Chapter 345 I didn’t get the benefits, but I was even despised and looked down upon by Xiang Yu?

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang’s injured heart felt much better.

The reward of the system should be regarded as the last comfort for him.

In this battle, he did not get much benefit.

I knew it would kill Liu Bang.

He should choose task four with the most rewards.

But who said that this kind of thing is cleared?

Wang Mang didn’t know, Xiang Yu would appear!

That’s it!

This wave is too bad!

Tossing for a long time did not get any benefits!

At this time, Xiang Yu frowned slightly when he faced Wang Mang’s flattery.

At the same time, he somewhat looked down on Wang Mang in his heart.

Although Wang Mang’s strength has greatly increased, he has a certain sense of threat to him.

However, Wang Mang’s character was very disdainful and looked down upon him.

In addition, Wang Mang gave him the feeling that he is afraid of hardship and covetousness and fear of death.

If Wang Mang didn’t please him, he might still treat each other sternly.

But Wang Mang was also a strong man anyway.

But it still looks like a dog leg.

This kind of person Xiang Yu is obviously not appreciated.

The senses that were good for Wang Mang also disappeared.

Therefore, Xiang Yu smiled indifferently and waved his hand:

“If the fellow daoist is all right, let’s leave first!”

“The king also tidy up this Nanyun province and build the king’s mansion!”

At this moment, Wang Mang naturally heard that Xiang Yu’s voice was a little impatient.

Although Wang Mang was also embarrassed in his heart, he still bite the bullet and smiled:

“In that case, why not disturb fellow daoist.”

After speaking, Wang Mang left with his men.

However, Wang Mang was still a little angry.

Paralyzed, what is going on with this feather?

Daddy didn’t offend him!

How did the attitude become so fast?

Turning your face turned too fast, right?

to be honest.

Wang Mang was a little confused about Xiang Yu’s character.

But in the same way, he was also very upset with Xiang Yu in his heart.

After all, Wang Mang himself did not get any benefits.

As a result, this guy still didn’t give him a good face for no apparent reason.

In Wang Mang’s heart, it was hard to mention being aggrieved.

“You are still impatient with me?”

“Don’t you disdain me?”

While Wang Mang muttered to himself, his tone was also full of coldness.

At this time, the Black Jiao Emperor on the side cautiously said:

“Master, he probably can’t understand you, so humble and humble!”

Hearing this, before Wang Mang spoke, Shi Huang said angrily: “How do you speak?”

“When did the master stubbornly behave?”

But the speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

After Wang Mang seriously thought about it, it seemed that this was really possible.

Although I can’t figure out the character of the overlord of Western Chu.

But it seems that apart from this reason, there is no other reason!

At the beginning, the Overlord of Western Chu had a pretty good attitude towards him.

But in the end the attitude changed, which seemed to be the reason!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt even more upset.

Paralyzed, let’s slap you up, you look down on me in turn?

If we are stronger than you, will we slap you?

To be honest, Wang Mang felt very speechless about the most probable cause.

More is an indescribable aggrieved!

Wang Mang was actually looked down upon!

Good you Xiang Yu, wait for me!

You better stay out of trouble!

Don’t give the emperor a chance to get into trouble!

Wang Mang secretly gritted his teeth in his heart.

“Okay! Stop it!”

After leaving the sentence, Wang Mang began to lead the emperors on their way in silence.

After another half an hour passed.

Wang Mangcai led the demon emperors back to the site.

After arriving near the Huanshan Reservoir, Wang Mang commanded the Emperor Shi and Hei Jiao:

“From now on, among the five of you, the two of you will be your heads, and listen to the emperor’s orders!”

“In addition, don’t leave the province’s territory at will, and report everything to the emperor!”

Hearing that, the five emperors including Shi Huang and Hei Jiao Huang nodded respectfully one after another:

“Respect the Master’s Decree!”

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction, and then hurried towards his Immortal Cave.

The buffalo demon and tiger demon guarding outside the Immortal Cave respectfully said, “Master Demon Emperor!”

“This emperor has been away for the past two days. It’s Jin. Nothing happened, right?” Wang Mang asked casually.

But to Wang Mang’s surprise, the Buffalo Demon said respectfully:

“Encourage Lord Demon Emperor, after you have left for a day, the people of the Red Empire are looking for you again.”

“And said, let us contact them as soon as you come back.”

What do people from the Red Empire come to do with me again?

Wang Mang muttered in his heart with some doubts.

Although I don’t know why the people from the Red Empire are looking for him.

But Wang Mang nodded and said, “Okay! Go and make arrangements!”

After speaking, Wang Mang turned and entered the Immortal Cave.

Because, I really didn’t get much from going out this time.

Wang Mang was not sure whether he could evolve successfully again.

But if you really want to count it down.

He still has some great gains.

Now he has five demon emperors under his command, not to mention, even after the cataclysm of heaven and earth.

He can also have a helper. It can be said that these five demon emperors are Wang Mang’s greatest gain.

In addition, this battle with Liu Bang.

Let Wang Mang realize that he has the ability to fight against the pseudo-Earthly Celestial powerhouse.

But if you want to defeat the pseudo-Earthly Celestial, or even kill it, it’s still a bit bad!

Therefore, Wang Mang was also prepared this time, digesting all the gains this time.

Maybe if you are lucky, can you really evolve again?

Because now Wang Mang has a very strong idea of ​​becoming stronger!

Especially thinking about it.

Not long ago, I worked for Xiang Yubai.

As a result, people still looked down on him and looked flattering.

Just thinking about it, Wang Mang couldn’t help but gritted his teeth with hatred.

This is simply bullying!

Wait, then! Don’t give me a chance to mess with you!

After cursing a few words secretly in his heart.

Wang Mang said silently in his heart:

“System! Open personal information!”

The next moment, personal information emerges.

Host: Wang Mang.

Species: Six-winged three-headed python (peak).

Dao Xing: 8200 years (Demon Emperor level).

Body shape: 240 meters long, 12 meters wide, and weighs 7.5 million kilograms.

Combat power: bite force of 7.5 million kilograms, speed of 138 kilometers per hour.

Skills: Corrosive and poisonous, steel body, super self-healing, water breathing, bloodthirsty rage killing, ten thousand beast deterrence, Ruyi Scepter becomes smaller.

Supernatural powers: the slave of the king, the soul-controlling seal decision, the rebirth of the king, the destruction of the laser, the destruction of the sea of ​​fire, the immortal frost, the flying sky, the Ruyi Scepter bone spur, the thunder spell, one step into the world.

Space: Information detection, free upgrade chance X1, skill fusion card X1, magic draw chance X1, golden treasure box X1, random draw X1, superb blind box X1, advanced blind box X1, Dragon King’s Qi +500.

Mall: open state.

Lucky value: 99 (good luck).

Evolution value: 19 billion/40 billion.

Current ranking: 48th in the global rankings.

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