There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah the latest chapter, Chapter 407 is completely flustered and exasperated! Hurt each other! Use random powerhouse summon cards! Obviously , Piaotian Literature .

Wang Mang knows that by virtue of his own strength.

He can't kill this landlord anymore.

Therefore, Wang Mang has decided to cast a random powerhouse summon card!

There is no reason.

To kill Lord Land, he really can only come out of the summon powerhouse.

As for the fragrance of love?

This thing has a fart!

At best, it's all to help him delay time.

Maybe the old man loses his mind and becomes a Teddy in estrus.

Therefore, this thing may be able to get rid of the old landlord, but it is not enough to kill him.

As for the powerhouse from summon, is it good or bad?

Wang Mang is too lazy to bother!

Anyway, now he hasn't aspired to Earth.

Moreover, Earth is getting messy.

One more powerhouse is not much, one less powerhouse is not much!

One more powerhouse appears, just one more powerhouse!

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang glanced fiercely, and the three Earth Immortal and Earth Immortal who had caught up.

After that, Wang Mang continued to display his divine ability and began to flee frantically.

At the same time, Wang Mang also muttered silently in the heart:

"System! Use random powerhouse summon cards!"

Next moment, the voice of system follows It sounds:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Use random powerhouse summon cards successfully! ]

[Ding! Please choose the following two for the host, don’t want summon’s goal! ]

[Goal One: Great Saint of Hell. ]

[Strength: Unknown. ]

[Character: temperamental. ]

[Origin: unknown. ]


[Target two: Fahai. ]

[Strength: Unknown. ]

[Character: Unknown. ]

[Origin: unknown. ]


[Objective 3: Demon Venerable Rebuilding. ]

[Strength: Unknown. ]

[Character: Unknown. ]

[Origin: unknown. 】


[Goal Four: Bodhi Sect Founder. ]

[Strength: Unknown. ]

[Character: Unknown. ]

[Origin: Myth Great Thousand Worlds. 】


[Goal Five: Abyss Lord. ]

[Strength: Unknown. ]

[Character: Unknown. ]

[Origin: Great Thousand Worlds. ]


[Objective 6: The Black King. ]

[Strength: Unknown. ]

[Character: Unknown. ]

[Origin: Great World of Fantasy. ]


[Goal Seven: Random. ]

[Strength: Unknown. ]

[Character: Unknown. ]

[Origin: unknown. 】


After reading these six places.

Wang Mang suddenly fell into hesitation.

These six places are summon goals, both strong and weak!

However, in Wang Mang's view.

These six summon goals are all a bit strong!

It can even be said that the cowhide has exploded!

However, Wang Mang doesn't really want the powerhouse that is too strong to appear.

He only needs to be able to help him and solve the problem of the landlord.

Therefore, Wang Mang will soon have two goals that don't want summon.

Then, Wang Mang muttered silently in the heart: "system! Exclude Goal Four! Goal Five!"

Next moment, the voice of system also sounded:

[Ding! The host successfully chooses to exclude two people and does not want summon's goal! ]

[Ding! is starting summon...]

[Reminder 1: The target appears within half an hour! ]

[Reminder 2: The summon target is a real summon, not a random powerhouse projection! 】


After listening to the voice of system.

Wang Mang is in a good mood.

The reason why he chose to exclude Goal Four and Goal Five.

Mainly because the Sect Founder is too strong, let alone Abyss Lord.

If these two powerhouses are allowed to appear here, it is estimated that a casual battle will be enough to defeat Earth!

Therefore, Wang Mang directly chose to exclude the two most powerful targets.


I don't know what kind of powerhouse will be summon this time.

I hope summon can produce a powerhouse with a better personality!

At this moment, after the random powerhouse summon card has been fully used.

Wang Mang can only pray not to summon, that kind of vicious existence.

came back to his senses.

Wang Mang looked at the land man who was still chasing after him.

He couldn't help but sneer to himself.


As soon as you chase, you will run as fast as you can!

Not only that.

Wang Mang also started a romantic marathon with the old man.

Every time I see this guy and want to give up chasing, Wang Mang slows down.

Because Wang Mang has discovered that the speed of this landlord is indeed not slow.

But compared to Wang Mang, it is still a step behind!

Even if the Divine Gong is using the divine ability and his face flushes after chasing, he can still only gnashing teeth behind him with anger.

Because his speed is indeed not bad Wang Mang too much, but the problem is that the other three Earth Immortal are far behind.

So, every time he is provoked by Wang Mang, he gets itchy with anger.

After more than ten minutes of chasing, he still couldn't catch up with Wang Mang. Naturally, he understood that the speed was a little bit behind Wang Mang.

Originally, he was about to give up, but Wang Mang's words were very embarrassing, and even more blatantly scolded him.


At this moment, in a blink of an eye.

Ten minutes have passed.

When he saw the landlord behind him and was about to give up, Wang Mang immediately turned his head to say with a sneer:

"What? Old bastard, it's not working?"

"You are not the uncle me?"

"Come and kill me! Come and come!"

"Come and kill me, didn't you just let me see you? Speed?"

"That's it? That's it? Are you trying to laugh at me?"

"Do you want me to look at you, Old Tortoise, slowly Climb?"

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, the earth’s public was mad, his face turned red, gnashing teeth said:

"Monster Race kid, if you have ability, just like old The man fights!"

"The old man is going to crush you today! The corpse is broken into pieces!"

Wang Mang immediately said with a sneer triumphantly:


"Come on! You old bastard, you're really good at being ruthless."

"If you have the ability, you will frustrate me! I'm still scared!"


After hearing Wang Mang’s words, the old man was so angry that he immediately performed two attacks on Wang Mang with the divine ability,

The two attacks on the divine ability formidable power were extremely terrifying, even making The surrounding rising winds, scudding clouds Heaven and Earth change color.

What makes the old man more flustered and exasperated is that Wang Mang doesn't accept his divine ability at all.

In short, the whole process is hiding.

If he chases, Wang Mang just runs.

He stopped, and Wang Mang also stopped.

Afterwards, Wang Mang will scold a lot of ugly words, and he will be so angry that he has become a smoker.

But the old landlord was also helpless with Wang Mang's rogue behavior!

In such a blink of an eye, it seems that half an hour has passed.

At the same time.

Wang Mang also exhausted his patience.

He has a sordid face, gnashing teeth said:

"Scumbag! Don't let the old man seize the opportunity in the future!"

"Otherwise I will definitely want you The corpse will be broken into pieces, and you will be skinned, bloody, and deboned!"

After that, the landlord is ready to take people away.

But just at this moment, in the sky, there were bursts of muffled noises.

Something seems to be coming out of the sky...

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