There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 416, the first empire to clean up the zombies? proud of one's success? Use population in exchange for help? ,Piaotian Literature "python brother!"

"python brother!"

next moment.

Dog Emperor and Dog Bear Emperor yelled almost in unison.

Afterwards, Dog Emperor and Dog Bear Emperor glared at each other.

Then, both sides immediately yelled at them.

Dog Emperor contorts one's face in agony angrily roared: "You fucking shout! I and python brother are good friends!"

Dog Bear Emperor not to be outdone "Fart! My python and my brother are childhood sweethearts, brothers!"

The Dog Emperor scolded angrily: "talk nonsense! My python is my brother! He and I are brothers and sisters!"

The dog Bear Emperor said with a sneer: "Shameless! My python and I are in adversity and shared joy and suffering!"

Seeing the two swearing, wishing to kill each other.

Wang Mang was stunned.

Especially when I heard this guy, I took a bite of a brother.

To be honest, Wang Mang was almost moved by them.

It’s just that Wang Mang is a little confused.

When did he meet the Dog Emperor?

When did he bear Emperor childhood sweethearts with the dog?

Good fellow!

Wang Mang was almost moved by them.

He didn't expect that he had such a deep relationship with these two guys.

The top secret is the turn of the eight prayers and childhood sweethearts again.

At the same time, I saw the two kneeling and licking like this, and they had a relationship with Wang Mang.

Fox Emperor immediately rolled his eyes indifferently, and left directly.

Seeing this scene, the Dog Emperor and the dog Bear Emperor who were arguing and arguing were all dumbfounded.

"Okay! Do you dare to ruin my lifelong major event, I will fight with you!" Dog Emperor roared said.

"Fart! The Fox Emperor clearly fell in love with me, you are a dog, can he see you?" The dog Bear Emperor said with a sneer.

Then, the two fought again. Not only that, but in a desperate posture, Wang Mang was stunned.

"Oh! These two guys have fallen! They actually fought for the Fox Emperor!"

Wang Mang, who was watching the battle in the distance, shook his head secretly, wondering why these two guys did it. Out of fighting spirit?

Is cultivation not fragrant?

Isn’t it good to improve your strength?

His Wang Mang will not be influenced by women!

Because Wang Mang has always believed in one sentence!

There is no woman in my heart, so I can draw a sword!

Women will only affect the speed at which he draws the sword!

Women will only affect how fast he becomes stronger!

Because of this, Wang Mang hypocritically persuaded him for a few words.

Seeing that the two sides actually ignore him, he was completely red-eyed.

Wang Mang shook his head secretly in his heart, and then left.

As for the stop?

Wang Mang doesn't get rid of it.

The relationship between this guy and him is indeed a bit complicated.

If you say you are a friend, you can also be regarded as a friend. If you say you are a foe, it is not.

In half an hour.

Wang Mang has successfully arrived in the city.

It’s just that Wang Mang has a headache.

How should he find out, this zombie Imperial Family king?

After all, he doesn't know who the Emperor of the Zombie Imperial Family is!

Unless this zombie Imperial Family king, organized a large number of zombies.

The problem is that there is no situation where zombies are controlled in large numbers.

Therefore, if Wang Mang wants to find the Emperor of the Imperial Family of the zombies, he has only two choices.

The first is to wait for the rabbit, or look for a needle in a haystack.

The second is to find a zombie girl.

Because the zombie girl is also the Imperial Family of the zombie.

She should have a way to find the Emperor of the Zombie Imperial Family.

But the problem is that it is not easy for Wang Mang to find a zombie girl.

After all, neither party left any special contact information at the time.

In desperation, Wang Mang had no choice but to sit back and wait.

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang moved towards Yizun City and flew away.

What surprised Wang Mang.

When he came to Yizun City.

There are no zombies in the dilapidated city here.

Oh, I can't say that there are no zombies.

Rather, half of the huge city has been cleared out!

There are no zombies in half of the city, and there are still demons and ghosts in the other half of the city.

Wang Mang was also very surprised by this.

He didn't expect Dad to have cleared out half of the city in just over half a month.

Moreover, some order has been restored in the half of the city that was cleared out.

Wang Mang can even see that there are many orderly troops.

We are cleaning up the scarred and broken arm corpses in the city, as well as rubbish in the ruins.

Similarly, there is also a famine team with more or less numbers.

They are now wandering around searching for supplies in buildings in the city.

It can be said that a city is completely two Heaven and Earth.

At the junction of the zombies and the cleared city, a thick wall was piled up.

This thick wall is very high. It is made up of a large number of abandoned cars and huge boulders, and it is more than 20 meters high.

This is like separating the city in two sections, isolating the zombies on the other side.

This also made Wang Mang secretly nodded, the daddy's ability is beyond doubt!

Then, Wang Mang began to accelerate his flight.

In a few minutes.

Wang Mang came to the old man’s armed base.

What can surprise Wang Mang is that the simple armed base set up by the old man is now completely new.

A thick steel wall surrounds the vast and huge base, rising from the ground to protect the armed base.

Compared with the incomparably crude picture before, it is simply the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Moreover, on the steel fence, there are many guards of the army, constantly monitoring every move outside the armed base.

Because, outside of the armed base, there are many people who seem to be in trouble.

They built many simple wood houses, or stone houses, or cave houses.

At a glance, the number of people is very large, there are tens of thousands of people.

They seem to have gradually become accustomed to the current life.

Because they only feel safer if they live near an armed base.

After two sighs, Wang Mang turned into a flying bird and soon came to the armed base.

Similarly, Wang Mang was also outside an armed fortress. From a distance, I heard the flustered and exasperated voice of the father:

"These damn little bastard! It is simply bully intolerably!"

Next moment, Wang Mang flew directly into the armed fortress.

I saw that the old man in the vast armed fortress was watching TV in the lobby.

On TV, the status quo of Dangan Country is broadcast.

A moustache man dressed like the emperor of Dangan.

At this moment, he is facing the camera with a high-spirited and vigorous face, proudly saying:

"Hello friends of the world."

" I am the contemporary emperor of the Dangan country!"

"Our Dangan country is the greatest sacred empire in the world!"

"We only spent half a month in The domestic zombies have been cleaned up!"

"We are also the first Great Empire in the world to clean up zombies!"

"But our great bullet country is very Friendly."

"We can provide the greatest help to neighboring countries!"

"Especially the Dragon Kingdom, we need the help of the bullet country very much!"

"Our great projectile country can provide you with arms and food help."

"But you have to get a lot of dripping girls! Or people to exchange with us!"

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