There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the newest chapter, Chapter 144, with the darkest pot, and the most venomous beating? ,Piaotian Literature Is this the legendary... special fate?

Wang Mang is also a little speechless.

Want to stand up and ignore it!

But Wang Mang thought about it and decided to help.

After all, not long ago, I only saw other people's ass.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang slowly approached.

This time.

The wretched man who was pulling his sister in excitement suddenly felt something was wrong.

How did the fluctuations in the waters become turbulent?

Under doubt, the wretched man looked back, almost not scared to death.

I saw that in the water more than ten meters away, a super huge monster was watching him indifferently. m.

This was so scared, the wretched man subconsciously let go of his hand.

At the same time.

The girl who was struggling with horror suddenly felt the hands holding her feet loose in the water.

She hurriedly climbed onto the shore in embarrassment, and then she looked at the water palely with her pretty face.

She could clearly feel that something was really catching her in the water.

Moreover, the thing that grabbed her, I tried desperately to drag her into the water.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

She was almost gone.

This is the first time she has encountered this situation.

Obviously, he was preparing to fish a nest at the water's edge.

As a result, she was pulled down by something as soon as she touched the water.

Now that I think about it, I still feel lingering in my heart!

This must be a water ghost!

Thinking of this, Xiao Su packed up in horror and ran away.

Furthermore, she swears that she will never go fishing in unfamiliar rivers at will.

It can be said that this experience will definitely make her unforgettable all her life.

At the same time.

Under the water.

Wang Mang looked at this translucent wretched male water ghost, and said indifferently: "Are you a water ghost?"

"The little...the small one is a water ghost." The wretched male panicked. Looked at Wang Mang nodded.

Secretly satisfied with nodded Wang Mang, righteously shouted: "Then why are you harming others?"

I heard this. The wretched man was speechless.

I'm a water ghost!

Isn’t it right that water ghosts harm people?

Of course, he dare not talk to Wang Mang like that.

In desperation, the wretched man said bitterly: "Great King, you don't know anything!"

"We water ghosts also have difficulties with water ghosts! Become a lone soul water After the ghost, you have to work too!"

"If the little one fails to complete the performance every month, Ghost King will not let us go!"

" The harm is also compelled by circumstances! Otherwise, you can't reincarnate, who still has the mind to harm others!" After listening to the wretched man, Wang Mang suddenly became surprised and asked, "You guys. Ghosts still have performance?"

The wretched man helpless nodded and said: "Yes! Quantitative completion, if it is not completed, Ghost King will not let us go."

Listen At this point, Wang Mang was shocked.

This is the first time he heard that the water ghost also has to complete the performance?

However, after Wang Mang thought about it, he understood the point of the matter.

These water ghosts are estimated to be under the jurisdiction of a Ghost King just like the little demon.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly said curiously: "How many Ghost Kings are there in this province?"

"I don't know! Our Great King is nicknamed: Ninth World wraith ."

"But I heard from Great King that he has four enemies in this province."

said the wretched man Honest and Timid.

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly realized, and then he was satisfied nodded and said "Okay, do you know if you want to be equal between men and women in the future? You can't specifically harm girls!"

"Now the balance between men and women is out of balance No, you can’t bully your wife if you finish your performance!"

After hearing Wang Mang’s lesson, the wretched man was speechless, but the little chicken pecked rice nodded: "You must remember the words of the Great King."

Wang Mang left with satisfaction.

However, on the way back, Wang Mang started to fight ghosts.

In Wang Mang's view, ghosts are easy to hide, and the methods are weird. You have to find a way to catch some of them and give them to the old man!

It's just that this wretched male water ghost is obviously very average, and Wang Mang didn't like him.

Two hours later.

Wang Mang successfully returned to the vicinity of his reservoir.

When we came to the shore of the reservoir, there were still many people on the shore.

However, no one noticed that Wang Mang has turned into a mini python.

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang returned to the lair with satisfaction.

The lair is still the same, but after seeing Wang Mang, Flathead hurriedly came up to say hello.

Obviously after possessing wisdom, this flat-headed man also knows how far away from Wang Mang is.

Fortunately, now he only needs to rest assured that Wang Mang is optimistic about the lair, just make a pendant!

Wang Mang left with satisfaction after seeing everything in the nest and nothing happened.

This time Wang Mang is going to grab a few Great Demons for himself to travel.

After all, he is now a powerful Monster King!

In any case, you have to grab a few great Demons to serve him!

Like the monster King the black bear, Great Demon can also be used as a mount when going out.

However, Wang Mang didn't know it was.

It's on the other side at the moment.

In a hidden cave.

The black bear Monster King high-spirited and vigorous looked at the Fleeceflower Root in his hand, and couldn't help but feel the urge to laugh.

It took him a while to finally get rid of these Monster Kings.

Although I know these Monster Kings, I won't let it go, and it is very possible to wait for him on his territory.

But once the black bear Monster King is not worried, when he eats the black bear Fleeceflower Root King, will he still be afraid of these Monster Kings?

You should know that he himself has been cultivation for 3,600 years. Once he eats Fleeceflower Root, his strength will skyrocket!

Thinking of this, the excited black bear Monster King immediately threw the Fleeceflower Root King into his mouth.

After that, Monster King, the black bear, closed his eyes and chewed with an enjoyment.

After chewing for a long time, Monster King, the black bear, suddenly looked a little hard to look.

He spit out the Fleeceflower Root king, his face was puzzled: "What the hell is going on?"

"Why is the Fleeceflower Root king, there is a fragrance of medicine in nothing but no effect? ?"

"Does it have to be swallowed directly?"

Thinking of this, the black bear Monster King swallowed the Fleeceflower Root King into his stomach.

But he waited for a long time, and there was still no change.

I have not experienced the medicine efficacy of the Fleeceflower Root King.

And, over time.

Black bear Monster King's face is getting harder to look.

In the end, Monster King, the black bear that seemed to think of something, twisted his face and roared:

"Ah! Bully intolerably! Python Monster King, I...I drafted the uncle!"

The Black Bear Monster King is a wily old fox. I have guessed that there is a problem with the Fleeceflower Root King!

Thinking of running away with the fake Fleeceflower Root King, I have to go to great lengths to get rid of a lot of Monster Kings.

In the end, this was the result. The black bear Monster King was trembling with anger.

"Ah! You damn bastard, I treat you like a brother, but you treat me like this!"

Under flustered and exasperated, the Black Bear Monster King went completely away.

He quickly left the cave and killed him angrily.

But when he returned to the province, the Monster Kings who had been waiting for a long time just happened to be blocked.

At this moment, the giant elephant king, Stone Monster King, tortoise Monster King, tiger Monster King, fox Monster King, and six Monster Kings have surrounded the black bear Monster King.

"Hand over the Fleeceflower Root King!"

"Black Bear Monster King, don't force us to do it."

At this moment, the six Monster Kings look coldly. With Black Bear Monster King.

Hearing the words of a crowd of Monster Kings, the black bear Monster King almost cried: "Everyone, I really didn't get the Fleeceflower Root King!"

"We are all I was deceived by the Python Monster King! He threw a fake Fleeceflower Root King to me, and he has really taken him away!"

Upon hearing the words of the black bear Monster King, all Monster King sneered. Get up, obviously not convinced at all.

The Giant Elephant King said indifferently: "Then you hand over the fake Fleeceflower Root King, we will know at a glance!"

Hearing this, Black Bear Monster King, Almost aggrieved and almost cried.

He has eaten the fakes, how can they hand it over!

Until this moment, Monster King, the black bear, understood what is hard to argue with!

Therefore, the black bear Monster King also knows that he can't get rid of this pot!

Thinking that I didn't get the slightest benefit, now I not only have to take the blame, but also suffer the most venomous beating!

Black bear Monster King was so wronged that he almost cried on the spot with his headache.

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