.

Under the leadership of the zombie girl, Wang Mang came to a huge construction site in the city.

This should be a huge development site, but it has been abandoned for a long time because of the cataclysm of heaven and earth.

Just after entering the development site, Wang Mang saw a black magic tire 20 meters high.

Above this huge demon fetus, there was an incomparably evil aura, and the breath alone made Wang Mang feel a kind of palpitations.

This also surprised Wang Mang.

Because of the breath of this demon fetus to judge.

This is at least an Earthly Celestial-class magic tire.

In other words, this magic tire has reached the level of Earthly Celestial before it is born!

Even more enchanting than the first demonic fetus that Wang Mang encountered!

Wang Mang, who secretly sucked in a cold breath, his face became extremely thick.

At the same time, he also quietly performed information detection.

The next moment, the information of this 20-meter-high black magic tire appeared in front of my eyes.

Target: Unknown.

Species: unknown.

Grade: Earthly Celestial.

Ranking: unknown.

After seeing this message.

Wang Mang couldn’t help but secretly helpless.

He didn’t even get the information about this magic tire.

Just knowing it, you can feel it by analyzing and judging from the breath!

Therefore, he really didn’t get any useful information!

“How? Is this the magic tire you’re looking for?”

At this time, the little zombie girl asked in a low voice beside Wang Mang.

Wang Mang nodded helplessly, and whispered: “Let’s go! Thank you.”

Hearing this, the little zombie girl was puzzled: “Why don’t you eat it?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was about to speak.

Suddenly, Wang Mang saw that this demon tire suddenly vibrated.

Afterwards, this magic fetus smashed over like a meteorite.

Upon seeing this scene, Wang Mang’s face suddenly changed.

He subconsciously grabbed the little zombie girl, and then pulled away frantically.


Accompanied by a loud noise rang out.

I saw that the place where he was before had already been bombed out of a huge pit nearly 100 meters away.

At the same time, while Wang Mang was still in shock, a cold voice came from the Devil’s Tire: “Get out!”

After hearing this voice, Wang Mang suddenly became very angry, and even felt abnormally aggrieved.

This is the first time since the cataclysm of heaven and earth has been despised!

Moreover, he was despised by an unborn demon fetus!

This magic fetus simply didn’t put him in the slightest. To put in one’s eyes!

However, thinking of the extremely terrifying aura of this demon fetus.

Even, comparable to the breath fluctuations of the strong Earthly Celestial.

Wang Mang still did not act rashly.

After looking fiercely, Wang Mang took the zombie girl and left.

After leaving, this little zombie girl suddenly realized:

“The blame has to eat it! So you can’t beat it!”

“Ahem, this is only temporarily impossible.”

Wang Mang, who was originally very upset, was even more embarrassed.

He also felt very speechless. Isn’t this nonsense?

How could he not eat the opponent if he could play?

However, Wang Mang was no longer worried at all.

Because he can find a place to breakthrough Earthly Celestial anytime!

Thought of this.

The frustration in Wang Mang’s heart has disappeared a lot.

At the same time, Wang Mang couldn’t help but roared in his heart:


Even an egg dare to despise me?

You show to me, I’ll wait and see!

Wait for my fairy to breakthrough Earthly Celestial, and then I will come to you to settle the account!

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