There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 417 The Angry Wang Mang, Mission Choice! Take on the task of sending hundreds of millions of zombies to Dangan Nation! , Piaotian Literature "Our Dangan country, we warmly welcome the flower girl from the Dragon country to join our Dangan country!"

"Our Dangan country is now a world-class empire, backed by Eight-Branched Giant Snake God, and the help of the sires!"

"The people of the Dragon Kingdom can also choose to come to us!"

"Because our Dangan country is the world The most beautiful empire!"

After Tianhuang, the country of Dangan, finished his speech, the picture in front of the TV changed again.

I saw a woman from Long Country who looked like a heavy makeup and happily said to the camera:

"I like Danwan Country very much. I have already joined Danwan Country. I I am very happy here with my black boyfriend."

"I hope that the sisters of the Dragon Kingdom, come here soon! There are no zombies here. Danwan is a very beautiful empire!"

"The Dragon Kingdom is still in chaos. I even heard that there are many sisters of the Dragon Kingdom who have been reduced to goods. It is better to come to the Dangan Kingdom. This is the most beautiful paradise."


After that, the screen of the TV changed again.

Another young woman who looks like a dragon country, said with a happy smile on her face:

"I'm very fortunate that I have been studying in Danwan Country before the zombies came."

"Although the world has encountered disasters unfortunately, I live very well in Danwan Country. I have married my husband in Danwan Country and have a very happy life."

" I hope that more sisters from the Dragon Kingdom can see, and quickly escape from the Dragon Kingdom! Come to this beautiful Dangan country!"

After that, the TV footage changed again.

It is the face of a dragon country woman again.

She was holding a dark-skinned child with a happy face, said with a slight smile: "Sisters, come to Dangan Country! Coming here is the real escape from Sea of ​​Bitterness."


"I heard that many sisters are so miserable in Long Nation, and they feel extremely sympathetic."

"Sisters, come on boldly! Come on in Dangan Nation. I will be oppressed any more."

"Sisters, look at me, now I have settled here with my black husband. With a child, I have a very happy life..."

When I saw this, Father Wang was flustered and exasperated and beat the TV to a pulp, and scolded angrily:

"These damn choppy, fawning dog stuff , I'm so angry!"

"Is the sun in a foreign country better than the dragon country!?"

In the previous scene, Wang Mang naturally saw it.

However, Wang Mang is not angry.

Because, at all times, there are such people.

Even when it was once a prosperous society.

Wang Mang has been in Dongguang Province, Haihai Province and these prosperous metropolises more than once.

When I see many women from the Dragon Kingdom, I always like to go to foreign countries, especially black people.

At that time, Wang Mang was very despised in his heart, even disgusted with such women.

Even Wang Mang at that time, there was a kind of inexplicable angry youth, and they could not wait to see one strangled to death.

I saw a lot later, and I gradually relieved.

Because Wang Mang knows that there is no shortage of traitors and miserable wretch in any era.

Some people are too servile by nature.

They always feel that foreign countries are better than their own countries.

At this moment, Wang Mang's mind suddenly sounded the voice of system:

[Ding! Detected that the host is currently extremely angry, and gave the host the following task choices! ]

[Task first: Facing the arrogant and proud projectile country and some miserable wretch, choose to ignore it! ]

[Task time: Choose to get it. ]

[Task reward: 10 billion evolution value! Intermediate blind box X1! 】


[Task 2: Facing the arrogant and proud Danban country and some miserable wretch, choose to punish the Danban country! ]

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. ]

[Task reward: 20 billion evolutionary value! Intermediate blind box X1! 】


[Task 3: Facing the arrogant and proud projectile country and some miserable wretch, choose to destroy the projectile country! ]

[Task reward: you can get it after you complete it. ]

[Task reward: 100 billion evolutionary value! top grade blind box X1! Diamond Treasure Box X1! 】


[Task 4: Facing the arrogant and proud Dangan country and some miserable wretch, let the Dangan country extreme joy turns to sorrow, and send it to the projectile country. Less than 50 million zombies! ]

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. ]

[Task reward: 180 billion evolution value! top grade blind box X2! Diamond Treasure Box X2! 】


[Task Fifth: Facing the arrogant Dangan State and certain miserable wretch, let Dangan State extreme joy turns to sorrow, and sue Dangan State. Less than 100 million zombies! ]

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. ]

[Task Reward: Free Evolution Opportunity X2! top grade blind box X2! Diamond Treasure Box X2! random lottery X1! ]


After listening to the task’s voice.

Wang Mang was stunned.

He didn't expect, and the system actually has a corresponding task!

It seems that I am unhappy, and system has also felt it!

Otherwise, there will be no such task.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but sneered.

Wang Mang has almost no need to consider, he has already made a choice.

Then, Wang Mang muttered silently in the heart: "system! Choose mission fourth!"

Next moment, the voice of system also sounded:

[Ding! The host successfully selected the task! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get rewards! ]

After listening to the voice of system.

Wang Mang turned into a human form, looking at his still angry father, he was immediately comforted:

"Okay! Dad, why should he be someone who is not worthy? Are you angry?"

Hearing this, Father Wang was sitting on the sofa so angry. Then he turned his head and saw Wang Mang, and said helplessly:

"Mang! You! Here comes!"

"Mang! You didn't see that these people are too fond of foreigners! Seriously crime deserving ten thousand deaths!"

"I've been the best in my life What I hate is people who worship foreigners and foreigners and little devils!"

"In addition, what I hate most is racism and man!"

Seeing his angry look .

Wang Mang was suddenly speechless.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from outside the castle.

Wang Mang looked up and saw a middle-aged man walk in.

He straightened his chest, his face was solemn, and his tone was respectful:

"Report to the leader! Subordinates have something to report!"

Hearing this, the old man looked up After seeing him, his face was dark and gloomy:

"Let’s talk! What happened again?"

After hesitating, the middle-aged man said in a low voice: "Report to the leader."

"Among the people under our control, there are a small number of stubborn troublemakers."

"They have been making trouble, and they asked us to send people to the base. Send them to Danban Country..."

"Also, if we don’t send them to Danban Country, they will keep fighting..."


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