Chapter 401 Finally accumulated to the level of evolution, Earthly Celestial level evolution value!

When I saw this tiny figure preparing to escape.

Wang Mang rose up into the sky and flew towards the opponent quickly.

In just a few moments, Wang Mang had already reached the top of the building where the tiny figure was.

The little figure, who was about to escape, suddenly panicked after seeing Wang Mang.

But when Wang Mang saw this tiny figure, he couldn’t help being stunned.

This is a girl who seems to be only a teenager, she looks very cute and innocent, and she does not have the characteristics of a zombie at all.

Afterwards, Wang Mang couldn’t help but use information detection.

The next moment, the teenage girl’s message, immediately appeared in front of her eyes.

Target: Magic Moon.

Species: Zombie Royal Family.

Level: the second order early stage.

Supernatural powers: the spirit controls the magnetic field.

After watching this little figure, Wang Mang couldn’t help being surprised.

He didn’t expect this cute little girl to be a zombie royal family!

Moreover, from the perspective of personal information.

Obviously this little girl is the culprit in manipulating the zombies.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang beckoned slightly: “Come here!”

Hearing that, the zombie girl shook her head quickly and looked at him with a frightened face.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth, and smiled indifferently: “If you don’t come up, this seat will control you!”

Hearing that, this little zombie girl walked up after hesitating for a while.

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction and asked, “How many zombies can you control?”

After thinking about it, the little zombie girl said seriously:

“Now you can control ten thousand, the stronger you can control the more.”

“Only when you reach Earthly Celestial Realm can you control tens of millions of zombies.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly became a little disappointed.

If this only controls ten thousand, this is a little bit young!

After all, there are tens of millions of zombies in Guizhou Province alone.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but frown and asked, “Which Ascension does your strength need? To be able to quickly Ascension reach the point of controlling millions?”

Upon hearing this, the little girl shook her head slightly and said: “Actually, zombies are just like higher creatures like you. They need massive resources to become stronger.”

“Or just slowly devouring the same kind of magic crystals, the higher the level of zombie, the higher the magic crystals they have!”

“The magic crystal is which trace of the magic energy in the dead body condenses into a crystal.”

“But it is impossible for ordinary zombies to condense a piece of magic crystal.”

“Unless I use massive resources, I can Ascension become a stronger zombie.”

After hearing about this little girl, Wang Mang frowned, and then couldn’t help asking:

“Where do you know the devil fetus?”

Of course, Wang Mang just asked casually.

But what Wang Mang didn’t expect was that the little girl asked after being puzzled for a while:

“What is a magic tire? Is it a big ball?”

After hearing the little girl’s words, Wang Mang immediately realized.

This little zombie girl might really know the whereabouts of the fetus!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang quickly asked:

“Are you sure? Where is it?”

“Now tell the emperor what is going on?”

“If you really lead the emperor to find the whereabouts of the demon fetus, the emperor will not blame you for the past!”

With Wang Mang’s words, the zombie girl immediately asked with joy: “Really?”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang nodded slightly:

“But, remember not to go wild in the prefecture and Guizhou province!”

“This is the site of this seat!”

The little zombie girl nodded quickly and said:

“Okay! I’ll take you there.”

“I know where the huge balls are.”

After finishing speaking, the little zombie girl jumped vertically and horizontally, and then jumped from a building more than ten meters high.

Wang Mang was surprised by this scene, and at the same time he couldn’t help shaking his head secretly.

The advantage of this zombie is too powerful!

Wanting to eradicate is not a matter of overnight.

Ordinary people’s attack methods, such as firearms, are okay against ordinary zombies.

But if you deal with zombies with inhuman capabilities like this, it would be too small and fragile!

After a sigh of emotion, Wang Mang moved his body and followed the flying zombie girl in one direction.

Ten minutes later.

In a wild forest.

Under the leadership of the little zombie girl, Wang Mang came to the bank of a seemingly huge river.

“It’s here. I have seen something that resembles a magic tire in your mouth and ran into the river by yourself.”

At this time, the zombie girl looked at Wang Mang very seriously and said.

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded slightly and said indifferently: “You wait for me here for a while.”

“If it is true, this seat will naturally let you go.”

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Mang turned into a huge body and plunged into the river.

But when Wang Mang entered the river, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he was under the water tens of meters deep.

There are actually two magic fetuses!

The two demon fetuses are, a demon fetus that is eight meters high, and a demon fetus that is nine meters high.

Among them, the eight-meter-high magic fetus has a golden appearance like an egg.

In addition, the 9-meter-high magic tire is red on the surface and looks like a ball.

Wang Mang felt a little bit, and found that in fact, these two magic fetuses barely reached the pseudo Earthly Celestial level.

But compared to the two ten-meter-high magic tires I have ever encountered, it is a little bit worse.

But the problem is that there are so many!

These two magic fetuses can add up to two or three billion evolution points at random!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly became excited.

Similarly, he couldn’t wait to swing his huge body and swim towards the two magic fetuses.

But one of the meter-high crimson fetuses, as if perceiving danger, flew quickly toward the water, trying to escape.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly sneered to himself, and then the speed skyrocketed!

In just a moment, Wang Mang rushed forward.

As soon as this scarlet demon fetus flew out of the water, Wang Mang, who was flushed out of the water, opened his blood basin and swallowed it in one mouthful.

At the same time, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Swallow the fake Earthly Celestial Tire and get 15 billion evolution points! 】

【Ding! The host accumulates to meet the evolutionary conditions, does it begin to evolve? 】


After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was finally exasperated.

Paralyzed, I used to think that the magic fetus was not good.

Now Wang Mang feels that this magic fetus is Ascension’s fastest good thing!

A pseudo-Earthly Celestial-class magic tire can be worth 15 billion evolutionary value.

This is not much different from eating half-cents Heavenly and Mortal Treasures!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang, who was in a good mood, entered the water again.

Because there is still a magic tire under the river!

But when Wang Mang entered the water, he was immediately confused.

Because he found that another magic tire was missing!

Damn it!

How is this going?


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