There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah the latest chapter, Chapter 406 Wang Mang is stupefied! The cunning Lord of the Land was chased and beaten? Piaotian Literature heard Wang Mang’s grief and indignation.

The landlord, who was going to do it, was taken aback.

Seeing that Wang Mang looks like a liar, Duke Di is browsing frowned.

Is his perception wrong?

In his perception, Duke Duke clearly felt a threat.

Moreover, the source of this threat comes from Wang Mang.

Because of this, he will shoot Wang Mang without the slightest hesitation.

Because his perception has never been wrong.

It is a pity that there is no sneak attack.

However, seeing Wang Mang is not like a fake.

The face of the landlord eased, and he slightly said with a slight smile: "so that's how it is."

"python Fellow Daoist is offended!"

"The old man just vaguely felt that Fellow Daoist was hostile to the old man."

"So, this is the reason to try it out."

Hear the words of the old man .

Wang Mang's heart is not to mention too much anger.

This is a shot.

Is it still a temptation now?


If he had been a little careless before, I am afraid he would have been defeated by the old landlord’s sneak attack.

Of course, although he was angry, Wang Mang did not show it.

Because, right now is not the time to shoot.

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang just realized it:

"Lord Landlord, but you have wronged me!"

" How dare I be hostile to the landlord!"

The landlord laughed and said:

"Which is the old man abruptly."

"However, Fellow Daoist Since it’s here."

"Why don't you help the old man and deal with this bear?"

"When the bear is resolved, the old man will treat it as a drink and give it to Fellow Daoist apologizes."

After hearing the words of Lord Land, Wang Mang almost couldn't hold back his yelling.

This dog is a good calculation.

Although I don’t know Duke Di, why do I feel that I will be disadvantageous to him.

But now I let myself take action to help solve this bear Earth Immortal?

The strength of this bear Earth Immortal is not weak!

In Wang Mang's view, it is not much worse than the old land man.

Of course, Wang Mang won't be afraid if he goes alone.

But the problem is that he came to kill the landlord!

He doesn't want to help Lord Earth!

I even want to kill the earth.

However, the land public now has a helper.

Wang Mang is worried about him after fighting with the landlord.

If this landlord is invincible, immediately let the other three Earth Immortal help.

Although the other three Earth Immortal, although they just became Earth Immortal not long ago.

However, Earth Immortal is Earth Immortal. There is a gap in strength, but it will not reach the point of crushing.

Especially when the gap is not big, it is even more impossible to achieve crushing.

However, Wang Mang has just become Earth Immortal not long after that's all.

If one against four, Wang Mang must have no confidence at all.

As for helping the landlord, this is even more impossible!


If after dealing with the bear, the landlord turns around to clean him up again.

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang suddenly smiled and refused and said: "The land is really not good! I am young and I still have important things to do."

" If it’s okay, the little one is willing to wish the old man a hand."

But Wang Mang tone barely fell, and he saw the distance, that Monster Race powerhouse, suddenly fled to the distance, very fast Fast.

Not only that, but the three Earth Immortal powerhouses of Lord Land Lord, after hesitating for a while, did not choose to pursue them.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly thought badly secretly.

After this Monster Race bear left, the situation he faced was not very good.

Sure enough, when I saw this Monster Race bear leaving.

Wang Mang immediately discovered that the attitude of the landlord had also quietly changed.

I was still enthusiastic about his smiling face before, but now his gaze has become extremely cold.

Wang Mang immediately said with a smile: "Duke Di, look at the previous Monster Race bears and retreat."

"I won't bother Duke Di My lord."

After speaking, Wang Mang was about to leave.

But the landlord stood in front of him and said with a smile: "In this case, you can invite Fellow Daoist to be a guest at the old man mansion."

Without even wanting to let go of the Lord of the Land he had left, and the three other Earth Immortal that came up, Wang Mang's heart sank to the bottom.

Wang Mang no longer concealed it, and said in a gloomy tone: "Duke Di, what do you mean?"

hearing this, Di Gong said with a sneer:

"Don't you know that you really are the landlord? Want to kill the old man?"

"When you show up, the old man has a hunch."

"Now you are all here! The old man will do you!"

The tone barely fell, the earth public hand is a giant palm patted Wang Mang.

This horrible giant palm does not contain True Qi, but the imposing and overbearing Immortal Qi, condensed.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly became furious, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and also displayed his divine ability!

Destroy the fire sea!

hong long long!

Accompanied by a loud noise came out.

This terrifying Immortal Qi five-finger giant palm went through the ruined fire sea and was photographed unabatedly moved towards Wang Mang.

Wang Mang swung his huge body quickly and avoided easily.


This terrifying five-finger giant palm also took advantage of the opportunity to blast a mountain in the distance, blasting debris and flying away, the mountain collapsed, and smoke billowed.

formidable power obvious at a glance, it can be described as terrifying!


On the other side.

Wang Mang’s destruction of fire sea.

Also like Meteor Blazing Praire.

The all around mountain range jungle will burn at one point and instantly turn into a raging flame.

Of course.

This also did not hurt the old man.

Next moment, the old land public moved towards Wang Mang with a grinning grin: "Start!"

Tone barely fell, the many powerhouses that vaguely surround Wang Mang in three directions respectively They all swarmed up.

Upon seeing this scene, Wang Mang almost directly bullshitting.

Seeing these three Divine Ability from Earth Immortal, Wang Mang rose to the sky without the slightest hesitation.

He didn't want to fight these three Earth Immortal, let the old landlord give him a blow at any time.

But as soon as Wang Mang soared into the sky, the landlord burst into the sky in an instant.

At the same time he rushed towards Wang Mang, Immortal Qi instantly condensed into a giant hand and grabbed it towards Wang Mang.

"Too much deception!"

Wang Mang was furious and cast a thunder spell directly.

The thunder between the two corners instantly condenses and whizzes out.

hong long long!

After a loud noise.

The thunder Thunder Dragon collided with the giant palm in an instant, bursting with rumbling sound.

This terrifying aftermath made the nearby Heaven and Earth become discolored and swept like a storm.

Next moment, Wang Mang instantly transforms into a huge eight-winged three-headed python, its final form.

Seeing these three Earth Immortal, once again used the divine ability to attack him, and the old landlord approaching again.

Wang Mang opened three bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl at the same time, and displayed four divine ability!

The thunder spell!

Eternal Frost!

Destroy the fire sea!

Destroy the laser!

These four divine abilities swiftly fired at the three Earth Immortal and the old landlord who rushed forward!

This also quickly blocked the three Earth Immortal and the old landlord who rushed over.

Loud noises broke out!

At the same time, after Wang Mang used the divine ability, he withdrew and retreated wildly, standing proudly in the sky.

But when he saw the indifferent face of the land, he caught up with him again.

Wang Mang was suddenly angrily roared:

"Duke Di, don't bully intolerably!"

Hearing this, Di Gong suddenly said with a malicious smile:

"Do you think your speed is fast enough?"

"Look at the speed of the old man?"

After that, the old man The speed skyrocketed instantly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was shocked and instantly displayed his divine ability.

What can shock Wang Mang is that even after he casts the divine ability.

The speed of this old landlord can also follow him closely.

Just a moment of effort.

They have already crossed thousands of miles and are still catching up.

Wang Mang, who was surprised and angry, suddenly felt ruthless. The secretly thought of gnashing teeth:


I didn't want to use this thing.

But you must court death!

Then uncle I will fulfill you!

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