Chapter 344 Wang Mang almost cried! Work for someone else for nothing? Didn’t get the slightest benefit?

In an instant!

This True Qi giant palm also blasted on Wang Mang’s huge body.

At the next moment, Wang Mang was hit by this terrifying True Qi giant palm and flew out.

Because, in order to force Liu Bang to stay, Wang Mang completely took over Liu Bang’s great palm!

Fake Earthly Celestial class powerhouse, the attack is not so good.

With just this True Qi giant palm, Wang Mang’s body seemed to burst, and it was extremely painful!

The aftermath of this True Qi giant palm also changed the sky.

at the same time!

The giant sword that followed behind him was also slashed on Wang Mang’s body.

Even if it was Wang Mang’s firm willpower, Wang Mang couldn’t help but let out a painful scream.

The moment when the white Sword Ray passed. A huge snake-headed body on Wang Mang’s left, along with fleshy wings on his left, was chopped off.

The blood is even more sprinkled in the sky!

Similarly, Wang Mang’s body was teetering in the air!

Seeing this scene, the demon emperor’s subordinates who watched the battle in the distance changed their expressions and exclaimed, “Master!”

If it weren’t for the difference in strength, they would have come up to help.

Fortunately, they were relieved that the giant sword also disappeared.

As if the power of the previous sword has all been exhausted!

At the same time, Wang Mang couldn’t hold on anymore, he just felt his head very dizzy.

The next moment, Wang Mang fell powerlessly from the sky, and finally crashed on the ground.

at the same time.

When Wang Mang saw that Scarlet had already caught up with Liu Bang, Wang Mang was even more relieved.

I saw a blood-colored black giant halberd burst out of this blood-colored mist.

The direction of the attack was exactly where Liu Bang turned into an ice sculpture in the air!

The next moment, Wang Mang saw it, when the giant halberd was about to shoot through Liu Bang.

Liu Bang finally broke free from the shackles of Wang Mang’s supernatural powers, but there was nowhere to hide in the face of the huge halberd that burst out.

“No! Don’t!” Liu Bang’s face was full of horror.

He mobilized all the True Qi in his body, trying to resist the roaring dragon breaking through the city!

But it’s too late!


Accompanied by a sound of breaking through the air!

Tianlong broke through the city, and instantly penetrated Liu Bang’s body.

Liu Bang couldn’t help screaming even more, with a big hole in his chest.

Afterwards, Wang Mang saw that Liu Bang’s body was filled with a lot of golden aura.

Not only that, he was already dressed in armor, and Xiang Yu, a tall and magnificent man, had already arrived in front of Liu Bang.

Seeing Liu Bang’s face full of pain, Xiang Yu couldn’t help but laughed: “Liu Bang, Liu Bang! You have today too!”

After finishing speaking, holding Liu Bang’s Tianling Gai with one hand, he saw the golden dragon emperor’s aura spreading all over, and swarmed towards Xiang Yu’s body.

Similarly, Liu Bang’s face was even more painful, and he pleaded in horror:

“Xiang Yu, please let me go! From now on I would like to take your lead!”

Xiang Yu laughed grinningly, and his stern and burly body showed a hideous expression:

“It was you who stole it back then. It should belong to this king. To you shameless person, this king will believe you?”

After speaking, Xiang Yu suddenly slapped Liu Bang’s head.

Then, Wang Mang saw that Liu Bang turned into golden light, all of which was sucked into his mouth by Xiang Yu.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang, who had already recovered most of his injuries, regretted not to mention it.

Paralyzed, this is simply a bargain for Xiang Yu!

Although Xiang Yu made the last shot, he eliminated Liu Bang from the big trouble!

But he didn’t make much profit!

All Liu Bang’s dragon emperor’s aura, even the whole person was eaten by Xiang Yu.

Similarly, Wang Mang could feel Xiang Yu’s aura rising again, becoming even more terrifying.

Especially when I saw that Xiang Yu looked like he was enjoying, his aura became more and more terrifying.

“Hey! I’m paralyzed, this time I lost a lot!”

“Sure enough! Want to kill the fake Earthly Celestial, it’s still a bit worse!”

“If Daoxing is added a few hundred years, it should be enough!”

At this moment, Wang Mang thought very sorry for the pain.

After all, it was the first time he worked for someone else!

The result is that all the benefits are taken up by others.

He didn’t even drink a mouthful of soup!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt very painful!

At this time, Wang Mang saw it, and Xiang Yu had already rushed towards him.

Xiang Yu, who descended from the sky, walked up between the steps of the dragon and tiger, and at the same time smiled lightly at Wang Mang:

“Fellow daoist is really extraordinary.”

“If it weren’t for fellow daoist to restrain Liu Bang from the serious injury.”

“The king needs to waste some effort to kill him.”

Paralyzed, you also know that I was out of force?

Then, why didn’t you give me some benefits just now?

This is clearly what Wang Mang said in his heart.

Because of course, Wang Mang, who didn’t get the benefit, was unhappy in his heart.

But facing Xiang Yu’s flattery, Wang Mang shook his head quickly on the surface:

“It’s not worth mentioning compared to fellow daoist!”

“The strength of fellow daoist, I am afraid that Earthly Celestial is no longer weak!”

Seeing Wang Mang’s humility to please, Xiang Yu nodded with satisfaction and smiled:

“Not far from Earthly Celestial!”

“However, it’s close at hand!”

“After the disaster of heaven and earth, this king is confident to breakthrough Earthly Celestial Realm!”

Speaking of this, Xiang Yu showed a vigorous color, and there was a kind of domineering aura swallowing mountains and rivers in his words.

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang immediately smiled and pleased: “If fellow daoist becomes a neighbor in the future! You have to take care of it!”

Xiang Yu a little unexpectedly cast his eyes to Wang Mang, and said in surprise, “Is the fellow daoist nearby?”

Wang Mang quickly explained: “It’s in the province next door to fellow daoist, prefecture and Guizhou province!”

Hearing this, Xiang Yu nodded in satisfaction.

If he was in Nanyun Province, then he would have to be rough.

Because Xiang Yu has already regarded this place as his own site.

Fortunately, Wang Mang is in the next province, and he doesn’t have much conflict of interest.

Moreover, Wang Mang’s hatred with Liu Bang made him feel good about Wang Mang.

Therefore, Xiang Yu suddenly smiled and nodded:

“Don’t worry, the fellow daoist and the king will not offend the river in the future.”

“This king is not fighting the country, a province is enough!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded repeatedly to please:

“That’s that. If fellow daoist wants a site, I’m afraid no one can compete with fellow daoist except seven Earthly Celestial!”

Just as Wang Mang was flattering again.

The voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the mission! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 5 billion evolution points! 】

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【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the mission! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! 5 billion evolution value! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the Golden Treasure Box X1! 】

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